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It was quiet in the common room after curfew had ended and we were allowed to go out of the rooms. Tonight was the first night in a long time Emiko and Riki was playing tag with one another, on top of that Lin looked remarkably happy and energetic compared to the last few days.

"Oi!" Lin exclaimed and pointed towards Jungwon and I, who sat as we usually did, leaning against one another, "is that what the knife thing was about?"

"Will you stop reading my mind?" Jungwon sighed and dropped his book down into his lap, "you keep doing this lately, it is not fair!"

"If you're gonna try to get out, I want to come to," Lin urged and quickly crawled across the floor, leaning across the teatable that was between her and our couch, "please, Jungwon, please."

"We aren't gonna try to get out if the rest of you are not coming," Jungwon calmly shook his head.

"Can't Riki just teleport us out?" Emiko questioned, leaning on the back of the couch behind Jungwon.

"I have a capacity you know? I'm not like a bus," Riki commented as he appeared by the end of the couch, by my feet, "if it was that easy I would've done so ages ago."

"He has a plan," Lin commented as she kept her eyes fixed on Jungwon, "tell us the genius plan."

"Are you sure we even should attempt this?" Sunoo questioned hesitantly, making me glance over to him, "we don't even know how it's like out there, let alone which country we're in, if there's any city nearby. We could end up walking through those woods for days, if not weeks."

"There's a city," Riki assured with a shrug making us all look to him, "oh come on, curfew is boring! I wanted to see what was outside my window," Riki defended and we all just stared at him, "what?"

"You have been outside of these walls, and you never thought of telling us once?" I slowly questioned him, making him press his lips tightly together. Eventually he shrugged and murmured something under his breath.

"There's a city about two kilometers from here, if we get out by the southern exit we just have to walk in a straight line. We can get there quite fast if we run... the path through the building is not that guarded or used," Riki shrugged casually, "so how do we get out?"

"I uhm... I have a plan," Jungwon admitted and moved slightly, causing me to change the way I was sitting to an uncomfortable position, "not necessarily a good one at that... but it's an attempt."

"Shut up and tell us," Lin stated immediately earning a confused frown from Sunoo, who immediately noticed the contradictions in what she just had said.

As I sat up straight Jungwon merely glanced at me before continuing to tell us the plan he had been brewing in his mind.

"We have the final test soon," he spoke and we all nodded, "it seems we'll be taken into different rooms for that. I think it's our solo session rooms. Jiyeon has to start it all."

"Why me?" I questioned in confusion and he sucked in a deep breath.

"Because as far as I know, you can cause the most damage," he sighed, "you have to pretend to get some sort of breakdown, make sure to make enough commotion for it to be loud and a lot of teachers being sent to you. The rest of us should be able to hear the commotion, wether by our teachers getting told through their intercom or if she's being loud enough. Emiko you'll have to run to Sunoo. Riki you have to get Jiyeon away after she's caused the commotion. We'll all meet in section one. Lin knows where it is and you can draw a map for all of us to follow. Once in section one we have to get out, and then there's no other possibility than just fight. Emiko will most likely be given the knife to help us. Sunoo will have to-"

Jungwon paused in his sentence as Lin's eyes turned the white side out and she stiffened up.

"Uhm... is she alright?" Jungwon slowly questioned making Sunoo quickly crawl up to Lin and check her face.

"It happens lately," Sunoo excused as he brushed some hair out of Lin's face, "after they intensified some tests she's been having a habit of going into the minds of other people instead of just reading them. She can't interfere as far as she knows, she just... gets lost in them. She'll be back in a moment."

"Should we wait?" Riki questioned and Sunoo simply shook his head in return.

"So... Sunoo will have to possibly manipulate a few people around, which I know he easily can do," Jungwon excused and Sunoo nodded in return, waving his hand to gesture it was simple things for him.

With a loud gasp Lin's deep brown pupils appeared in her eyes once again, making her eagerly look around as we all went silent again.

"Holy shit," she murmured as she sat up straight.

"What?" Riki questioned in confusion.

"I uhm... mr. Peterson is," Lin frowned making Jungwon raise both his eyebrows in confusion of the mention of his consultator.

"He is what, Lin?" Jungwon sternly questioned, "I need to know."

"They're planning something," Lin shook her head, "some of the other male teachers."

"Can you see what is happening in the present?" Emiko questioned and Lin quickly stood up.

"I don't know, okay?" she exclaimed in confusion, "it's like I'm just wandering around their mind and mr. Peterson had this... it was some sort of experiment he kept mentioning. Some relation experiment. It involved... either mrs. Watts or miss Hopkins," Lin rambled making me glance to Emiko, whose consultator was mrs. Watts, "they're not sure who would be more effective. I think they'll hurt somebody to test the brainwaves of two skills."

"Alright, so we actually need to get out, and it's quite urgent," Riki stated and Lin just sighed.

"I don't know. As far as I could see it's only in the working progress," Lin shook her head, "unless I just developed some extreme imaginary skill."

"So what you're saying is... they're either gonna use me or Yeon to test Jungwon's brainwaves?" Emiko slowly questioned and Lin just dropped down to sit on the floor once again.

"I don't know!" Lin exclaimed making Jungwon let out a small huff before closing his eyes and holding a finger up to his lips as he looked to go deep in thought.

"They'll try with Emiko first... they don't get a reaction from it so they'll move to Jiyeon after the first attempt," Jungwon murmured before eventually opening his eyes and looking at Lin, "they're gonna use you as confirmation object. Same test with you, they'll use Riki instead to get the reaction. Sunoo's not there to be used."

"Where am I?" Sunoo frowned in return making Jungwon sigh and close his eyes before eventually opening them and looking to Lin.

"What have you told your consultator?" Jungwon frowned at Lin, who only looked at him funnily, "they want to remove Sunoo."

"I'm sorry, what?" Sunoo questioned in confusion as he frowned, glancing between Lin and Jungwon.

"I told them..." Lin trailed off with a small frown, "the only thing I've told her about Sunoo was... oh my god, I'm stupid," Lin sighed as she rubbed her eyes, "I fucking told her about my feelings for him."

"They're removing him tonight," Jungwon commented and Sunoo frowned in confusion.

"Hold up, your feelings for me?" Sunoo questioned as he grabbed Lin's shoulder.

"Oh hold it will you?" Lin exclaimed, "they're taking you to another section simply because I thought I could trust her!"

"I'll just ask them to leave," Sunoo shrugged, "it's not that hard."

"So we agree we have to get out nonetheless?" Emiko spoke up making all of us look at her.

We all nodded. Agreeing.

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