Chapter 24

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"A week! One bloody week! You wasted one week!" She was livid.

"I'm sorry, mistress." He dared not move as the whip nipped his back, a warning of what was to come.

"Do what you must, but if it is not done soon enough, I will have you gutted and hung on my wall." She smoothed her blond hair down, making sure not a single hair was out of place. The worthless excuse of a man was down on his knees, his head bent in submission. If she hadn't need of the weasel, he'd already be dead.

"If I find out you're plotting against me, I will skin you alive, literally." She hissed, her blue eyes a blazed in hatred, making her beautiful features stain with ugliness.

"Nae! I've gathered useful information." He hastily tried to reassure her.

"That is for me to decide." The woman barked, her anger tightly leashed. For now.
Fredrick watched the exchange with hooded eyes as he drank his ale. Her tangible hatred fueling his passions. Never had he met a woman as vicious and filled with hatred as her, she would do what ever it took to achieve her goals. Such blackness filled her heart, he knew without a doubt she would sacrifice her own flesh. The blackness of her heart no doubt matched his own. She was a cunning wench. A bitch from hell.

"Speak, you manky fool."

"I.. I discovered two of lord Knights adversaries , ones that may be able to be of use to us."

"Go on." Any enemy of Tristan's was a use to her. She wouldn't say friend, she had no time for such petty relations, they were only for the weak.

"One is a woman and the other is a man. The woman, as well as the man, are both of noble birth. Although, they are very conniving." The man said as he still knelt in front of her. He prayed he would be rewarded for his efforts. But knowing his mistress it was unlikely.

"And why does Tristan dislike these people." The woman mused. The man she could understand, if he were to be a knight or second son, but not one with a tittle. And the lady was most definitely a surprise. Tristan disliked the opposite sex, or people at all for that matter, she should know.
The only thing he ever let close enough was his damned horse.

"The man had ill intentions towards his lady wife. And the woman is bitter about lord Knights rejection."

"How very convenient. Tell me, does he still have his lame horse he's so fond of."

"His lame horse? He has a magnificent black stallion, damn git." He muttered angrily.

"And does this stallion have a scar above his left eye?"

"Aye, mistress, it does?" His eyebrows were pulled together in confusion, why would she be asking such questions?

" It seems his horse is no longer lame, just like its master, it matters not." She mused, she would have her revenge.
"Keith, I want you to go to these two people, and if they are willing to be of assistance, being them to me."

"Aye, mistress."

Tristan trailed his finger lightly down Sapphires cheek. Her glorious raven locks splayed beneath her. A smile of pure male arrogance graced his full lips as his gaze drank in his wife's sated state. Every night, as well as morning had been a piece of paradise.

"Good morn." Sapphire mumbled sleepily.

"A very good morn." Tristan said huskily.

"You are an insatiable man." Sapphire whispered as Tristan's eyes began to darken.

"Only with you, love." Tristan murmured before crushing his lips with hers.


"Hush now."

Tristan began to trail kisses down her jaw when he was rudely in interrupted.

"Tristan! Tis morn! Are we not going to train today?"

Tristan cussed Alexander's cheeky arse to the pits of hell. The bloody bastard was doing this on purpose.

"And you claimed Isabella was annoying." Sapphire teased.

"Alexander will find himself missing a very vital part of his body." Tristan growled before stealing a kiss.

"Wait, my lor-"

"It's Tristan, my lady wife." Tristan interrupted with a kiss to her lips. The more time he spent with her, the harder it was to keep his hands to himself. It was driving him insane.

Tristan opened his chamber door and punched Alexander in the face, breaking his perfect nose.

"Bloody bollocks, Tristan! " Alexander growled holding his bleeding nose.

"Don't disturb my sleep."
Tristan shrugged as if he hadn't just marred Alexander's perfect features.

"You were nay sleeping, my lord. More-"

"Alexander."Tristan warned.

Alexander smirked.

"Now how am I to get a good tussle with a broken nose."

"Tell them some rubbish of battle."

"Aye, that will get me a good tussle." Alex grinned, the bleeding already ceasing.

"Aye, and another hit to the face when they learn the truth. Ye haven't left the manor in a years time." Sapphire said coming behind Tristan.

"Aye, well the wenches will believe anything, tis the way ye plea-"

"That's enough." Tristan snapped. Sapphires cheeks coloring in embarrassment.

"Go, I'll be in the grounds in ten minutes time."

"Tristan, may I train today, please. It's been a week." Sapphire asked as she snaked her arms around his waist from behind. Tristan had just finished getting dressed.

