Chapter 40

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Sapphire looked towards the rising sun, not seeing anything. Dark circles lined her eyes from lack of sleep, her gown wrinkled and in need of a good press, a barely touched plate of food lay by her side. Fire licked the woods, emanating warmth through out the room, Sapphire felt anything but warm.
She was cold, numb, helpless. All feelings she despised, loathed. She felt bitter, something she never wanted to feel. She had much more than most, and yet she was being ungrateful, yet she couldn't prevent the emotions swirling within her, she was being a coward.
She should be thankful she had a wonderful, loving husband, even for a short period of time. People often had abusive husbands or unhappy marriages, she had been blissfully happy. She would rather be loved for a day, rather than not at all. She lost her parents, but she was given loving people in return, ones who treated her as their own. She had no right to feel as she was, and yet, she was.

Two whole days had passed since she had heard Tristan talk, to see him give his secret smile. She had stayed awake the entire night placing wet towels on his forehead, praying and hoping his fever would break, all in vain. He didn't wake up.
She had opened his stitches to see the start of an infection, having quickly seen to that, she had hoped the fever would stop its assault, all in vain. He should not have caught a fever, the situation made no sense in her mind's eye. A fever came with an infection. Tristan's infection had barely begun, and yet his body was burning with fever.

Sapphire stared at his form. His chest rose up and down. He looked peaceful, serene, whereas she felt her world crumbling before her. He showed her what love between a husband and wife, a man and a woman, could be. He evoked such feelings and sensations within in her, she never new existed. Her world had begun to revolve around him, beginning and ending with him.
He had to wake up. He had to....

Lord Rivers closed the door to Tristan's chambers, standing by the door, his presence unknown. He watched his daughter make mindless circles around the palm of Tristan's hand, he doubted she was aware of her own actions. A large bowl of cold water was placed by her side, while towels and cloth occupied the other, a forlorn expression on her face. Lord Rivers gritted his teeth. The bloody git wasn't waking on purpose. Tristan was made up of stronger stuff!
And his little darling, he was afraid for her. She had survived her last emotional assault, he knew she would survive this one if needs be, but at what cost?
It was his fatherly side speaking, but he knew she lost a tremendous amount of weight in two days time, which was ridiculous. He felt ten times a fool standing and staring. He should be by her side offering her comfort, assuring her everything would be alright. Instead he was standing there like a fool.
Lord Rivers loudly cleared his throat. Sapphire glanced up before looking down once again, not particularly caring what her uncle wanted at the moment. The thought made her angry, furthering her misery. He was being kind and helpful, whereas she was being rude and hurtful.

"I will sit with him, you attend to your necessities." Lord Rivers urged quietly as he stood behind her, giving her shoulders a light, fatherly squeeze.

"I have nothing to do." Sapphire croaked, her voice slightly rough.

"You're causing the room to have a certain stench which was not present before. Tristan won't exactly be pleased upon waking." Lord Rivers attempted a mild tease.

Sapphire rolled her eyes but stood up nevertheless.

Lord Rivers gave her a bright smile, one which she did not recuperate. He kept his smile in place as long as it took her to exit the room, then his smile too slipped from his face, not able to hold the façade any longer than necessary. He slumped down into the chair, smacking Tristan's chest hard in the process.

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