Chapter 22

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"She's what!"

Tristan stared incredulously at Xavier.

"Not so loud, mate!" Xavier hissed.

"Explain yourself."

Tristan's eyes were narrowed into slits. He could not believe what Xavier had told him.

"I told you!" Xavier said exasperated, " Isabella said she had to be there for Sapphire and she needed to prepare her, or something like that."

"That's not what you said earlier!" Tristan snapped.

"I'll tell you, if you promise not to get angry at me."

"Xavier." Tristan warned. He was tiring of Xavier's games. He was almost positive Xavier hadn't said what Tristan thought he said.

"Isabella said she wants to prepare Sapphire. What to expect. For her wedding night."

Xavier looked everywhere but at Tristan. He could feel his eyes burning a hole in his back.

"Your wife is here to ruin my wife to be's innocence." Tristan said quietly, a little to quietly.

"Tristan! Where are you going? Tristan, please don't! If Isabella finds out I told you I will be forced to become celibate."

Xavier called out to Tristan's retreating form as he disappeared up the stairs.

"Shite!" Xavier cussed.

"Isabella! What are you doing here?" Sapphire smiled as she hugged her.

"I'm here to educate my dear friend."

"I don't understand......." Sapphire trailed off.

Isabella dragged Sapphire towards the bed. Isabella wore a soft pink day dress while Sapphire wore an attractive red piece.

"Sapphire, I'm going to prepare you for your wedding night. For God sake your wedding is tomorrow! "

"That's scandalous, not to mention improper." Sapphire whispered wide eyed.

"Do you want to sit there like a cretin? Do you know what a pintle is? Or where it is supposed to go? Do you know how to pleasure a man? How to let a man pleasure you?"

Not letting Sapphire answer, Isabella continued, "your silence tells me you don't."

Isabella smiled smugly at Sapphires discomfort. Her poor friend was red from embarrassment.

"I .... I ..." Sapphire was cut off as the door was abruptly opened, slamming against the wall causing a loud bang. Sapphire and Isabella turned to see a very angry Tristan.

"You, out." Tristan growled staring at Isabella.

"Lord Knight! Is that any way to treat your sister-in-law." Isabella cried.

"I. Don't. Care." Tristan said each word carefully.

"Pumpkin, honey I'm terribly sorry."
Xavier said as he came behind Tristan.

"You two may take your argument outside, now!"

Tristan rasped.

Isabella stared at Tristan before snippily making her way out the room.

"I was merely wanting to talk to my friend."

"And I merely want you away from my fiancé."

"That is very rude of you." Isabella admonished. Her face red from anger.

"I don't care." Tristan shrugged before shutting the door in a shocked and furious Isabella's face, then proceeded to lock said door.

Sapphire squirmed as Tristan slowly turned around, he stayed by the door, regarding her impassively. He remained that way for several more minutes before slowly making his way towards her. Sapphire's eyes strayed to his muscled thighs, his breeches did no justice. She tried to keep her eyes on his face, but they kept straying. His muscles stretched and became taunt with each step. She felt her breathing hitch. Unknown feelings stirred within her. His charcoal tunic enhanced his seductive gaze.
Sapphire loathed Isabella.

Tristan put his hands on the bed besides Sapphire. Caging her in, but not touching her. The action made her lean back and support herself on her elbows. Her hair touched the bed, her bosom heaved up and down as she tried to calm her breathing. Her position gave Tristan a very desirable view.
He approved.

Tristan bent down to make it seem he was about to kiss her above her right breast, but quickly maneuvered to her right ear. He bit down on her lobe lightly, teasingly. Sapphire groaned low in her throat. Unconsciously shifting herself closer to him. Her breasts were a breath away from grazing his chest. He loved her body's reaction to him, her reaction to him in general.
Tristan suppressed a groan.

He blew on his bite, softening the sting. He lightly trailed soft, open mouthed kisses down her throat to her jugular. Then proceeded to kiss her jaw, her cheeks, one at a time. Sapphires lids became heavy, closing of their own accord. Tristan kissed her right eyelid first, then her left. He trailed kisses down her cheek, along her jaw, and reached where he began.

"What did Isabella say to you." His warm breath tickled her ear, making an uncomfortable ache pool low in her stomach.

", she didn't say anything." Sapphire gasped as Tristan latched his teeth where her neck met her shoulder. Muscles she didn't know existed clenched within her. She was lost in his slow seduction.