Tristan contemplated the matter before slowly nodding his head.

"Only if you promise to wear three of my tunics and two of my trousers."

"Tristan." Sapphire glared as he turned around and eyed her attire with a narrowed gaze.

"Nay! Your tunic tis to revealing. The men will be able to see every damn enticing curve." Tristan growled.

"Tristan! They're your men, they won't look or do anything." Sapphire said in exasperation.

Tristan pulled Sapphire against him, his one arm wrapped around her waist. The other arm held her nape in place and crashed his lips to hers in a brutal, punishing kiss. His tongue thoroughly examined her mouth, branding her.
Her eyes remained closed as his ragged breathing touched her ear. Her heart matching the tempo of his breath.

"You belong to me."
His hand trailed down her lips to her breast, cupping it.

"This belongs to me."
His hand trailed down lower, touching her curves until they gripped her waist, briefly squeezing before his hand trailed down to her rear, grinding her against his growing arousal. His sweet torment didn't stop there, his hand went around to her front, touching her most intimately.
Sapphire felt herself trembling. Her legs could barely hold her upright. Somewhere in the back of her mind a small voice told her to get a grip on herself, but her muddled brain pushed all coherent thoughts aside.

"As does this. And no one takes what's mine."

Sapphire should have been afraid of his possessiveness, but all she felt was stark, feminine pride. Of course, she couldn't let him know.

"You arrogant brute." Sapphire shuddered as his hands went under her tunic, touching bare skin.

"Listen to the arrogant brute. On second thought, I quiet like this tunic." Tristan said in between kisses as his hand trailed higher.

"But only I will see you in it. If you want to train, you will need to change."

"You .."

"Compromise, love. I'll let you train, alongside my men, if you change. I don't like the idea of you training in front of them but I won't stop you." Tristan continued to trail kisses down her collar bone, trying to push the cloth down lower so more skin could be exposed. While his other hand inched higher. Maybe he should rip the annoying cloth.


"Good." Tristan grabbed the hem of her tunic and was about to pull it over her head when there was a bang on the door.


"Damnation!" Tristan snarled.

"Damnation indeed." Sapphire grumbled, it was the second time they had been interrupted. She hid her face in Tristan's chest as she realized she had said that aloud. He must think her wanton.

"Later, love." The promise clear in his silver eyes, as well as his bloody amusement.

"Lady Knight, by God, I've never met a lass who could best me with the sword." Duncan said as he blocked another blow. He was breathing hard, sweat had gathered at his brow. A wee lassie had him sweating!

"Duncan! Are ye getting tired by a lass, who's half ye size." Alexander jeered.

"Not so brave now, aye Duncan." Gerald snickered.

"I'll show ye." Duncan barked, he would not be bested by a lass, no matter how beautiful.

"Distractions are a mistake." Sapphire admonished as she nicked Duncan on his right arm. She was growing tired of her charade, but she couldn't be that cruel to him. She had to make him think he had some leverage.
One should never underestimate an opponent.
Enough toying, she would end the battle now. She could feel Tristan's heated gaze on her back but she refused to look his way.

Sapphire circled around Duncan feigning right before attacking his left leg with her sword. She shoved his shoulder with all her might, causing him to move back, more out of surprise than her strength, Sapphire acknowledged wearily. Nevertheless, she had to use every small advantage she managed to be blessed with.
The unexpected push had Duncan tumbling backwards, the grip of his sword hand loosening. Sapphire grasped the opportunity, knocking his sword out of reach, declaring her the winner of their mock battle.

"I believe, you've been bested by a lass, dear Duncan."
The men hollered at Sapphires claim, a new respect for their lady taking root in their hearts.

Tristan watched Sapphire with hooded eyes. He could see the admiration of his men towards her. She had an excellent sword arm, despite her being a female. A pity his tunic didn't cling to her body as her own did. While Duncan seemed as if he had just jumped into a lake, his beautiful bride looked perfect, not a hair out of place. Lord Rivers was a fine trainer, perhaps the best in the world, Tristan should know.

"Lady Knight, where did you learn to wield a sword?" Young Robert asked in awe. It was well past noon, the men, as well as the few servants, had been watching the battle for about an hours time. Sapphire was accustomed to training for four to six hours a day. The match with Duncan left her wanting more.

"Let my wife be." Tristan said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Before they could protest, Sarah began her scolding.

"Inside! The noon meal is cold. I will not be serving anyone later! Tis no true ye all need ye strength to train, aye? "

Sapphire chuckled as Tristan carried her towards their chambers, that is until she remembered her current state.

