| 2.15 |

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You would be surprised by how slow time could pass between Thursday and Sunday when you really think about it. I wasn't able to go out in town, only Jungwon could do that between the two of us. 

Maybe it was also because we only walked around and waited for Sunoo to make that phonecall to the lab today, and for Tuesday night where we would go to the lab.

"Oya! Jungwon!" a voice called out as we laid out in the backyard, enjoying the warm sun hanging high in the sky.

"Hold on..." Jungwon frowned in confusion as he sat up from where he laid beside me on the grass, "Soomin," he muttered and quickly got up.

I slowly sat up and watched as Jungwon ran into the house once again with the biggest possible smile on his face. He didn't smile that widely when I returned...

"Jiyeon!" a happy voice exclaimed and within seconds Soomin's face had appeared in my view.

I rushed back onto my feet and up to Soomin, latching tightly onto her in a hug as Jungwon rushed out from behind her as well.

"Why are you home?" he chuckled as Soomin set me down on the ground, hugging me into her side with a wide smile on her face, "you weren't supposed to be home before Christmas."

"I uhm... I kind of dropped out before the semester started," Soomin awkwardly admitted making Jungwon's eyes almost pop out of his head, "but! It's fine. I got accepted into a college here in the state and I've already moved my things... so I can spend a bit more time here in... sad old Meadow Ville."

"But you wanted to study medicine," Jungwon remarked with a frown, immediately having Soomin shake her head, "no?"

"I was scared of getting seperated from Millie. But she already made great friends on campus, so I suppose it's my time to move on as well," Soomin sighed before eventually nodding and turning to me, "I thought you girls were gone for good."

"They uhm... returned a few weeks ago," Jungwon excused and I nodded in agreement.

"Are you living here?" she frowned and I nodded at her, "I though Sunghoon would've-"

"It wasn't possible at the moment," Jungwon quickly shook his head, "besides uhm... we kinda need her to stay hidden at the moment, so I would've preferred her to stay here as well. She sleeps in my room, so it's fine."

"Why do you have to stay hidden?" Soomin quickly looked to me.

"The lab people are searchnig the town at the moment," Jungwon excused in a hushed voice, "but... Tuesday they'll go to the lab and fix that."

"And you're staying here, right?" Soomin questioned as she looked at Jungwon, he stayed silent, "Jungwon..."

"I have to go," he whispered quietly before glancing at me, "for safety reasons... you should go stay with Sunghoon as well."

"We're not toge-" Jungwon was quick to cut off Soomin once again.

"You should," he insisted once again, "Tuesday evening. You should go to him, just in case something bad happens."

"I think you're overreacting a bit," Soomin chuckled softly, but Jungwon showed no sign of doubt or teasing, he looked dead serious, "you've seen it, haven't you?"

"Yeah," he whispered quietly making me frown and look at Jungwon.

"You're seeing an awful lot of things for someone claiming to have been losing his skills," I remarked and Jungwon immediately sighed at me, "and what are you even seeing."

"Ji," he murmured before turning to face me, "I've been seeing more things since you returned. What I've seen is nothing to do with you, but Sunghoon and Soomin."

"Okay..." I whispered quietly making Soomin glance between the two of us.

"Are you two alright? You're not as cutesy as I recall," she commented making me glance at Jungwon before I quietly shook my head.

"We're fine," I whispered quietly.

"It's a bit of... high stakes," Jungwon murmured as an excuse before glancing over at me, "you should go in and rest, it's been a long travel," Jungwon offered as he reached over and grabbed my hand in his, sending a small smile to Soomin.

"Okay... but you know if there any trouble in love-land then I am ready to he-" Soomin started and immediately got cut off by Jungwon again, which he seemed to do quite a lot.

"Thank you, we got it," he hummed before softly pushing her inside again with a small nod.

"You keep cutting her off," I whispered and Jungwon immediately nodded.

"I normally wouldn't, but... it seemed like she needed rest," he excused softly making me nod quietly before wandering back to the grass and laying down in the same spot I laid in last time.

Hesitantly Jungwon followed after and laid down beside me. But he resorted to laying on his stomach instead, laying close enough for his hip to touch the side of mine.

"Are you alright?" he whispered quietly and I hummed before closing my eyes slowly, "you sure? Because... you seemed a bit off when Soomin questioned if we were doing alright. Are we not doing alright?"

"We are," I whispered with a small nod, "I'm just worried about you coming on Tuesday... what if something happens to you?"

"Well..." he trailed off moving over to lay halfway on top of me, while he placed his elbows on each side of my head, "then it's a good thing that I'm not gonna let anything happen to either me or you, don't you think?"

"Mhm," I hummed, trying to surpress a smile by how close he suddenly was.

"You're smiling," he softly whispered and I nodded at him, "why are you smiling?"

"Because you being this close makes my heart do funny things," I replied quietly making a small smile slowly spread on his face, "I'm worried because I love you."

"I know," he whispered quietly and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face, "I love you too."

"It's a nice feeling," I nodded quietly at him, "that you love me."

"Good," he nodded with a soft whisper, before slowly laying down on the grass right beside me, half of his body still sprawled over me as he rested his head on his arm.

I silently turned my head to watch him with my own eyes while he laid down and just looked at me as well.

"Everything will be fine in the lab," he reminded, equally as much to me as it was to himself.

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