"Really, it didn't seem like nothing." The vibration on her neck had Sapphire feeling dizzy. She couldn't hold her weight. Sapphire slipped slightly, bringing them closer to the bed. Tristan pressed his front to hers, forcing her to lie flat on the bed. His body covered hers. He felt her breasts press against his pectoral muscles. He wished their clothing could disappear. he felt every lush curve, every softness. Sapphires legs dangled on the floor, while her upper body was on the bed. She felt his weight on her, it was oddly comforting, his body flush against hers.

"It w.....was nothing, before-"

Sapphire gasped as he bit down harder. She clutched his upper arms, moving her neck to the side to give him better access. She felt intoxicated, his heady scent made her incoherent.

"You were saying?" Tristan prompted at her silence. Shifting so his erection was safely away from her, he wouldn't dare scare her away.

"Nothing...." Sapphire suppressed a sign. His skilled tongue was doing wicked things to her neck, his hands dug in her waist.


Tristan moved lower to her collar bone.

"A little birdie told me otherwise."

"I......she.... she... didn't say anything. She-"

Sapphire trembled as Tristan went lower, he wasn't playing fair.

"I promise...she...said..she.."

Sapphire arched her back.

"That she came to educate me, be....pre......prepared" Sapphire rasped. She couldn't seem to form any words.

"That's all?" Tristan kissed the hollow of her neck. It took all his restraint as a knight to firmly keep his hands where they were, to not let them wonder.

"An.....andd she ....asked some questions that I'm not.....go...going to tell you."

"Did you answer her questions."


Tristan glanced up at her through his long lashes from his position right above her breast. Lifting himself off her, he reached until their breaths mingled, their lips brushing. Sapphire slowly opened her eyes. Indigo against silver fire.

"If anyone is going to 'educate' you, as you phrase it, its only going to be me. I'm the only teacher you will have and need." Tristan husked.

Sapphire stared into his eyes, his words bringing heat rushing to her cheeks.

"You won't need another teacher, tell your friend that. I'll make it my duty to give you the proper training necessary. I will sacrifice myself to the cause."
Tristan smirked.

Before Sapphire could retort, they heard voices coming up the hall.

"Papa, I promise! He locked the door on me, he's alone with Sapphire. Before their wedding! What is he doing here anyway!" Isabella said in exasperation.

"I called him here dear, it's a half a days journey from here to Knight manor. The wedding will be held there. We can't make the bride travel on the day of her wedding. We leave today, now actually. That's why I called him."

The voices drew closer.

"Get off! Please!" Sapphire panicked.


"I rather like this position." Tristan teased.

"Tristan please!" Sapphire squeaked as she pressed on his chest.

"Say it again." Tristan husked.

"Say what!" Sapphire tried looking over his head, all the while trying to get him off her.

"My name."

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

"Tristan. Happy, now please!"
Sapphire pointed towards the door with her eyes.

Tristan smiled a boyish smile, softening his rugged features. Quickly getting off the bed, he strolled towards the door and in one fluid motion had the door unlocked. Sapphire quickly straitened her clothes. Tristan causally leaned against the wall, watching Sapphire hide yet another love bite with her hair. In time as well, because the door opened to reveal the trio standing. Isabella with an expression of shock, Xavier uncomfortable, and lord Rivers staring between all of them.

"The door is unlocked." Lord Rivers said dryly.

"I heard him lock it." Isabella protested.

"Have the good physician check your hearing, as you can see, the door is unlocked." Tristan retorted.

"And what were you doing in here, alone."

"Not what you and Xavier did when you two were alone before your wedding."

"Why you..."

Isabella quickly glanced towards her father, her face scarlet from embarrassment.

"I think that's enough talking. Tristan, are the horses ready?"

"Yes, my lord. Everything is ready, we're just waiting for everyone else."

"Very well. Sapphire, go with your aunt and we will all be setting out in ten minutes time."

"The nerve of that man!" Isabella grumbled.

"I can't believe him! He kept me away from you the entire night! He had guards placed outside your chambers."

"My hair, Isabella!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, he makes me so upset!" Isabella pouted, pulling on Sapphires hair once again.

Sapphire winced.

"I'll do my hair, why don't you just talk?" Sapphire suggested.

"No, no, I couldn't do that. It's your wedding day, I can't let you get ready on your own."

"I'll manage."

Sapphire was ready except for her hair, which Isabella was supposed to do. Sapphire recalled Isabelle's face when Tristan told her she wasn't allowed near Sapphire.

