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Jungwon intently watched as I got out of the car, having insisted that I don't get out of the car before he was ready to help me. Emiko had asked us all to come to Heeseung's house just a few days after we had been at the lab. Something about the files she had managed to grab and get out.

"So she is alive," Heeseung stated as he opened the door and looked at Jungwon and I, "Emi almost made it sound like she was dying."

"Felt like it," Jungwon nodded quietly making me just shrug.

"I feel fine," I excused and Heeseung simply snickered.

"They're in the living room," Heeseung excused and left the door open for us.

I had never been in Heeseung's house before, but it seemed to resemble Sunghoon's quite a lot, except this house only had the ground floor, and no second floor.

"Are you feeling arlight?" Jungwon whispered as he closed the front door behind me.

"I can walk, I can breathe, I can see," I started listing for him, making him immediately cut me off.

"I'll take that as a yes," he chuckled and I immediately nodded.

We quietly walked into the living room, where Lin and Sunoo already was seated. Within a heartbeat Sunoo was up on his feet, rushing over to examine my face in his hands.

"Jungwon refused to let us see you when he dropped off Emi and Lin. Had me believing you were gone for good," Sunoo gushed before carefully hugging me.

"Seems like he's been a bit dramatic," I nodded as I smugly glanced at Jungwon.

"I would've been so too," Emiko excused as she pushed into the livingroom from behind me, "now come on."

I smiled as I followed after Emiko and Sunoo quietly returned to his seat beside Lin, who was quick to throw her legs over his lap, while he quickly grabbed onto both of them and softly traced patterns on her calves. 

"Where's Riki?" Lin questioned with a small frown while Emiko just smiled and shook her head softly.

"I told him to get the fruit for us," Emiko excused as she sat down beside me, "now... I managed to grab six files from doctor Davis' desk before Yeon turned it into bits and pieces," Emiko sighed and grabbed the small stack on the tea table.

"You're alive!" a gleeful call echoed out as Riki paused in the door to the room.

"Have you told everyone I was dead?" I abruptly questioned and turned to Jungwon, who just quietly shrunk in his seat.

"I said you were badly injured, okay?" Jungwon defended and I squinted my eyes at him as Riki only laughed and rushed over to put the fruit down in front of us.

"Anyways," Emiko sighed as she flipped up through the files, "basically this is all sorts of basic info about us, as far as I have been able to read through and... yeah... some fun things I've discovered."

"Read them to us," Lin eagerly stated and Emiko glanced up, "start with mine then."

"Alright..." Emiko sighed and picked up Lin's file with the file wih the number '3' written across the front, "full name: Zhu Li Yang. Birthdate: August 5th, 1978. Familial status: Parents dead in a car crash, found at an orphanage at age 2."

"They didn't have me the whole time?" Lin immediately questioned in confusion and Emiko shrugged before sucking in a deep breath.

"Sister, born 1977, Zhu Li Xia," Emiko finished up and hesitantly glanced to Lin whose grin grew wide.

"I have an older sister?" she eagerly questioned and Emiko slowly nodded as a small frown grew on my face.

"Li Xia is..." I trailed off and Emiko immediately nodded.

1996 | Y.JwOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz