Chapter 43

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Anticipation swirled within her heart. The only room for dread was being caught. She was so close to her goal, so very close. Nothing should be able to jeopardize what she had worked so hard for, nor would she let anyone get in her way. What ever it took, she would have her revenge. One way or another. Of that she would make certain. She had gone great lengths for this day, she would not be denied now.

Her hand absentmindedly went to her scarred forearm. She could still recall how she had gotten it, the pain she was forced to suffer. As if her memories were not bad enough, she had to carry the proof of her pain, her suffering, on her person. A painful reminder of what she was, what she became, and if what she lost. She would make him go through as much suffering as she did, and twice over.

Hatred, loathing and pain all swirled within her. Becoming one with her very being, as if those emotion's fueled the blood which ran through her veins. She hated everyone, everything. She couldn't stand to see anyone happy. If she couldn't have happiness, nor could anyone else. She wouldn't suffer alone.

Corriane's cold, calculating gaze stared at the dungeons she had prepared. No one would think twice to come down there. Not even her own men knew of it's existence, how would he? And by far, they were not easy to find. A person would meet death before they found their way out of these caves. They were a true work of nature, just for her.
A slow, unmerciful smile curled her lips. Just a few more days and she would have everything she planned, everything she had wanted since that fateful night. Everything she had planned, in a few short days.
A shudder ran down her spine as she recalled being discovered by none other than Fredrick. He would have tossed her aside just like the rest if it were not for her quick thinking. For she was more than a pretty face. A fact men did not know, and one she used to her advantage. They thought they could use her as they pleased, but oh how very wrong they were. For she used them, tossing them aside when her task was complete.
She loathed the male kind, in fact, she hated everyone. She wanted to be left alone. There was a time she lavished in the way men would watch her, stare at her alone. The envious glares of women were very welcomed. She had encouraged them. But now, she cared for naught. She wanted her revenge and everything to be over with. The sooner she had what she wanted, the sooner she would be at peace.
And so would her child, her poor, poor child. He did not deserve such a cruel fate. He was to be a great man, a great lord of the castle. One who was to be admired and respected above all. He may have become king one day as well. But he couldn't! All because of ....of.....
Her body shook with the rage she tried in vain to suppress. She hated him. Hated him with every fiber of her being. She wanted him to suffer. Death would be only too easy for him. She wanted him to be tortured slowly, she wanted him to beg for death, only to be denied.....
Her brows furrowed slightly. Would she be able to recognize him? Would he her? Would she go soft at seeing him? Corriane scoffed at the very idea. She wasn't soft with him before and she was not to begin now! He was nothing to her! He never was, never would be. A hindrance, a burden. One she should have gotten ridden the moment he had taken breathe, a fact she regretted deeply.
She didn't care about him! He took everything away from her and it was high time she did the same. He would pay dearly for what he had done. After she was threw with him, she would make Fredrick pay, and then she would be at complete ease. She was no common whore, and because of Fredrick, she was forced to act like one, to live such as one.
Corriane's lips curled into a sneer. Mayhap she would not have to worry about Fredrick. If the meddlesome lord Rivers were to interfere, and no doubt he would, he would take care of Fredrick. If what she had gathered was true, Rivers would be alongside Tristan.
The good for nothing git! He was another one who aggravated her to no end! Arrogant and egotistic, she had never met the likes of him before.
She remembered their conversation as if it were yesterday....

He had stormed into her castle, a look of outrage on his face, as if he had any right to! Shouting and screaming obscenities at her as if he was a commoner and not a respected lord, in presence of a lady no less! He thought she was no lady, he was of the opinion she did not deserve to be a lady.
His outrage has been comical, telling her she did not know how to raise a child! She had raised her son to be a noble man, his nobility is what had gotten him murdered......
Corriane shook herself away from the memory, not wanting to recall it.
Perhaps she should deal with the meddling lord as well, two birds with one stone.....

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