"You, miss Isabella, stay away from my wife."

"You can not tell me what I may and may not do!" Isabella screeched.

Tristan winced, his ears could only handle so much.

"Alexander! Gerald!"

"You required us?" Alexander asked.

"I need you two to stay with lady Sapphire. Under no circumstances is miss Isabella Manning allowed to go near her. Have I made myself clear?"

"Aye." Alexander smirked.

"Sir, you have-"

"Xavier! Keep your women to yourself!" Tristan roared, ignoring Isabella.

"The nerve of that man! He honestly can not be serious!"

"Oh, but he is, my lady." Alexander smirked.

"Honey, you look beautiful." Lord Rivers beamed.

"Yes darling, truly exquisite." Lady Rivers sniffed into her handkerchief.

"Katherine.." Lord Rivers admonished.

"I'm sorry, I just can't seem to help myself."

"It's alright aunt Kat."

"I'm going to miss you calling me that awful name. I'm going to go see if I'm needed." Lady Rivers sniffed as she left the room.

After her aunt left, wiping away her tears, Sapphire turned toward her uncle and hugged him fiercely.

"I'm so proud of you, darling."

Sapphire tried so hard, she really did, but her tears paid no mind.

"I love you, uncle John." Sapphire croaked into his chest. Her body trembled with the force of her tears.

"Darling, don't cry. Your parents would have been so proud."

"I'm going to miss you." Sapphire whimpered.

"You're free to come home when ever you wish, my child. Tristan will take good take care of you, and you must him." Lord Rivers said as he wiped away her tears.

"You're a strong woman. Trust your heart. Give Tristan some time, and trust each other. Once you trust each other, will you two be able to open up to one another."

Sapphire nodded in agreement.

The wedding came and went. Sapphire felt numb. She talked at the right moments, said the right things. But she didn't remember anything. She knew her parents would want her to be happy for her, but on the day which was meant to be the happiest day of her life, she felt nothing but overwhelming grief. She missed her parents dearly. The nightmares last night had made it worst. Still, she pasted a wide, fake smile on her face and made pleasant talk. She could feel Tristan's questioning gaze, but she refused to look up. Currently she was picking on her wedding feast. Recalling Alfred's earlier words, Sapphire looked towards Tristan, who sat beside her, and gave him a small, sincere smile.

"Lady Dracmore, may I have a word please."

"Of course, Alfred."

"Firstly, if I may, I'd like to congratulate you on your wedding. Secondly, I know it is not my place, but please give Lord Knight a chance. He may have difficulty expressing himself, but please don't give up on him. He's a fine young lad."
Love and fondness had coated his words.

Tristan stared at Sapphire, much as he had done the entire day. She was beautiful. He didn't notice anything, or anyone but her. She was a beauty. Exquisite. But she seemed detached. Her smile, her happiness was missing. Tristan thought it was him perhaps, he should call of the wedding, he didn't want her to be unhappy. But one glance towards Lord Rivers preventing him from making a foolish mistake.

Her small smile at the evening meal had him relax slightly. He would have to tread carefully, he wanted her trust, her love....
Tristan froze mid meal.
One word. A simple word, four letters. Yet its depth went deeper than any ocean known to mankind. He wasn't under the false impression that he deserved certain things, but he wasn't about to turn away a blessing, no matter how corrupt his soul may be.

"Lets go, I believe we stayed here long enough."

Sapphire looked up, startled. Tristan was bent close to her ear, his warm breath fanned her cheek.

Tristan grabbed her hand and tugged her up.

"Lets pray we can leave unnoticed."

But of course, life has an unusual sense of humor. As Tristan took Sapphires hand, he caught the eye of his men.

"Leaving already, Tristan. Are you no going to dance?"

"He's going to be doing a different sort of dancing, Duncan." Alexander smirked slyly as wolf whistles began.

Tristan signed in exasperation at his men before picking up Sapphire with one arm positioned under her knees and one by her shoulder blade. Tristan carried Sapphire up the stairs. He felt her handles tremble as she placed them on his chest.

"I'm glad to see the bandages are gone."

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

" I told you, I accidentally cut myself."

Tristan let the matter go, for now.

"Besides, they don't hurt much. " Sapphire shrugged.

The rest of the journey to the room was a accompanied by comfortable silence. Sapphire could feel her heart beating a tattoo in her chest, Tristan could surely hear it. She felt nervous, afraid, anticipated? Her hands trembled slightly, but she refused to pay them mind. Slowly the numbness she had felt began to disappear. She was surrounded by a spicy, intoxicating scent that was all Tristan. She peeked through her lashes at his profile. He kept his expression blank, looking straight ahead. As if he felt her gaze, Tristan tightened his hold on Sapphire, holding her close.

Once they reached the door, Tristan opened it with one hand, still holding her close. Once in the room, he had the door closed and locked in one fluid motion, then, he gently placed her down.

Sapphire looked at the very large room, and equally as large bed. The sound of Tristan's voice had her turning to face him.

"You look beautiful." As he said this, his hand raised to remove a stray curl from her face. His hand remained to cup her cheek. The lone candle in the room illuminated her features, enhancing her beauty. Tristan was enthralled.

Sapphire blushed at the compliment. His silver eyes gazed into her indigo ones.

"We won't do anything if you don't want to."

"I had assumed I had a great deal to learn. Of course, unless you assume you aren't able to teach me. I may need to find a new instructor, my lord husband." Sapphire teased as she fought her already present blush.

"You, my lady wife, will only ever require me. You have a great deal to learn. And as I said earlier, I will sacrifice myself to the cause. I just don't want to push you."

Tristan took hold of her nape, holding her in place. Slowly, he bent down and lightly traced her lips with his tongue before gently brushing his lips with hers. When she didn't pull back, Tristan pressed his lips more firmly before slipping his tongue in her mouth.

Sapphire moaned low in her throat at the invasion to her mouth, Tristan gave a low guttural sound in approval. Sapphire was no stranger to Tristan's intoxicating kisses, her tongue mimicking his movements . Each time he kissed her, she would loose herself. As his tongue became more urgent, Tristan tightened his hold on her nape, using his other hand on her lower back to push her against him. Her breasts grazing his chest. Her form pressed tantalizingly to his own. Completely trapped.

Sapphire was lost to the sensations his tongue provoked. Slowly she brought her hands up to rest on his chest, her efforts were rewarded with an approved groan. An unfamiliar ache began low in her belly as Tristan began to kiss down her throat only to return to her lips. She felt the heat from his skin, the rapid beat of his heart. Unknown sensations tickled her senses. Fear and anticipation assaulted her. She moved her hands across his broad chest, learning exploring.

The rough, urgent kisses began to slow, making room for a more gentle assault. Tristan sucked her bottom lip into his mouth before biting down gently. Stealing one last, lingering kiss, he pulled away.

"Are you certain?"

Her eyes were wide, filled with wonder and and apprehension. She gave a slight nod. Her breathing still labored. Tristan traced his finger down her reddened cheek, following the blush that crept from her neck line. Putting his hands on her arms, he turned her around and began to untie her corset and dress.

Sapphire stared at the many trunks in the room. Before she could further pursue her curiosity, a new curiosity made itself known.

Slowly, his deft fingers revealed her creamy shoulders to his hungry gaze.
Tristan bent down and kissed one shoulder softly. Sapphire felt the heat of his lips as well as something else. Tristan moved the dress down, kissing every inch of exposed skin.

"This is a very strange symbol."

"I had it drawn a couple of years back by this old lady. She drew what ever the pen wanted." Sapphire whispered as she felt his lips kiss her mark. She had forgotten about her design until this moment.

" It's lovely. A remarkable contrast against your pale skin." Tristan murmured against her skin.
Sapphire shivered.

Tristan continued to remove her clothes until her back was bare, her clothes resting on her hips. Tristan let his lips skim the curve of her spine, letting his tongue have a taste. Sapphire arched her back in response.

Sapphire closed her eyes as a fog clouded her mind. She was unfamiliar to the feelings Tristan evoked, but his touch didn't frighten her. The world around her ceased to exist as she felt herself exposed. She had nothing but her garter on. Her dress, corset, chemise- everything was removed. She could feel Tristan crouched on the floor behind her.
She felt vulnerable.
Before she could dwell to long on it, Tristan began to trail his fingers along her legs.

"I could get used to seeing you like this." Tristan murmured appreciatively as his eyes followed the path of his fingers.

Tristan turned her around as he let his gaze linger on her front.

"Undress me." Tristan rasped.

" I...."

Taking her trembling hands in his, Tristan kissed her palms one at a time, all the while keeping his gaze locked with hers.

"You're my wife." Tristan said as he placed her hands on his chest.

