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A loud slam of a car door was what got me back into reality slowly. I immediately felt the pain once again and I winced as I turned slightly on my left side, immediately rolling back onto my back once again.

A few other loud sounds echoed out before a gush of cold wind blew against my body and I shivered slightly. Wanting to curl up into a small ball to keep my warmth, but that would be too painful for me right now.

"I had hoped you would be gone for longer," a voice softly spoke as another sound of something sliding echoed out, "I had hoped I could do something about your injuries first."

"It hurts," I whispered with a hint of a whimper.

"I know... I know..." the voice assured as a small kiss was pressed to my cheek, "you just have to be strong for a bit longer. I promise."

"I want to go to Sunghoon," I continued and a small hum appeared from my side.

"We'll drive you to him afterwards," the voice continued and I felt something cold get placed on my right arm, "this is gonna be a lot harder in the back of a car than I wanted it to be."

"Please tell me Jungwon is alright," I whimpered quietly, recalling how he had talked to me before everything disappeared. Recalling it I was convinced he had been crying and been all frantic while screaming fro help.

"Just fine," the voice assured before something grabbed my hand and a pair of lips was pressed to the back of it, "sitting right here."

"I want Jungwon," I cried quietly, trying to ignore the pain, but failing tremendously by the tears that kept streaming down my cheeks.

"God, you make this so hard for me," the voice complained and slowly the familiarity turned in for me, "don't cry, please."

"Jungwon, please," I whispered with desperation.

"You'll get to him," the voice repeated and I immediately shook my head as I tried to open my eyes, "let them stay close..."

"Jungwon," I continued as I grabbed tightly onto the hand that had grabbed mine, my eyebrows furrowing as I squinted my eyes open, looking up at his face.

His eyes was all red and puffy, cheeks wet. A small gasp escaped him. Not like a desperate gasp but more like a crying gasp. Either he had been crying since last I saw him, or he had just started once again.

"Hi," he smiled softly as he held my hand softly, while I kept his in a death grip, "hi..." he trailed off as his other hand went to caress my hair softly, "I dropped Emi and Lin off by Jake's house. They told me to bring you into the house, but I didn't want them to see me like this... I told them I'll get Soomin to check on you... but, I couldn't do that either," he quietly admitted as he looked down."

"Where are we?" I whispered in confusion.

"Deadwater's cliff," he whispered before looking up at me, "you did so well," he whispered as he turned the corners of his lips downwards, trying to keep away a small sob, but the tears still rolled from his eyes, "but please don't die on me like that again."

"I wasn't dead," I shook my head and he immediately nodded in agreement.

"I know," he whispered, "but it felt like you were... all limp and unresponsive."

"This is the life where we stay together," I shook my head in denial and he let out a small laugh through his tears.

"It is," he whispered with a small nod, "look Ji... I have to disinfect your arm and your thigh and... I know it hurts a lot right now... but..." he trailed off as he looked back up at me.

I must've looked to be in a lot of pain by the way he stopped in what he was saying. He only shook his head before looking back out the windows and let out a deep breath.

"It's over now," he whispered assuringly, "Davis is dead... let's get you to Sunghoon."

I watched as Jungwon quietly crawled over to the driver's seat and buckled himself in. He quietly started the car before driving it down the small gravel path.

"I'll drive carefully, so it doesn't hurt," he whispered and I glanced towards the radio as he took a turn, "you want it on?" he questioned and I looked up towards the rear view mirror, noticing how he had angled it too much for him to watch the road behind him, it was angled straight down towards me.

"Can we?" I questioned and he immediately nodded before turning on the radio.

The music was soft as Jungwon quietly drove. He didn't say anything and I couldn't figure out if he was alright or if he was crying or what was happening.

Eventually the car came to a soft halt and it turned off along with the music. Jungwon opened the door down by my feet and hesitantly grabbed onto me. His lips pursed as he managed to help me up in a sitting position.

Almost as if I was a baby he wrapped an arm around my waist and the other up around my shoulders while his hand kept my head in place on his shoulder. Weakly I managed to wrap my arms around his neck while I tried to cling onto him with my legs. I needed a hug from him right now.

"I got you," Jungwon whispered and managed to kick close the car door.

He slowly and carefully walked up towards the door to Sunghoon's house, immediately knocking on the door and letting out a shaky breath as he impatiently waited for the door to open. Eventually it did open and Jungwon sucked in a sharp breath.

"She asked to be brought here," Jungwon eventually spoke, a small break in his voice, "but I haven't... I couldn't... her injuries," he desperately breathed out at last.

"Get her up in the guest room you used to share," Sunghoon's voice was urgent and Jungwon quickly rushed me in and up the stairs.

I whimpered and complained as he placed me down on the fold out bed in the room, hushing me quietly as two figures rushed into the room and closed the door. While he tried to let go of me and pulling away I kept holding onto him, feeling myself get more and more anxious by the thought of letting him go.

"It's alight Ji... you can let me go," Jungwon whispered as I held his head down beside mine and immediately shook my head, "you're in safety now, Soomin will take care of you."

"Please stay with me," I whispered and he turned his head quietly before pressing a small kiss to my cheek.

"Everything will be fine," he whispered softly and pried my hands off of him before he straightened up and slowly disappeared out of my view.

"Jungwon, go talk with Sunghoon," Soomin's voice quickly demanded before her face became clear right in front of mine, "I see loverboy is distraught. You look quite injured."

"Is he unharmed?" I whispered and she nodded quietly at me.

"He definitely doesn't look to have any injuries, and he doesn't complain of pains," she nodded at me, "so let's take a look at you, okay? I'll do my best with what I know from my pre-studies."

Looking behind Soomin I noticed how Jungwon had burried his head into Sunghoon's shoulder, while the older boy only held him in a hug, looking towards Soomin and I with fear and adoration, both at the same time. The weirdest and most perfect mix.

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