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I kicked my legs in an attempt to remove doctor Davis from me. I kept trying to heave for my breath with absolutely no success at all. It was truly like I was trying to breathe in water.

"Let her go! Please!" a voice kept crying out in the room. It was so strained and desperate that it took me a while to realize it was Jungwon's voice, or maybe it was the thumping in my ears that had caused it to be difficult for me to identify his voice, "LET HER GO!"

Once the headache had come upon me I had closed my eyes tightly. I had to try at least, it was the least I could do. Quietly I focused on the feeling of the metal stick in my pocket, while I still tried to pry off the hands around my neck.

"I'll fucking kill you," doctor Davis hissed right in my face as I felt the metal stick slide out of my pocket.

His words had only caused my eyebrows to furrow as more tears streamed down over my cheeks. It was probably also with the mix of me gasping for my breath and repeatedly failing at that.

"I'll kill them afterwards... or should I let you watch?"

It felt like a sob was trying to escape me, but I didn't have enough air in my lungs, or access to it. It only ended up as another gasp for air from me while I felt my reality slipping between my fingers. My mouth moving without any air going in or out of my lungs.

As the metal stick had disappeared from my pocket I immeidiately imagined it to jab right into the waist of doctor Davis, hoping and praying it was long enough to hit something fatal. A squishy sound echoed out, but I wasn't sure if it was in my head.

I felt the grip around my throat stiffen, giving me a small spark of hope. Immediately a kick had removed the weight from my body and the hands around my throat were all gone. I quickly rolled over on my side and leaned on my elbows, heaving for any air.

A loud gasp escaped me as I heaved for air through a wheeze, meanwhile I watched as Emiko had managed to jump over me and only jab the metal thing further into the side of doctor Davis.

"Ji... Ji," Jungwon immediately called out as I felt myself get lifted up into a lap.

My eyes flickered around as I tried to get rid of the black spots and fear rushing through my body. Jungwon's arm around my waist seemed to be my support point, it was the one thing I focused on while I tried to calm myself down.

"Please, please, please," he kept whispered and leaning his forehead against mine, "stay alive, stay alive," he whispered once again while I could see Lin pass by in the background.

"Emi, stop it," Lin's voice scolded somewhere faint.

"He fucking deserves it," Emiko hissed, "if I can't beat up Tiffany Carter I'll fucking kill him a hundred more times," Emiko continued.

"He's dead," Lin announced as Jungwon quietly nodded against my forehead.

I tried to look at his eyes, but they were closed and I was still struggling to breathe, somehow. I kept wheezing, coughing, sobbing, crying. I was a mess, I was injured, I was just... I was almost dead, I was sure.

"Lin do something! She's dying!" Jungwon screamed out as I had let my eyes roll backwards and grab the last sights of the trashed office, "help her! Please!"

"She's just fainting Jungwon!" Lin's voice exclaimed in return as the last thing I heard.

There was deeply silent as I tuned into the darkness. It was even painless. It was somehow a relief.

The darkness was my safety in all the pain. I wanted to stay there forever.

1996 | Y.JwWhere stories live. Discover now