With quivering hands, Sapphire removes his tunic, his bare chest opened to her eyes. Sapphire looked at Tristan before kissing one of his scars.
Tristan hissed through his teeth.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No , my sweet. But if you continue to do what you're doing, we're going to end before we even begin."

Sapphire gave him a puzzled look before shrugging it away and turning towards his breeches.

"No." Tristan rasped.

"Not yet. That will be a lesson for another time, tonight's all about you."

He bent down and picked Sapphire up bridal style and took her to the bed, laying her down the middle.

"You're so very beautiful."

His body covered hers, flesh to flesh. Tristan kisses her forehead, then her cheeks, then her throat, his small beard scraping against her jaw seductively, before finally moving to her lips.

"Don't be scared. I promise to be gentle."

"What makes it seem I'm afraid."

"You're trembling." Tristan whispered.

" I don't know what to do. I don't want to disappoint you." Sapphire whispered softly while staring at his chest. Tristan tilted her chin up to face him.

"Would you like to know a secret?"
Tristan smiled. Bending down so his breath blew across her ear, his body crushing hers, warming hers.

"This is my first time as well. As I take your maiden hood, you will take my bachelorhood."

Not giving his bride a chance to answer, Tristan latched his teeth on to the mark he made just the day before. Sapphire arched into him. Tonight seemed different from all the other times he had kissed her, touched her. Her body craved his touch, reacting from the slightest brush of a finger.

He kissed down her collar bone, trailing a path of licks and bites until he reached her breasts. Tristan looked up to see Sapphires eyes closed in pleasure, her breathing slightly labored. He trailed kisses down the valley of her breast. Tristan lightly kissed the top of her right breast, emitting a gasp from Sapphire.
Sapphires eyes flew open.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax, my love." Tristan murmured from his position.
He took on breast into his mouth, lavishing it with his tongue. Sapphire moaned loudly at the foreign sensations, her eyes became heavy as they closed of their own accord. Her body arching into Tristan's touch. His tongue doing wicked things to her. Her breathing became harsher. Without her knowledge, Sapphires hands came to Tristan's head, holding him in place as she withered beneath him.

"Don't hold back, I want to hear you." Tristan groaned.

Sapphire released the hold she had on her mouth. A loud moan making its way through.

As his mouth lavished her breast, his other hand fondled her neglected orb. Never had a female evoked passion and lust within him as this female beneath him did. She drove him insane. His member ached hard where it pressed against her stomach. But he would take this slow, torturing himself along with her.

Tristan gave equal attention to both breasts before moving down and kissing her ribs. He kept trailing kisses downward until he reached her navel, dipping his tongue within. Tristan kept kissing until he reached her most intimate area, skipping over it, he nipped her thigh.

" I think it's time for these to go."

Sapphire watched through hazy eyes as Tristan removed her garter, placing small, open mouthed kisses as he exposed her legs.

"You have lovely legs." Tristan complemented as he finished removing her second garter, kissing the arch of her foot, then moving up her calf, to the back of her knee, and then her thigh. Once he finished one leg, he would turn his attention to the second.

Sapphire was so lost in her lustful haze, she barely had time to be embarrassed by her nudity. She didn't even realize when he had removed his breeches. But she noticed the sensational thrill of skin against skin.

He lay naked on top of her. Every glorious naked inch touching against each other. Soft and womanly against hard, taunt muscle.

Sapphire scraped her nails down Tristan's back as he once again lavished her breasts.

"I believe I said tonight's about you." Tristan growled as he caught both of her hands in one of his and lifted them atop her.


"Hush now."

Tristan looked in approval as their current position pushed her generous orbs closer for him to take.

"So, so beautiful. I will learn your body inch by inch." His voice caressed her, as did the rest of him.

Sapphire squirmed. She needed something. But what? She tried breaking free of Tristan, but he only tightened his hold. Sapphire became restless, she tried to move, to make that feeling go away.

"You need to stop moving, darling."

"I.. there's something... Tristan..."

"I know, love."

Slowly Tristan let go of her hands as he moved his hand down her body, softly caressing as his hand sought its destination. Once his hand reached her most intimate area, he groaned.


"I love hearing my name from your lips." Tristan groaned while nuzzling her neck.

Slowly, carefully he slid one finger inside her.

Sapphire gasped at the intrusion. It felt..... beyond words, but she needed something more.

"You're perfect.."

Once her body became accustomed to one finger, he inserted another, stretching and preparing her. His fingers began to move faster, harder, until she couldn't handle it.


