Chapter 34

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Corriane walked through the various tunnels of the mountain. The caves were beautiful. Magnificent. They were located atop of mountains, winding their way through the mountains, using them to form and structure themselves. She had never seen something so enchanting. The caves fell perfectly with her plans. For the first time in a long time, she had felt peace, all because of the caves.
They intertwined with each other, some concealed in such a way, it would need a fine eye to be able to find the hidden passages. It was spectacular.
Corriane was deep inside the mountain, most of the people here didn't know how many caves the mountains contained, nor would they unless she wanted it.They would serve her purpose well. The caves were cold, damp and dark. She could barely see where she was walking. A malicious smile, one full of loathing and evil intent, marred her hauntingly beautiful face. The caves would do just fine for what she had in mind. She wouldn't have found a better area even if she had tried. Fredrick had unknowingly given her exactly what she had wanted, what she had needed.
She slowly sat on the cold, hard floor, the place had an unusual stench to it. She glanced down at her arm and pulled up the sleeve to her dress.
Corriane stared at her bandaged clad arm before slowly removing the bandage and staring at the burns which ran across her forearm. Despite it being dark, the image of her scarred arm was burned into her mind's eye. She ran her finger along her skin, the burned and charred skin was slightly raised. She hated it. Loathed it. Despised it.
The coldness, loneliness, and the darkness of the cave reflected what she felt, what lay beneath the skin of her chest. Different images of the past filled her mind, each image morphing into the next before she could grasp the first, not relenting the hold it had on her..............

"Mother, I would like to go to the village."

"My, sweet, beautiful boy. I can not permit you to go to the village, it's too dangerous. You can, however, play in the bailey." Corriane said as she ran a loving hand along the young lads face, her eyes filled with love and warmth.

"But mother, Tin loves the village. May we go please. I give you my word, we will be careful."

The warmth diminished from her gaze as fire diminishes on a frigid eve, her lips thinning.

"If Tin," she sneered the name as if it left a foul taste in her mouth,"wishes to go to the village, he may do so. You, my child, will remain within the castle walls."

"But mother-"

"No, my child."

"Oh my beautiful boy, would you like some sweets from the cook?"

"May I have some macadamia cookies please?"

"Of course, my love."

Her mind played the images of her running after her child, of running her hands through his bronze tresses. The smile on his handsome face, the twinkle of life and laughter which always glittered in his eyes. She recalled when he first began to walk, when he uttered his first words. He would have made a fine lord and lead his people well.
The image of his laughing face turned to his bloodied and battered body laying on the dirt floor, his eyes staring vacantly towards her.

"You killed him! I know you did! It should have been you!! YOU!! Why could you not have died? You useless ....."


"Don't call me that!" She screeched, her lips turning upward, while her eyes regarded him coldly.

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