"Tristan put me down! I don't smell pleasant!" Sapphire hissed.

Tristan lowered his face until he nuzzled her neck, biting softy.

"You taste and smell delectable."

Sapphire blushed but bit her tongue.

"But how did ye come to learn the sword."

They were all sitting for the evening meal. Duncan sulked, still nursing his wounded ego, while Alexander stared at Sapphire expectantly.

"My uncle, lord Rivers trained me ever since I was seven summers." Sapphire omitted the part where her training became serious after her tenth year.

"Lord Johnthan Rivers?"

"Aye, the very one."

"The one who trained Tristan?"
Alexander asked in awe.

"My uncle trained you?" Sapphire turned towards her husband, not expecting this bit of information.

Tristan put down his cup of water and nodded.

"Aye, lord Rivers taught me how to wield a sword for as long as I can remember. My skill with the sword is due to him."

"Skill? Ye can wield a sword with both ends , ye bastard. Tis more than a skill." Alexander said with envy.
Tristan shrugged.

"Lady Knight, may I have the honor of jousting with ye on the morrow?"

"Ye plan on being bested, Alex," Gerald snickered.

"Nay, I plan to face a worthy opponent." Alexander countered.

"Tis alright Alexander, Gerald's afraid to be beaten." Tristan teased.

Gerald opened his mouth to comment but wisely decided against it. Duncan had boasted a great deal before his loss. Claiming he wouldn't joust with a' lass'. They were too delicate. Gerald planned on keeping some of his pride.

"Have nothing to say, aye."

"I do not need my words biting me in the arse."

"Wise choice. There is a saying, a smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Ye are doing well, young one." Alexander tried to impersonate
a scholar, making everyone in the great hall laugh at his antics.

"I will show ye a wise choice, ye bugger." Gerald growled.

Sapphire stared at the large, empty bed. A feeling of apprehension hanging over her.
"Don't be ridiculous, Sapphire. You have put your demons to rest. Slain your dragons. Go to sleep." But even as she reassured herself, Sapphire knew it was in vain. Tristan had to discuss some things with his men, he would join her in bed later. For a week, miraculously, her nightmares stayed at bay. She prayed it remains that way.

"It has been too quiet lately, has it not?"

"I say it is a blessing." Duncan answered with a snort. Tristan and his suspicious nature.

Ignoring Duncan, Tristan stared at the maps before speaking.
"I want a group of men to scout the area at first light, as well as appoint more guards on the wall. Something just doesn't seem right."

"Ye want to know what doesnae seem right? Tis that Andrew."

"Neither do I. Where is he, I haven't seen him."

"He disappeared again, my lord. I thought to perhaps have Robbie trail after him, but Robbie has a soft side for the blighter. It would have been no help." Alexander rubbed a hand over his face in irritation.

"Perhaps Gerald should befriend the billy no-mates." Tristan hid his smirk, Gerald despised Andrew.

"I already attempted, my lord. He hid in his house as a hermit."

Tristan debated the matter as a bone chilling scream tore through out the house, causing Tristan's heart to stop beating.

"Sapphire.." Tristan breathed before his instincts as a warrior took over.

"Gerald, have the men ready. Alex, take about five and scout the area. Duncan, have ten men surround the manor, lock the gates. No one should escape."
Tristan growled before running to his chambers, his sword unsheathed his heart in his throat.

"Dear God, please." Tristan breathed as he took the stairs two at a time. For the first time in his life he found someone to care for. Fear, a foreign emotion, an emotion he never came in contact with, penetrated his heart. All thoughts of caution fled his mind as he thrust his door open, scanning the room. What met his eyes had his heart racing with relief and dread.

"Alex." Tristan rasped. "Have everyone retreat, there's no danger." Tristan said over his shoulders at Alexander's approaching form.

"Are ye certain." Alexander said hesitantly. Tristan's face was cloaked in shadows, his features hard to make out.


Tristan closed the door as he carefully made way to Sapphires whimpering form. Tears streaked her cheeks, cold sweat covered her brow. Her head thrashed from side to side, her slender fingers clutching the covers.

"No! No!! " Tristan held Sapphire close as she momentarily thrashed against him before relenting. Tristan moved her hair away from her face, running a hand up and down her back, murmuring soothing words in her ear.

"Blood. So much blood. Everywhere.. Blood. Please, don't." Sapphire mumbled.

Tristan rocked her back and forth, his body rigid with tension. He couldn't wake her, only pray her nightmare would quickly end.