Sapphire screamed as an unknown feeling took root within her, shattering her within its wake. Before she could fully recover, Tristan positioned his member to her core.

"This is going to hurt."

Before she could comprehend what he said, Tristan thrust into her, joining them as one, man and woman.

Sapphire gasped as a lone tear trailed down her cheek.

"I'm sorry." Tristan mumbled as he kissed the tear away. His body was taunt, strained. Sweat gathered at his brow, his jaw clenched. He had to stay still. Never had he felt like a martyr until tonight.

Sapphire felt a burning in her belly, the pain made way for a new, welcomed assault. Sapphire moved her hips, needing to move, to feel.

"Stop moving."
Tristan growled.

"Why are you tense?" Sapphire asked as she trailed a finger along his clenched jaw.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"The pains gone."

Tristan smiled a slow predatory smile before continuing their love making.

"Where are you going." Sapphire mumbled as Tristan got up and walked to a door she hadn't seen. They had just finished their loving making and Sapphire had never experienced anything like it before, she loved every second of it. She would have to repay the favor to Tristan. Tristan came back and began moving her legs apart.

"What are you doing?" Sapphire squealed, her face turning a beautiful shade of red.

"It's very endearing to see you're still shy. Relax, the warm cloth will help with the soreness." Tristan said as he moved away her hand and wiped away her blood on her thighs before putting the cloth higher.

"You didn't have to..."

Tristan smiled and focused on his task.

Tristan stared at Sapphires sleeping form, her hair spread behind her. He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Truly exquisite. I promise you lady Knight, I will try my hardest. I will love and cherish you as you deserve."
He whispered as he kissed her palm, the wound barely beginning to heal.

"She looked so beautiful tonight. You should have seen her, Edward. She wasn't smiling, but that's your fault. Tristan would take good care of her. You saw him once, remember? When he first came to me for training. He makes a fine knight, and an even better man."
Lord Rivers wiped away a rogue tear as he stared at the stars.

"I think you had too much to drink, dear." Lady Rivers whispered.

"I don't drink, you know that."

"You did a good job raising her, Annabelle and Edward would have been happy."

Lord Rivers said nothing as he held his wife close, letting the tears he was holding run free in the confines of her neck.

As Tristan stared at his sleeping wife, committing to memory every inch of her face. And lord Rivers smiled despite his heavy heart, a vengeful enemy unjustly plotted against them.

"He's married you say?"

"Och, to lady Dracmore."

"Lady Dracmore, ye say? Tis true, is she as bonny as her mother?"


Fredrick smiled a cold smile, "lord Rivers may have tricked me once, but not again."

The woman resist the urge to put a sword through Fredrick's heart. How dare he interrupt her!

"Why have you just arrived?"

"Lord Knight kept a tight guard. I couldn't come unnoticed earlier, the wedding preparations provided a means of escape."

"Go, and make sure you report regularly. And don't call him 'lord Knight', he doesn't deserve the tittle!" The woman snapped with venom, her eyes blazing with hatred.

"Yes, my lady." The man bowed, and hastily left.

She turned towards Fredrick to see his eyes glazed with lust, no doubt about lady Dracmore. She didn't care, he was only her vessel to use. Once she was done with him she would toss him aside.

"Why do ye hate lord Knight as so?"

"Is the Scottish thief afraid?"

"He's a fine knight, have killed many a men in the battle field. Can wield a sword with both hands. And his damn horse is his best friend, has instincts no animal should posses." Fredrick grumbled.

"The horse, is it black?"


"Tristan's very fond of his horse, and the horse him."

"Ye did nae answer my question."

"He killed my son!"

"A battles a battle." Fredrick shrugged."

"My son was seven! A child!" The woman snapped. Her beauty diminished by the hatred which resided with her. Upon first glance her red, brown locks and blue eyes made her an exquisite beauty. But once a person got a glimpse of the hatred in her cold, calculating eyes, her beauty ceased to exist. This was a woman who used sex as a tool, and destroyed anyone who crossed her path. Her lips remained in a permanent scowl.

"Lord Knight will nae kill a child."

"He's not as good as he appears to be." The woman sneered.

"He killed one of my men when they were about to kill a child. He's ruthless, but not with women and children." Fredrick grunted.

"So be it! I want him to suffer and I will start with his wife."
The woman snarled, unjust hatred filled the black of her heart.

Here it is, I hope you guys like it. Thank you for the wait! comment and vote! And last thing, if anyone is interested in making a cover please let me know, I need one for my next story. Thank you!

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