Chapter three

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"How does this color look, Marcy?"

"I think the white with royal blue looks lovely on Sapphire and the emerald green looks stunning on Isabella."

"What do you think girls?" Lady Rivers questioned.

Sapphire was stationed on a stool with at least ten different colors and fabrics spread across her, being bored and looking out the window. Isabella kept squealing upon seeing different gowns.

"Mamma, they're lovely!" Isabella exclaimed.

"Yes aunt Katherine, absolutely beautiful." Sapphire mumbled half-heartedly. Her mind was else where. If her mother was here right now, she would be just like aunt Katherine.

"Let's go , " turning to the dressmaker ,"Marcy please have the dresses dropped by Rivers manor by noon."

They stepped out the shop to be greeted with a chilly breeze. The voices of merchants luring passerby's to buy something could be heard. Women's voices discussing how the fruit wasn't any good along with crying children filled the air. The streets were a mixture of various colors.

If one were to look closely within the dark allies, scruffy, thin, gaunt little children could be seen, looking for a chance to steal something to eat , thrown to the mercy of the streets.

The aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries lingered in the air. The sun was shy from fully warming the crowded streets of town. Men with big,round bellies could be seen coming out of the pubs after drinking away the night.

" My! I am famished." Isabella fanned herself. "Can we eat something, please mother."

"Alright, but make it quick, we still need to get jewelry for both of you." Lady Rivers told her daughter sternly.

The three ladies entered a bakery and were escorted to a table.

"What would you have milady."

"Three croissants with butter along with bread and fresh coffee please, medium , not to strong. Thank you." Lady Rivers ordered for the three of them.

"Oh , I must apologize , Sapphire did you want a muffin instead?"

"No thank you aunt Kat, what you ordered is fine, thank you."

The three women hurriedly finished their snack and went towards the jewelry shop.

" Good morning my ladies," the salesman bowed, " how may I assist you."

" You need not worry sir, if we like something we will certainly call you."

Lady Rivers turned towards her girls and said, "pick what ever you two fancy, anything , but do make sure it's beautiful."

Sapphire looked along the display, but nothing caught her attention. She continued until she reached the very end. She looked inside the display and instantly knew what she wanted.

The necklace was silver, with sapphire gems incased with white diamonds. The chain gave off a delicate look, but was sturdy and strong. The necklace would reach just by the hollow portion at the neck. The earrings had three strings with diamonds attached, whose top and middle portion were incased in a snake like a studded chain, as if a spiraling staircase. The bottom portion dangled, letting the three boxed lines reach just by the jaw bone. The earrings were a deep, midnight blue.

"Sapphire darling, have you found anything of interest?"

Lady Rivers came up behind her and let out a quiet gasp.

"My! It's beautiful.!"

"Ahhh yes, this is one of our new arrivals, one of a kind. I can assure you, you won't find another one all throughout the land."

The shopkeeper beamed happily.

" Its settled then, I would like to purchase the emerald gold set, as well as this sapphire piece here."

"Right away, milady."

Knock . Knock

"Enter." Sapphire called out while drying her hair.

"Milday," the servant smiled timidly, "I have come to get you ready."

"Thank you Sarah."

The maid, Sarah, took the dress and laid it on the bed.

" Milady, you will have to remove your chemise, the dress is backless."

"Umm.... Could you please wait, I uhh will go and put the dress on myself and you may do the rest."

Sapphire said uncomfortably. She quickly grabbed her dress and hurriedly went to the bathroom.

She quickly shut the door and stared wide eyed at the mirror. She slowly removed her chemise and stared at her shoulder blade. A twilight blue, black and sliver design rested towards the right of her shoulder blade. A couple years back, she met a women saying she could draw designs on ones skin. Being intrigued , Sapphire had gotten it done. The women told her she would draw what ever came to mind. She had said, 'beauty lies within the pen, she would let it work its magic. '

It's been five years, and the design hadn't faded one bit. Not that she minded, it was beautiful, she hadn't regretted it one bit. She took some powder and quickly applied it to the design, if anyone were to see it, it would surely lead to a scandal.

Once the design was concealed properly, she put on her dress and stepped outside.

"Sorry Sarah, I usually dress myself."

" Its okay Milady ."

Sapphire grimly stared at the mirror as her maid began her hair. Oh how she loathes these events with passion.

Diamonds did not come out until the Victorian Era, please excuse me taking this small liberty. And thanks to Jessicalawrance9 for enlightening me on the fact. Oh, and the coffee is also another liberty. Thank you.

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