"Mamma... Papa... NOOO !"
More tears trailed down her cheeks as her body shook with the force of her grief. Her nails digging into his flesh, drawing blood.
Tristan felt the wetness in his eyes. He hadn't cried ever since he was a young lad. He could only pray, and that's what he did.

Sapphires eyes flew open, still filled with tears. Her heart creating a punishing rhythm. She broke away from Tristan's grasp to empty the contents of her stomach. She was vaguely aware of someone holding her hair and rubbing her back. When it seemed her stomach had been emptied completely, did her body cease its assault. Tristan wiped her mouth with a cloth. He pulled her on top of him as he leaned on the bed, gently rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry you had to see that."

"I believe it's part of human nature to empty the contents of their stomach. There are different ways to go about the task, but what needs to be done is done, regardless of the how or why." Tristan whispered.
The room was bathed in darkness, only their steady breathing could be heard. Sapphire clutched Tristan's tunic while his hands made mindless patterns on her back.

"How long have your nightmares been occurring." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Ever since I was ten summers."
Her voice equally as quiet as his. She felt him nod against her her head.

"Was there a great deal of blood tonight?"

Sapphire squeezed her eyes shut, not needing to recall her nightmare. She needed to trust him. And how else would they get to know each other?

"I was ten summers when I came to live with uncle John. Him and aunt Katherine and my parents were very close. I was sleeping when my mother woke me up one night. She seemed frightened. My father had a small room built to hide my mother and I incase of danger. The room was hidden behind a painting. My mother hid me there and told me not to come out under any circumstance.

"I didn't understand what was going on, I heard shouting, a lot of shouting. I was so scared. But that fear seemed irreverent to what I felt next." Sapphire snorted at her naive view of life.

"Before my mother could leave, a man came. I had never seen anyone like him before. He had a beard which was stained with blood. His eyes, his face everything about him..." Sapphire shuddered at the memory.
"He held a huge dagger to my mothers throat, calling for my father. I couldn't see my father, his back was to me, but he was livid. He killed my mother. He raped and killed my mother while my father was forced to watch. He was helpless to do anything. The man had my father chained, making him watch everything, he had felt so helpless....

"I didn't know my mother was pregnant until that night. He cut her stomach open and threw the unborn babe as if it was an object. "

Sapphire gasped on a sob. The details from that night still fresh in her minds eye.

"I've had my nightmares ever since. Some nights are better than others. I can put the past behind me through out my day, but at night, my mind has a mind of is own. "

Sapphire brows crinkled. She hadn't had any nightmares since her wedding, today had been the first time. A thought she voiced to Tristan.

Tristan ran his hand along her spine. He had forced his body to be relaxed while she spoke, but his mind was calculating, while his heart was in anguish. Who knew there were so many ways to kill a person, and even more ways to torture them. His jaw was taunt, no amount of words could bring her parents back, and she didn't need his pity, empathy, comfort? Maybe. But most definitely not his pity. He wanted to comfort her, share a part of himself with her as she had done with him.

Tristan lifted up her head until they were eye to eye. He wiped away her tears and joined his lips with hers in a soft, tender kiss, pouring what he couldn't say in that one kiss.

"Would you like to know a secret?" Tristan whispered against her lips. Sapphire gave a smile in return.

Tristan rested Sapphire on his chest before beginning.

"It may be hard to believe, but I wasn't always as pulchritudinous as I am today."

"Bugger." Sapphire said with a punch to his chest. Tristan chuckled. His wife was back already.

"As I was saying, I wasn't always so becoming." Tristan's tone was light, but the words he was about to say were anything but. He had never shared his life with anyone else, he didn't know what to say, or rather how.

"My mother and father didn't have time for me, always busy. I remember being raised by the servants for a certain time. My only friend was Asher."

"Your horse?" Sapphire asked surprised, recalling the magnificent beast.

"Aye, Asher. We were alike. I was pudgy and disliked, and he was the same. A derelict like myself. When I had first found Asher he was crippled. The healers said he would make a useless horse, he couldn't even walk, let alone run."

Sapphire stared at his chest in wonder. Asher? The horse was powerful, the fastest stallion she had ever seen. It was a majestic war horse, the envy of every man who had the fortune to come across it.

"He was my only friend, I couldn't let him go." Tristan whispered.
"I took him in, much to the protest of my parents." Tristan said warily, a hint of ancient anguish laced his words.

"We had spent every day together since then, I told him everything. From the mischief I did to the beatings I had gotten. I always told Asher I would be a knight and he would be my horse. Asher would always shake his head at me, as if he understood every word and didn't believe it." A hint of a smile lingered on his lips.

"When did you find Asher? How old were you?"

