Chapter 6

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"I'm very nervous mate, you think he will agree?"

Lord Tristan and Xavier stood outside the Rivers manor. Lord Xavier, to put it simply, was a complete mess. Never would you see a man, a lord no less, wringing his hands nervously, why one would think he was a lass! A lite coat of sweat coated his forehead. His tunic and breeches gave of a very regal, sophisticated look, now if only his body language gave of the same aura....

Lord Tristan stared at his friend in mild amusement.

"And here I thought you were a rake." Tristan shook his head sadly.

"I'd shut that mouth of yours!" Lord Xavier scowled.

"You'll be fine, lord Rivers is awfully kind, he wouldn't just say no. Besides, he's a very good judge of character." Tristan attempted to comfort.

"You sound like you know the lord." Lord Xavier mused.

"Something of that sort." Tristan mumbled, not elaborating.

Before lord Xavier could further pursue his curiosity, the door opened presenting the butler.

"Good morning gentlemen, how may I assist you?" The humble butler bowed.

"We're here to speak with lord Rivers, the matter is rather important." Lord Tristan spoke upon seeing the butlers slight hesitation.

"Lord Rivers has company, but please follow me. I will tell him you are here." The butler stated leaving the two in what looked like the family dinning room.

"My lord?"

Lord Rivers looked towards the door to see Alfred.

"What's the matter Alfred?"

"Lord Knight and Manning are here to see you, lord Knight said it was important."

Lord Rivers looked at his butler. Alfred never interrupted him when he had company. Upon closer scrutiny, lord Rivers noticed there were unshed tears in the butlers eyes and understanding dawned on him.

" Lord Stark, I know you have just arrived, would it be bothersome if the two lords may join us? Or is the matter you are to discuss private?"

"Not at all private, have them join us." Stark replied.

"My lord?"

Tristan turned towards the butler, something about him was awfully familiar, but for the life of him he couldn't remember.

"Lord Rivers is waiting for you in the settee. This way please."

Lord Manning and Lord Knight entered the room. The ever present brooding look became darker as Tristan saw who was in the room. Lord Xavier openly scowled at the man.

"Good morning lord Rivers, James." Lord Xavier greeted the men.

"Morning boy." Lord Rivers smirked. He stood up to embrace Tristan in a fatherly hug.

"A fine morning isn't it, lad?"

Tristan allowed his lips to form the smallest of smiles."

"Indeed it is, my lord."

Lord Rivers gave a genuine, warm smile to Tristan before taking his seat. Tristan ignored Stark completely and directed his attention to lord Rivers.

"Lord Stark was here first so I will discuss his matter first and then will be your turn."

Tristan nodded in acknowledgement.

"Brandy?" Lord Rivers offered.

Lord Xavier accepted while Tristan declined.

"Alright James, out with it."

"My lord, I came to ask your daughters hand in marriage, I would like to court her."

Lord Xavier tensed besides Tristan, while the latter kept his face void of emotion and listened tentatively.

"My daughter?" Lord Rivers questioned, some what shocked. 'What was James game?' He mused silently.

"Well yes. Since you consider Sapphire your daughter-"

Lord Rivers cut him off sharply before he could continue.

"I don't consider her my daughter, she is my daughter."

"Well...yes. I would like to court her."

Lord Xavier relaxed while Tristan tensed surreptitiously. He stared at lord Rivers, awaiting his answer.

"I'll have to ask Sapphire, if she wants to court you then it's up to her.

"Why that's preposterous! How is she supposed to now what's right for her? She is but a child! I am a wealthy lord. I can take care of her." James Stark cried in outrage.

"If she's a child, why do you want to court her?" Tristan questioned coolly.


"Lord Knight to you." Tristan growled dangerously. His eyes were in slits, daring the man to defy him.

"Lord Knight," Stark amended hastily, " that should not concern you, the age difference doesn't bother me."

Lord Rivers eyed Stark before speaking, " James I want you to listen to me closely. My daughters will choose who they wish to spend the rest of their lives with. I will advise and guide them, but I will not choose for them or turn their way of thought. Who ever they choose, if it's out of love, I will stand by their choice. Whether it be a lord or a commoner. Is that understood?"

"Oh Sapphire I'm terribly nervous!" Isabella exclaimed.

Both the girls had gone riding in the early hours of light. They were heading back home when Isabella spoke up.

"Do not fret."

"Oh but Sapphire! He's coming today to ask for my hand. Do you think papa will say yes?"

Sapphire looked over towards her friend.

"Isabella, do you truly love lord Xavier?"

Isabella stared at the women who she considered,no who was her sister.

"Yes, I love him very much."

"Then do not worry, if you love him, uncle John will not keep you from him. He will stick by your choice."

"Are you sure?" Isabella questioned nervously.

"I'm not sure, I know!"

Sapphire responded cheekily while getting off her horse.

"You know papa more than I do."

"Want to know why?"


