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The daylight had come back to the train once we pulled up at the Toronto train station, making the three of us girls look around in confusion. We didn't know what we could do now, but we knew we were closer to Meadow Ville than we were to Maine. That was good so far, that was what we needed.

In search of finding out where we had to go we had gotten up from our seats, cracked our backs several times in order for us to walk properly. We had all been sleeping in terrible positions through the night, which had not been good for our backs and necks.

"Hold on," I murmured as we wandered through the train. A bit up ahead I had spotted someone in a uniform that was indentical to the ones the conductors had worn aboard the train, "excuse me," I tapped the woman on the shoulder and she turned to me, "you see... we're going to Michigan and we were wondering if this train was gonna keep on travelling towards Michigan or we had to transfer?"

"If your tickets are for Detroit this train will continue the travel and we will be in Detroit within five hours," the woman smiled warmly and I immediately nodded.

"Alright, thank you so much. We'll return to our seats once again," I excused and she simply smiled warmly at me.

"However, the train will first continue its travel in half an hour, we have to attach a few more carts before we continue," the woman pointed out, "if you need to stretch your legs and get some fresh air feel free to step out on the platform, perhaps you'll need some food or water."

I simply nodded with a small smile before returning to the girls, my stomach immediately growling at the mention of food and water. 

"Why did she have to mention food?" Emiko groaned as we walked back to the seats we had sat in. She held tightly onto her stomach, "I swear when we get to Meadow Ville the first thing I'll do is demand for Heeseung to make me pancakes."

"Oh to have some of mrs. Sim's Miso Soup," Lin frowned and closed her eyes as she sat back down in her seat.

"Or some of that fried chicken and fries," I pointed out and Emiko immediately let out a small moan just by the thought of the taste, "I know."

"God they were good," she murmured quietly.

"Matter of fact is that we'll be in Detroit in five hours, and from there we can take a bus to Meadow Ville," Lin pointed out and we all nodded, "Jake said that the bus from Meadow Ville to Detroit only takes an hour... we'll be home in six hours."

"I'm gonna give Soomin the biggest hug," I muttered and Emiko let out a small laugh.

"Screw Jungwon," she pointed out and I chuckled quietly with a small nod.

"We gotta stand with our girls Soomin and Millie," Lin added on while hitting her chest with a closed fist, "badass bitches stand together."

"They always do," Emiko nodded with a frown, as if the statement from Lin was obvious. 

"What about Kumiko and Xia, though?" Lin frowned slightly, "they were never part of the meetings, were they?"

"No," I shook my head quietly, "only went with us on that girls' day out..."

"Heeseung said it was because he didn't want Xia to get too involved with us in case anything dangerous was to happen to the ones closest to us..." Emiko shrugged as she picked at her nails, "I think he really enforced his efforts after what happened to Soomin and Sunghoon at that cliff."

"It's probably the same with Kumiko then..." Lin pointed out and we both looked over towards her, "I mean... Jay's mom was already pretty strict from what I could understand. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't want anyone to know about what he secretly was doing in Jake's basement."

Neither Emiko or I seemed to find a problem with that explanation, only causing us to nod in silence. Showing our agreement in what Lin had explained. It made good enough sense that Jay wanted to keep everything as much of a secret as possible, meanwhile Heeseung was just overprotective towards Xia in some of the same ways he had been to Emiko.

"Ah I'm excited," I murmured and happily looked out the window, impatiently waiting for the train to start moving again, "do you think they're excited to see us?"

"I sure hope so," Emiko snorted, "they better be or I'm beating the crap out of them."

"Violence... I don't mind," Lin simply shrugged making the snicker on Emiko's face grow wider, "go ahead hun. If they don't want us, then teach them a lesson. We didn't travel this far for no reason."

"God I love this change," Emiko quietly cheered to herself.

"Just another few hours and you'll have the possibility," Lin assured and Emiko happily clapped her hands in excitement, looking out the window longingly.

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