"I don't remember. I do know I found him shortly after my brother had passed away."

Sapphire leaned her elbows against his broad chest as she stared into his eyes.

"You have a brother?!" The surprise was clear in her voice.

"Not have, had." Tristan corrected.

"How much older were you than him?"

Tristan smiled cynically, pain evident in his eyes, Sapphires heart constricted.

"He was older than me, I was younger. I don't remember his or my age. I just know he loved me a great deal. He always made sure I was at ease and comfortable. My lack of height didn't bother him. My parents loved him a great deal, he was to be lord of the manor. I was a disgrace to them. Christian would always tell me to ignore them, to not believe them, and I did. " A hint of happiness as well as sadness entered his eyes as he spoke of his brother. The battle of love and hurt raging within him.

Sapphire absently drew patterns on his chest. Thinking of Tristan as a chubby young boy. He must have been adorable, regardless of what his mother thought.

"How did he pass away?" Sapphire asked tentatively.

Tristan held Sapphire closer, his muscles tightening with barely leashed tension. He was quiet for so long, Sapphire thought he wouldn't answer. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper, so very vulnerable that it had tears stinging her eyes, he answered.

"He died while saving me. A horse was running wild, the owner couldn't control it. By the time we realized what was happening it was to late. Christian pushed me out the way, causing the horse to trample over him instead of me. He died instantly."

"Andrew is it?"

The man in question looked up to see Sapphire eying him with concern.

"Aye, milady."

"May I have a look at your arm, please. It does not look well."

Andrews forearm was covered in blood by a nasty gash. The protruding bone could be seen clearly. A weaker person would not be able to stomach it, much less inflict it upon themselves.

"Would ye be able to handle it, milady?"

Sapphire laughed in amusement, she may be a lady but she was not faint of heart.

"I have tended to far worse than that, sir. Allow me to have a look." Sapphire had some talent with herbs and medicine. She had worked along side a healer for quite a long period of time. She didn't openly practice, but if someone was in need, she happily offered her assistance.
The wound was bad, but Sapphire hadn't been lying when she said she had seen far worse.

"We will need to put the bone back in place, sir. It will be painful, I'll need you to drink some ale to lessen the pain."

Sapphire looked around the fields for Alexander. Spotting him, she quickly called him for assistance.

"Sir Alexander, may you please assist me with Andrew here, he has a wound that needs immediate attention."

"Certainly, my lady."

"How did this happen, Andrew." Alexander questioned him, the man had disappeared yet again and returned with a wound, and a ghastly one at that.

"Were ye in a brawl?"

Andrew fought to hide his amusement. Did the knight actually care? Of course not! His mind was no doubt creating reasons for Andrews mishap.

"Nae. I donnae remember. Tis I woke up with a pain in me arm. Looked down to see blood and bone."

Alexander eyed Andrew but didn't say anything. Andrew refrained himself from snickering. Remembering all too well why he had to break his own bone. He couldn't get his coins from the bloody bint fast enough.

"Lord Stark, I have a matter to discuss which you would be most interested in."

"And who are you?" Stark said with the arrogance of one who deems themselves superior to all.

"I am Keith. I understand you have a dislike towards lord Knight. With your assistance, we may be able to come to a permanent solution."
Straight to the point. Keith didn't see no need to dally. He had come here for a reason, not for idle chit chat.

"Like the devil I will! And what will I get in return?"

"Ye can get the wench." Keith shrugged indifferently. But he knew the idea of her ladyship would lure him.

Stark laughed humorlessly. Contrary to what people believed, he was not stupid. He wouldn't gamble away his life. He could still recall Tristan's threat all too vividly. No, not threat, promise. The devil didn't make threats.

"I have no need for the lady. A word of advice, if you value your life, you better stay clear of Knight. He is ruthless as he is loyal. He is the worst enemy a man can make."

"I requested your assistance, not your cowardly advice." Keith spat. He had no luck with Stark, mayhap the woman would be more easily swayed. A task for another day.

Andrew winced as the bone was put back in place, but he didn't cry out. A couple more moments more of this torture and he would be free to go.

"I apologize for the pain, Andrew. You will need rest and time for the wound to heal."

"Aye, milady. My thanks, ye have been most kind."
A kindness he would not repay, at any cost.

"Tis not trouble, Andrew. Do take care of yourself." Sapphire said with a frown, concern clearly etched across her face. Andrews wound was not to be taken lightly,she would talk to Tristan, see what he could do. Speaking of Tristan, where was he? It was almost noon and she hadn't seen him since they had woken this morning.


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