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"You two monsters! Get here this instant!" Sapphire yelled as she ran down the stairs. Those two would be the death of her. Making her run around day and in and day out. But she would have it no other way.

"You know you're not to be running about. What if you hurt yourself?" A warm voice whispered in her ear as familiar arms snaked around her waist to her protruding belly. Sapphire leaned into him, her back against his front.

"Your sons-"

"Our sons." Tristan corrected with amusement. Whenever they annoyed her they suddenly became only his.

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

"Our sons, are causing me to run about. If they behaved, I would not have to be on my feet.

"They are young lads, let them be." Tristan said lightly as he began to massage the stress away from her shoulders. His little wife worried a wee too much.

Sapphire scowled.

"They have to eat-"

"You and your eating." Tristan interjected with a chuckle. He should have known. She wouldn't have ran after them for anything else other than food.

"Eating is good. They need to grow." Sapphire said through narrowed eyes. Although the sternness was gone from her voice, a massage did wonders to a person. She could feel her muscles begin to relax. This wasn't good, she wouldn't be able to be stern with her children.

"I never said it was bad, love." Tristan said as he placed a tender kiss on the back of her neck. Tristan was just about to turn her around for a proper kiss when his wife was suddenly gone.

"Alexander! Don't you dare!" Sapphire screamed as she began to run towards them.

"Love, you are not to run." Tristan's fear filled voice reached Sapphire's ears. But she cared not, if Alexander got a hand on her children.....


Sapphire ignored her dear husband, her poor children....

"Alexander, you git! Put them down!" Sapphire shrieked.

Alexander glanced up, a wicked smile upon his sweaty face.

"It seems your mamma is angry, what shall we do?" Alexander questioned as he jumped on the table, the two lads in each arm.

"Mama is pre....pre...preeteending to be angry. She doesna get angry fast."

"Are ye certain, lad? I doona want to die. Yer mother isna to be trifled with. Scary woman."

"Me mother isna scary!"

"Alexander, you brute!" Sapphire hollered louder as she reached the table.

"Christian, Edward, I want you two down, now!"

"Mamma!" They both whined in sync.

Alexander grinned.

"They shall be fine, love." Tristan soothed as he came up behind her. Alexander loved irritating her. He would have a word with him on the matter.

Christian and Edward, both dark haired, silver eyed, identical twin boys, looked towards their mother.

"Mamma, pweez."

"Mamma, pweez." Alexander joined in.

"I don't trust you, Alexander." Sapphire said skeptically. Currently, her boys were hanging by their chubby little legs, their heads dangling in mid air.

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