Chapter 20

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Sapphire submerged under the cool water, she loved cleaning herself in the river. Not to mention the waterfall offered a very secluded area. It was her own bubble of peace. After making sure she was as clean as she could get, Sapphire got out of the water and hurriedly got dressed. Sapphire listened to the birds chirping as she dried her hair, completely unaware of the figure quietly approaching.

"You shouldn't be out here alone. It's dangerous." A cool voice whispered in her ear, while his arms snakes around her waist.

Tristan watched Sapphire with hooded eyes. Who ever started the rumor that he was a monk, was sadly mistaken. His tittle as a rogue or rake would fit better, or maybe rascal. Who watches a vulnerable lady while she's taking a dip in the river? But he should be forgiven, after all, they are to be wed. And how could he have resisted? He had followed her shortly after he learned her location, courtesy of lord Rivers. He was going to alert her of his presence, but she began to undress. He only had two options at that point, join her or look his hearts fill. He chose the latter. He was painfully hard, but he would wait, or so he thought. As he saw Sapphire getting dressed, rather quickly, something he would have to change in the near future, he slowly made his way towards her.

"You scared me." Sapphire admonished him, trying to ignore his arms around her waist.

"My apologies." Tristan murmured as he nuzzled her neck. God, he loved the scent of her, it was intoxicating, a breath of fresh air mixed with a heady feminine scent.

"You don't sound apologetic, my lord." Sapphire snorted. Although she made no move to leave his embrace.

"Because I'm not." Tristan answered before lightly biting where her neck met her shoulder.

Sapphire gasped quietly, she felt rather than heard his smirk at her reaction.

Tristan continued to lavish her neck with kisses as well as pleasurable bites. His hands stayed firmly around her waist, his painful erection away from her delectable derrière. He couldn't loose control, something this female made him do often. But he hadn't denied himself entirely. Her back was flushed against his front, letting him feel her lushes curves.

Sapphire could barely stand upright. If it wasn't for Tristan holding her tightly against him, a feeling Sapphire was beginning to like immensely, she would surely be on the ground. His scandalous assault of her neck left her panting.

"What are you doing." Sapphire said softly, overwhelmed with new sensations.Unconsciously, she pressed herself against him more.

"What does it seem like I'm doing." Tristan rasped softly in her ear, while nipping it lightly. This was torture, no beyond torture. It was a sweet torment.

"I...I..." Sapphire licked her lips.
"I can't think properly."

"That's the point, love." Slowly Tristan let his hand massage her uninjured hip before moving on to her waist. It had been a week since Sapphires injury, a week since he saw her. A week of tortured arousal.

With slow, precise movements, Tristan let his hand drift to her ribs, barely brushing them, stopping beneath her breast.
Sapphire arched into his touch, her body was beyond her control.

"Thi...This... isn't proper." Sapphire managed to gasp. Her eyes closed in wonder as his hand cupped her full breast. An unfamiliar ache began in her lower stomach. It may not be proper, but she made no move to stop him.

"Would you like me to stop?" Tristan asked as he deliberately teased her nipple. Not giving her the chance to answer, Tristan turned her in his arms, capturing her lips in need, thrusting his tongue in her sweet haven. Sapphire gave a soft gasp of surprise as his tongue met hers with force. His tongue moved in sync with his hand on her breast, the other moved to her lower back, his fingers spread out. Sapphires body was pressed tightly against Tristan's. His tongue dominated hers, leave no room for argument. Slowly, Sapphire responded to the kiss, following his lead.
A low, guttural sound came from his throat.

Tristan urged her ever closer, lost in desire. He captured her bottom lip with his teeth, nipping gently, before giving her kiss swollen lips one more kiss.

He rested his forehead against hers. Both of them tried to calm their rapid breathing.

"I think we should stop now." Tristan said huskily, staring into a pool of indigo desire.

"Really, my lord? Are you certain?" Sapphire tried to mock, but her soft voice, flushed face, and still dilated eyes betrayed her.

"Regrettably, I am. The things you do to me, lady Dracmore." His silver eyes were a dangerously alluring hue.

His arousal stood proud, refusing to back down. Tristan tried to think of trolls and ugly ogres. The moment he came in, lord Rivers had been laughing at his expense. An hour later, the sexual innuendoes started. Now, two hours later, lord Rivers was still laughing, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Could you shut up!" Tristan growled as he pulled lord Rivers to the side, away from the other lords which had gathered.

"I most certainly can not! I have never seen you... so frustrated and.... what's the word, deprived?" Lord Rivers smirked.

"It's very amusing, lighten up."

Tristan narrowed his eyes.

