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Sunghoon let out a small laugh as he stepped into the guestroom, while adjusting his leatherjacket around his shoulders. 

"Tell me... why are you reading?" he chuckled quietly, noticing how I sat on the floor, fighting my way through a bunch of old magazines I had found laying around.

"Being dyslexic is apparently just an excuse for being lazy," I murmured with a small frown as I flipped another page.

"And you're on what?" Sunghoon chuckled once more as he walked closer to me, "page 7 and you've been reading for how long?"

"Uh... ever since dinner," I shrugged casually.

"Jiyeon... that's two hours ago... you've only read seven pages in two hours?" he questioned and I looked up at him.

"The other pages didn't have that many pictures," I quietly excused.

"Okay... well... have fun. I'm going on a date with Soomin," he excused with a small smile and I immediately sat up properly.

"Where?" I eagerly questioned.

"We have this cliff we like to drive out to, to watch the stars," he excused with a shrug, "if you're lucky, she's brought Jungwon with her so you two can have... well.... a stay at home date I suppose."

"I don't thnik so... I think he's studying tonight," I calmly shook my head in return.

"On a Saturday evening?" Sunghoon questioned in shock and I simply nodded.

"He doesn't quite grasp the idea of a weekend yet," I chuckled quietly, "you know... we've been used to just have something scheduled everyday... and then every once in a while those schedules would change."

"Awe... you're gonna have to stop talking of your past unless you want me to get a depression," he reminded and zipped his jacket halfway up, "I'm gonna go, Soomin is here any moment. Don't break anything, enjoy yourself."

I happily nodded as he left the room to rush down the stairs. A small huff escaped me as he forgot to close the door to my room. 

Once I had gotten up to actually close my door I had decided I would need some snacks if I was to continue and do my best attempt at reading through those magazines. Downstairs I rushed into the kitchen and looked at the fruit bowl.

Just outside the window I could see how Sunghoon and Soomin got into his car before driving off. A small smile rested on my face until I noticed a peculiar black car following them. I swore I had seen those cars before....

Back when... I was in the trials...

I quickly smacked the fridge close before rushing towards the fronthall, pulling on my boots. I knew I couldn't catch up with the cars if they drove off, but I knew someone who could.

"Where you going Yeji-ah?" Sunghoon's mom called out and I froze in my spot before looking towards the door.

"Uh... Sunghoon forgot the flower for Soomin," I quickly excused and rushed out of the door.

I know I had went out without a jacket, which is the worst idea to do in the month of December. But it was an emergency, so it was justified.

I didn't know where Heeseung lived, but I knew the way to Jake's place and he must know. I was lucky that there wasn't that long between where Jake and Sunghoon lived. I was only panting lightly when I had stopped outside of Jake's house and eagerly nodded on the door.

"Jiyeon...?" Jake frowned as he had opened the door and looked at me, "are you alright? Did you run here?"

"Where... does Heeseung live?" I panted calmly and he only frowned, "I need Emiko or Riki... right now."

"What?" Jake just frowned at me.

"Emiko... or Riki... I don't know where Heeseung lives," I remarked as I eagerly looked over my shoulder, "and the location of whatever cliff Sunghoon and Soomin goes to."

"Are they alright?" Jake immediately widened his eyes.

"They will be if you do as I say," I snapped at him and he hurriedly rushed back inside.

"Emiko is here," Jake called out and soon returned to the door while pushing Emiko in front of him, "she and Lin were doing homework..."

"I need you to take me somewhere," I urgently excused only earning a frown from her, "the car... from the trials. It followed Sunghoon and Soomin to some cliff."

"Deadwater's Cliff," Jake confirmed, "it's down the street that way and to the right, when you reach the forrest take a left turn and you'll be there within minutes."

"Can you carry me there?" I questioned as Emiko already was slipping into her shoes in front of me.

"You better be right about this one Choi Jiyeon," Emiko murmured as she straightened up and turned her back to me.

"I'm always right," I reminded her as I jumped up on her back and shoved my sleeve to the side to check my bracelet.

"I'll be back in a moment," Emiko excused before she stepped out onto the street.

I quickly held tightly onto Emiko's shoulders before I felt the air brush through my hair and watched as the surroundings of the city zoomed by. I quietly whispered the directions to Emiko for her to go the right way.

Straight to Deadwater's Cliff, as a Jake had called it.

We hadn't reached the cliff completely before Emiko had halted her speed and slowly walked up towards the cliff. Crouching down by a bush.

"That surely looks like the car," Emiko whispered and I nodded quietly.

"Can you get me over to Sunghoon's car?" I questioned and she glanced at me before pushing a few branches aside to look at Sunghoon's car.

"They'll notice us," she murmured, "I can't promise you they won't."

"If we hide behind a bush?" I questioned her and she simply stared at me, "right... the bracelet is turned on..."

"We just have to do it fast," Emiko shrugged as she straightened up once again, "don't worry. I got this."

With a zoom we stood beside the car as Emiko flung open the door to the backseat and threw us both in. Closing the door and pressing the lock on the door.

"What in the world are you tw-" Sunghoon loudly started as he turned in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, funny story," I started with a small chuckle, "uhm... some of the lab people sort of followed you here, and I advice you to turn off my bracelet if you two love doves want to get home safely."

Without any word I extended my wrist towards Sunghoon, who simply stared at me in confusion.

"At least turn it off for Soomin's sake," I reminded and nodded towards Soomin, who only looked at me in shock as well.

"I can't fucking believe you," Sunghoon murmured in dismay as he grabbed my wrist and patiently tapped in the code, "like are we actually in danger or did you just need to get the bracelet turned off?"

"You know... I think someone else can answer that for you," Emiko calmly remarked and looked out the back of the car.

"Everyone steps out of the car with their hands above their heads," a loud voice echoed out and Sunghoon widened his eyes as he looked over at Soomin.

"This... is gonna be interesting," I announced and pushed down my sleeve once again, covering my bracelet.

"If we die-" Sunghoon started.

"Relax, you won't die," Emiko sneerede at him, "Yeon-ie and I have got this. You two step out first with your hands over your head. We'll be out in just a moment."

Sunghoon looked at us with dismay as Soomin simply shrugged and stepped out of the car without any problem, holding her hands up above her head.

"If anyone gets killed, you'll be grounded," Sunghoon remarked and I just nodded, waving him out of the car.

With a sulky look on his face Sunghoon stepped out of the car, just like Soomin had. His hands raised up in the air.

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