Chapter 23

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Sapphire woke up feeling strangely tranquil. She rested on her elbow as she stared at Tristan's sleeping form. His disheveled hair, his straight nose, his full lips which were slightly parted. Looking at said sinful lips had a strange, but welcomed feeling lay roots within her. Sapphire lightly traced his nose, then touched his small beard, it was very soft. She skimmed her fingers over his jaw, moving towards his lips. An odd expression on her face. The ends of her hair touching his bare chest which rose with each breath he took.

"You're frowning." It wasn't a question, just a simple statement.
Tristan reached out to smooth the frown lines on her forehead. The innocent touch had Sapphires breath hitching. She thought he had been asleep.

"I slept..... well." Sapphire whispered, at a loss for words.

"I take it that's a good thing?" Tristan wasn't sure what he should say, was it a good thing or bad?

A soft smile played on Sapphires lips, "a very good thing."

"Well then..."

Tristan pulled Sapphire down and crashed his lips against hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth without permission. Her startled gasp gave him easy enough access. Their bodies pressed intimately against each other. The thin sheet around Sapphire hindering further contact. Sapphire moaned in protest as Tristan pulled away.

"Good morning." Tristan said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Good morning." Sapphire breathed.

"Are you well? Are you in pain?" Tristan asked softly, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Sapphire blushed as she stared into a sea of calm silver. She lay atop him, his arms holding her hostage.

"I'm feeling well, a bit sore, but well."

Sapphire said softly as her blush deepened.

"I love your blush." Tristan murmured as his lips began to trail down her jaw. Sapphire instinctively arched against him, unconsciously letting the sheet drop. His kisses moved lower, until they reached the base of her throat. As his hungry lips sought more, a banging on the door had Tristan growling his frustration.

"Bloody hell! That friend of yours should be damned to the pits of hell!"

"Sapphire! Tristan! Wake up! You must break your fast! Everyone is waiting!" Isabella called as she continued to bang on the door. Her banging ceased as a mumbled voice said something.

"I care not!" Isabella hissed, before promptly continuing her banging.

"You sure know how to pick your friends." Tristan said warily. His face a picture of frustration.

"I think we should get up."

Tristan rolled them over until their positions were reversed, pressing Sapphires body into the bed.

"I think we shouldn't have to leave our chambers for at least a months time."

"Isabella won't leave until we open the door." Sapphire whispered at his close proximity, not to mention how his body pressed against hers.

"I will deal with that pest of a woman. God knows what Xavier sees in her."

Tristan got up and began to move towards the door.

"Tristan!" Sapphire called.

Tristan turned with one eyebrow raised as he stared at his blushing bride.


"Your clothes. Put something on, please."

Tristan looked down at his undressed state before walking in all his God- endowed-naked glory towards his wife.

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