"That doesn't work on me, lad. Where is the lady in question, may I ask." Lord Rivers was grinning mischievously, his good mood was infectious, Tristan suppressed a smile.

"I don't know, I escorted her here. I haven't seen her since."

"Neither have I. Entertain my guests, I'll go see where Sapphire is." Lord Rivers quickly walked away, leaving Tristan to be of service to the people present, much to his chagrin.

Lord Rivers hummed softly as he headed towards the kitchen, oh how he loved teasing Tristan. He had never seen him so relaxed and at ease before. They were good for each other.

Stepping in the kitchen, lord Rivers found Sapphire picking on some sweets.

"You didn't go to your room yet?"

Sapphire looked up to her uncles voice.

"No, the kitchen smelled so good, I had to come in here."

Lord Rivers tried in vain not to smirk, he should be furious, not amused! His baby's growing up. Pleasant tears threatened to come, only for him to push them away.

"Have you had the chance to look in a mirror?" Lord Rivers asked nonchalantly.

"Not yet. Do I have flour on me?" Sapphire frowned as she touched her hair.

"No, my darling, why don't you come with me.

A puzzled Sapphire followed an amused lord Rivers as they went to her room, making sure not to cross paths with another soul. Once outside the door, lord Rivers spoke.

" I suggest you wear a high collared gown."

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't have invited so many gentlemen if you wanted me to wear such attire."

"I didn't invite them, they came and as for why.... well look in the mirror."

Sapphire stared in confusion at her uncle as he stood in the door way.
Tentatively she went to her floor length mirror and had a look.

Lord Rivers laughed obnoxiously, not at all proper for someone of his status. Wiping away his tears from his reddened face, he gasped.

"I be the death of me."

"Uncle John!" Sapphire cried, her face scarlet from embarrassment.

Lord Rivers snickered.

"Change, darling."

"Did you find her?"


"Where was she."

"Lost I saw her," lord Rivers paused for dramatic effect, " she was staring at your wonderful claim."
Lord Rivers knew Tristan hadn't meant to do what he did, so many males around had most likely been the cause of his slip of control. Tristan was, by nature, a very possessive person.

Tristan had the grace to turn a light shade of pink at lord Rivers remark.

"Quit blushing like a lass." Lord Rivers snickered, effectively making Tristan scowl.

"A lovers mark. My, my, my! What have you been up to." Isabella teased.

"I didn't know he gave it." Sapphire hissed while quickly donning a blue high collared day dress.

"Xavier never marks me, I don't like them. Are you angry?"

Sapphire stared in the mirror. Was she angry? No she wasn't, embarrassed her uncle had seen it, but angry? No. She liked that Tristan laid a claim on her, regardless if she had to cover it. It showed her he cared. Men did not go around branding everyone.

"No I'm not angry." Sapphire said, answering Isabella's earlier question.
Changing tactic, Sapphire asked Isabella about herself.

"Excited for the wedding?"

"Oh dear! It's in two days time! What am I going to do Sapphire! What am I going to do!" Isabella wailed.

"You're going to get married, what else?" Sapphire snorted.

The next day was filled with hectic activity. Everything was set for the wedding, only last minute adjustments needed to be made. While the servants bustled about to make everything as perfect as could be, the bride was having bridal jitters.

"Sapphire, what if he doesn't come?" Isabella sat amidst her clothes, her room was a disaster. Gowns as well as slippers lay across the floor, the bed, and vanity. A red, teary eye Isabella sat in the middle.

"He will come Izzy, he loves you." Sapphire said gently, it was nearly sunset, the day was about to be over and Isabella had been in this frame of mind since dawn.

"How do you know?" Isabella's lips trembled as she asked the question.

"Because, I know. He loves you Izzy, the way he looks at you, how he holds you, he has eyes only for you. You're feeling nervous, that is all."

"She's right, you know." Lord Rivers spoke from the door. He entered the room and shut the door behind him. Carefully he made his way towards where Isabella and Sapphire sat on the floor. His every prim and proper daughter was in a state, disheveled hair, modest, wrinkled night dress, puffy eyes, it was hysterical.

"He loves you very much, sweetheart. And if he does dare hurt you, let's just say he isn't very fond of my swords." Lord Rivers smirked.

"Papa! You threatened him!"

"Of course I did, darling." Lord Rivers shrugged helplessly. His baby was going to leave him tomorrow.

"He did it because he loves you." Sapphire soothed Isabella.

"Papa, I'm so scared." Isabella cried, flinging her arms around her fathers neck and crying very un gracefully.

"There, there." Lord Rivers soothed while rubbing her back.

"Everything will be alright."

Tell me what you guys think! And once again, thank you for your ever so lovely comments. And thank you, silent readers!



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