"He's my bestfriend."

Isabella laughed and shook her head. That was very true.

"What do you think about love?"

"Hmmm.....what do I think." Sapphire said while walking backwards into the settee.

"I think..."

"Understood my lord. But what if they make the wrong choice?"

"I have full confidence they won't."

As James went to question further, they all turned towards the entrance of the room, hearing a pleasant set of voices.

"What do you think of love?"

"Hmmm...what do I think. I think..."

At that moment Tristan saw as his dark beauty turned and froze momentarily. Getting her composure back, she curtsied. But through out the encounter her eyes were fixed only on him.

He took in her appearance. She was wearing trousers and a tunic, riding material. She had a bit of dirt smudged on her face. Behind her, Xavier's blond came in with the same attire. Tristan didn't know about Xavier, but his trousers suddenly became tighter seeing her in her attire with her unruly hair. The tunic came up to her knees, for modesties sake, however, it did nothing to smother the fire which burned his veins.

"I see you two are back, did you have fun?" Lord Rivers asked fondly.

"Yes papa." Isabella replied while Sapphire smiled.

"Great, why don't you go freshen up. And Sapphire, a word please." Turning to the men, " excuse me for a moment."

Tristan tried to distract his thoughts from lady Sapphire. Xavier's eyes followed Isabella as she went up the stairs. James eyes were also on Isabella. She was quiet a sight, but Sapphire was a better bargain. With her parents dead, her wealth only grew over the years, not a penny was spent. Lord Rivers would spend on her with his wealth, never touching hers, only making it grow. A fact, the entire country was well aware of.

"Keep your gaze to yourself , James!"

Lord Xavier spat.

"Why is she yours?" Stark sneered. "You're a rake, Rivers will never give her hand to you."

"And you think he will give Sapphire to you?" Xavier mocked.

At this Stark stood in anger, his face turning an ugly red.

"Why you-"

"I'd watch myself, if I were you." Tristan spoke calmly.

"Oh, so you need a bodyguard? Can't fight your own battles." Stark taunted. He wanted a fight and he would make sure to hurt Xavier where it hurt, but he was left astonished.

"Oh Tristan, save me from him, please!" Lord Xavier mocked in a high pitched voice. Snickering he said,

"Your taunting does nothing to me, nor does your opinion. Now, like a good boy, take a seat before lord Rivers returns."

"Is everything alright?" Sapphire asked.

"Never mind, by your smirk I can tell your doing this for your own amusement." Sapphire amended.

Lord Rivers smirk grew into a deep laugh. He was doubled over laughing while wiping away tears.

"You know me too well, my sweet. Yes I did it for my own amusement. A proposal came for you."

Sapphire wrinkled her nose in disgust before narrowing her eyes and glaring at her laughing uncle.

"And who might be the person asking?"

Lord Rivers couldn't contain it anymore. He laughed rather loudly before replying.

"James...... Stark." He said in between chuckles.

"That bastard!" Sapphire hissed.

"Calm down sailor, is that a no?"

Sapphire glared at her uncle before walking over to the table and retrieving a blood coated sword from under it.

"Hand him this and tell him that's my answer."

"So he was the bastard who bothered you last night?"


"Good strike, there's an awful lot of blood on here."

Sapphire smiled sadistically. "I wanted to show you how good my aim has become before wiping it.

"Sure you did." Lord Rovers muttered before walking away with the sword in hand.

Sapphire followed behind and quietly watched from the window.

"Here you go James."

Stark looked at the sword, bewildered until he recognized it. His hand subconsciously went to his injured shoulder.

"That's her answer."

"I don't undertsand."

"The sword has your blood James, it's also your sword, haven't you figured out the answer?" Lord Rivers kept his face blank which was a difficult feat, but he managed. Lord Xavier on the other hand, was an entirely different matter.

"Lord bless me!" Xavier was gasping for breath. His face was red due to his laughter. But for the life of him, he could not contain it.

" Xavier." Lord Rivers chastised.

"I'm sorry, but the way she gave her rejection. I swear to The Lord it was brilliant! Eh, Tristan?"

"Indeed it was." Tristan answered with a ghost of a smile.

"You can not be serious!" James leered.

"I am, and it is in your best interest to understand that James. My daughter said no, the answer is final." Lord Rivers hissed dangerously.

"And don't think I don't know of your antics. I am no fool as to how you received the wound on your shoulder!" Lord Rivers growled.

His early statement had Xavier sobering up instantly.

"It'd be in your best interest to leave."

With hate filled eyes, Stark stormed out, but not before vowing to get back at Sapphire.

Sapphire watched from the window, but instead of watching Stark and his embarrassment, she was bewitched by the man next to Lord Manning. He was handsome, more handsome than anyone she had ever seen. Before she could further indulge in staring, Isabella came to her side.

"Isabella, who is the man next to your lover?"

Isabella looked and answered.

"Well, that's the infamous lord Tristan Knight."

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