Chapter 38

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Lord Rivers grimaced.

"My poor darling will have nightmares for days to come."

Alexander shrugged.

"Her ladyship should not have given me the runs." Alexander grumbled, adjusting the bundle, Lord only knew what it contained, on his shoulder.

"In my humble opinion, we should wait until the body cools." Tristan said as he eyed the bundle which was going to soil his floor in a few moments time.

"Why in the devils name would we do such a thing?" Alexander asked with exasperation.

"May we discuss this after you have placed your catch elsewhere? I shan't have my floor soiled." Tristan grumbled as the first drop of red liquid fell to the ground.

"Alright." Alexander signed as he went towards the kitchens, returning moments later empty handed.

"You need to bathe." Lord Rivers said as his lips curled in distaste. Alexander reeked.

"I ken." Alexander answered with a sloppy grin.

Lord Rivers pursed his lips but remained silent, stepping away from Alexander, not wanting the stench to fill his clothing.

"Maybe you should bathe first." Tristan suggested as he, as well, took a step back.

"I do not smell as bad as the two of ye are claiming." Alexander scoffed before he took a sniff of himself and grimaced.

"Or perhaps I do."

"You do." Lord Rivers nodded, one hand covering his nose and mouth.

"We should proceed with our plan, and then I will take a bath. No use taking it twice. After we are done, we all will need to bathe."

" I do not fancy getting my hands dirty." Lord Rivers said quickly.

"Nor do I." Tristan muttered.

"It matters not what we want or not, we simply have to do what is required of us." Alexander said, sounding intelligent for once.

"And this is required how......?" Lord Rivers let the question hang.

"Simply because her ladyship considers herself high and mighty-"

"Alexander." Tristan warned. To dislike the lady was one thing, to speak badly of her in the presence of others, especially her father, was another.

"Let him continue, Tristan. I would like to know his opinion." Lord Rivers said as he stared at Alexander, waiting for him to continue, his hands itching to strike.

Alexander had the grace to blush. He smiled sheepishly at lord Rivers, realizing his boundaries and mistakes.

"I apologize, my lord. That was not my place to say."

Lord Rivers merely shrugged, choosing to remain silent.

Alexander cleared his throat before continuing. He knew not if lord Rivers was now an ally or adversary. He should have kept his big mouth shut.

"It is required simply because I am unable to do it myself. Her ladyship assumes I know not who is the culprit to her herbs scheme, and I wish her illusion to stay in place." Alexander said, trying to sway them in his direction.

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