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In the morning when I had woken up Jungwon didn't lay beside me. The room was completely empty and seemed oddly cold for it to be in the middle of the summer. His pajamas didn't lay in the desk chair like it used to, so I suppose he was still wearing it and most likely still was home.

I quietly got out of the bed and hesitantly stepped out on the hallway. It was completely quiet on the top floor, not a sound came from anywhere.

"Jungwon?" I called out, not getting any answer in return.

The silence that answered me only made me more paranoid than I already was. What if we had somehow lured some lab people after us and now they're just gonna hurt the boys or take them or such in order to get us girls to go back.

"Jungwon?" I questioned once more as I rushed down the stairs, looking around frantically before rushing into the living room that was completely empty, "Jungwon?" I continued feeling myself get more panicked by the second.

"Hey, you alright?" Jungwon's voice spoke and I abruptly turned around and looked towards the kitchen door.

"Oh thank god," I murmured before rushing over and wrapping my arms around him.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he hesitantly asked as he wrapped an arm around me, "you seem out of yourself."

"You were gone when I woke up," I shook my head quietly.

"Ah... it's alright. Nothing happened," he softly assured and pulled away from me, "come on," he urged with a small smile wrapping his hand around mine and tugging me into the kitchen, "look? I'm just making breakfast," he chuckled quietly and pointed towards the stove where a frying pan stood, "Soomin's parents are at work for the day so we won't have to worry about them," he excused and walked back to the pan, stirring slightly in whatever he was making.

"You can cook...?" I frowned slightly as I wandered over and stood beside him.

"Cook and cook," he chuckled before shaking his head, "I've observed through the past few months. I can't cook full meals, but I can feed myself," he clarified, "besides... scrambled eggs isn't terribly hard to make," he excused and I looked up at him, "you don't mind scrambled eggs, do you?"

"No," I muttered and shook my head quietly, frowning slightly as I noticed a thin white line by the edge of his eyebrow, "what's this scar from?" I frowned and softly touched it making him glance down at me.

"Didn't you say Sunghoon found me bleeding?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded quietly at him, "then you know what it's from."

"I'm sorry," I whispered as he turned off the stove and dividided the eggs between two plates before arranging cut fruit on them. Solely filling my plate with orange slices and his own with apple boats. Pineapple rings getting laid on both our plates.

"Why?" he chuckled and carried the plates over to the dining table, grabbing a fork for each of us on the way, "do you want juice? Milk? Water?"

"I'm fine," I shook my head quietly making him frown at me with squinted eyes.

"I'll make you a glass of water. It's getting hotter these days and you need to get enough water," he excused and rushed over to fill a cup with water while I sat down by my plate, "so, do you have anything you want to do now you're back?"

Jungwon softly placed the cup in front of me and I immediately began sipping from it as he sat down beside me and turned to me with an expectant look. His fork immediately going into a pineapple ring.

"I don't know," I muttered with a shrug, "can't we do something with the others?"

"Sunoo will have to reconcile with Riki first," Jungwon shook his head, "and I think Riki needs to get over the shock before that even is a possibility."

"Hmm..." I hummed with a small frown, "but what do other teenagers do in the summer?"

"There's the mall, but we also did that in the winter," he shrugged, "then we could go to a drive in movie in the evening... there's the local pool during the day... or we could go to the arcade."

"We never went out on our date," I pointed out to him and he nodded at me.

"We can go to a drive in tonight then," he assured with a small smile, "I have the schedule somewhere," he frowned and got up from his chair rushing over to look through the drawers while I quietly ate my food, "we'll of course buy snacks before going. I can see you've lost weight again and I suppose you've been living off the usual diet the lab uses."

"They really have taken a liking to asparagus soup," I sneered quietly as Jungwon rushed back and sat in his chair, a lap of paper between his fingers.

"Alright... so tonight they show... Jurassic Park at 9, George of the Jungle at 7 and... The fifth element around 11," he murmured quietly before looking to me with expectation.

"But... what are they about?" I murmured in confusion.

"Oh right," he realized and looked back down at the lap of paper, "George of the Jungle is basically a parody of Tarzan," he excused and I just stared at him, "he's born in the jungle and raised by monkeys, falls in love with an American who passes by the island he lives on. It should be funny from what I know. Jurassic Park is about a guy who makes an amusement park out of bringing dinosaurs back to life and then everything goes wrong. The Fifth Element..." he trailed off with a small frown, "I know Sunoo went to see it in the cinemas with Jake... I'm not quite sure I think they said it was about the future and such."

"Ah..." I nodded quietly, "that sounds boring. You can just look into the future," I waved it off and Jungwon hummed while scratching his neck, glancing down at the paper, "can you not?" I whispered, noticing his change in demeanor.

"I mean... if I try hard enough," he quietly excused before sighing and glancing over at me, "after you girls left none of us really used our skills. It only happened involuntarily and slowly I guess they've just worn off more and more. Riki can't teleport without losing at least half of his body in one place and Sunoo can barely get people to do stuff anymore."

"Oh..." I muttered and he hummed quietly, "and your halluci-whatever it was called?"

"Completely gone," he shook his head making me purse my lips and put my head in my hands as I looked down at the paper, "but it's fine. It's not like my skills were that usefull in comparison to Riki's and Sunoo's."

"Let's watch the George one, I think we need something fun," I pointed to the movie poster on the paper Jungwon was holding.

"Okay," he murmured, "so what do we do until seven?" he chuckled and ruffled a hand through his hair, eventually leaning his head in his hand as he looked over towards me.

"I don't know," I shrugged and looked up at him, realizing he was a lot closer than I thought.

"Permission to kiss you?" he softly questioned making me chuckle at him, "not you kissing me this time."

"Go ahead," I whispered making him smile excitedly.

Slowly he leaned forward and softly kissed my lips, lifting his head from his hand as his and my eyes closed. Despite the kiss being the softest thing I had ever felt, I could still feel how he was smiling softly into the kiss and against my lips. Automatically my lips pulled into a small smile as well, for him. 

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