Chapter 41

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"Will she be pleased?" Arthur whispered as he clutched the withering flowers to his small chest, his large eyes looking towards Alexander.
Before Alexander could answer the child, little Duncan spoke.

"Aye, her ladyship will be pleased, she is verra kind." He gave Alexander a toothy grin, satisfied with his answer.

Arthur nodded his head in agreement, as if just now realizing the fact. Fixing his hair, he puffed out his small chest, before giving the door a firm knock.

Alexander merely chuckled at their antics, too amused to say much. He only hoped his ladyship would also find humor in the situation.
Three days.
Three days the castle was deadly quiet, it's occupants afraid to make a single noise, other than pray. He wasn't sure if it was only him, or everyone else as well, but he felt agitated. Things which would amuse him instantly, had him gritting his teeth. And he knew, if Tristan learned of their behavior, he would be beyond furious. A sight Alexander was too eager to see.

A soft sound beckoned them entrance.

Alexander slowly opened the door, letting the wee lads enter first. He watched as Arthur ran towards her ladyship, shyly holding the dead flowers towards her, while Duncan proudly stood next to him.

Alexander snorted. It had been hell getting the flowers, not to mention they weren't worth it. Just looking at them had him wanting to break something. they not only looked unpleasant, but smelled rather foul as well. But the lads would not let him be until he had gotten them their flowers.

Sapphire stared at Tristan's sleeping form, he had yet to wake. She ran a hand down her face, noticing the puffiness of her eyes. They felt sore. She had cried her self to sleep the previous night, the ache in her chest proved this would be a rather difficult day.
She checked his forehead, as well as the rest of his body, it was cool to the touch, nothing that should be the cause of worry, and yet, he still slept.
The harshness which shadowed his features while awake was gone, leaving in its place a beautiful creation to be pondered upon. He truly was magnificent, inside and out.
Her beloved husband.
If only he would open his eyes. She missed looking into their silver depths, the warmth and hardness which lay within. When angered, his eyes would turn to a steely shade of grey, promising retribution. And when he was pleased, they would be the softest of silver, filled with warmth and love.
She missed seeing his secret smiles at dinner time, his arrogant smirk, his full blown, heart melting laughter. She missed the stories he would tell of the days he was but a lad, sharing his life with her. She even missed his anger. She wanted him awake, and soon.

Aunt Margaret had come to her the previous day, telling her tales of Tristan. She had a wonderful time listening to her, seeing a side of her husband which he tried to hide, to no avail. But the stories felt as if he was already gone, and they were remembering him from a time ago. In a way, mourning for him. Suffice to say, she felt sick to her stomach. He wasn't gone. He was in front of her eyes, she could see him. She knew every soul must taste death, had experienced it, but he couldn't leave yet. There was so much about him she had yet to discover.....

Sapphire was pulled from her reverie by a knock on the door. She furrowed her brows, no one usually came at this hour.....

She softly called them to enter, not having the strength to say or do more. She wanted to be left alone. Then again, she had been left alone. Other than her uncle and Isabella, no one came to her.

Sapphire smiled a small, genuine smile. Her first smile in days, as Arthur ran towards her and held up the flowers to her. She smiled gently as she took in their state, the poor things looked good for dead. But his earnest expression had her heart melting.

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