chapter 27

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"Correct me if I'm mistaken. The person named Liam was found dead. You killed Arnold. The men with Arnold either fled or you had them killed. You have not a clue as to who ordered the attack or why."  There was a brief pause before he continued.
"Is that all or have I missed something?"

      A muscle in Tristan's jaw twitched at lord Rivers words. The truth stung, rubbing salt in his wounds. He felt more frustrated with himself than anyone else. But no matter how many times he wanted to blame himself, he knew it was wrong. He couldn't have predicted Liam's death or the reasons why. Every question has a why, but not every why has to be answered. A good, intelligent leader did not claim blame  upon himself unjustly.  No matter the situation. Self loathing got a person nowhere. The only thing Tristan could have done differently was to not kill Arnold, but even that would have proven futile. Arnold would not have more information.  
    Tristan ran a hand over his beard in frustration. He didn't like not being in control, not sure of himself. The people in the village, the families, the children, they all depended on him. 

"You don't think it  mere coincidence?"

Tristan shook his head before answering.

"I don't believe in coincidence. The attack and then finding Liam dead, the events are too close together to not be connected." Tristan mentally examined the situation. Nay, it wasn't a coincidence. They were linked together, he knew it in his gut. 

"You think it Fredrick." It wasn't a question, more of a statement. 

"I don't know what to think!" Tristan growled, once again running his fingers through his beard in frustration. He wanted to break something.

"I have an inkling it may be Fredrick, but I have no evidence. The clues I do have aren't enough to indicate towards a person. I have too many questions and no answers." 

     Tristan turned around to look out his window. He was angry, worried and a bit fearful. He couldn't stop the gnawing feeling in his gut that he was overlooking vital piece of information.
  Lord Rivers came behind Tristan and laid a hand on his shoulder. Offering comfort in a way a loved one would. 

"Tis will be alright. You need to be vigilant, that is all." Lord Rivers studied Tristan's profile. In all his time knowing Tristan, he had never seen the lad so distraught. Nevertheless allowing someone to see his irritated emotion. He prayed everything would be alright, and soon. 

    Tristan nodded in agreement but didn't say anything. His gaze locked on a certain indigo beauty who was clad in breeches with sword in hand. His worry, his fears only grew the longer he stared. 

"My lady, forgive me, I had greatly underestimated you." Alexander spoke breathlessly. He was bent over, one hand resting on his knee while he turned his head to look upward. His sword lay across from him where Sapphire had thrown it. 

"You should never underestimate your opponent." Sapphire said as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Alexander had been more of a challenge than Duncan. He was a well enough opponent, but not as good as Tristan. She could still remember how easily she had lost against him. Maybe he would joust  with he, and this time she would be  prepared.

"Aye, telling me I loss to a lass." Duncan grumbled, his eyes gleaming with mirth. 

Alexander scowled. He knew lady Knight was a worthy opponent, had seen it himself, but he didn't see himself being defeated, and quickly as well. He shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous grin occupied his face. 
  Sapphire watched warily as Alexander's scowl turned to a smile full of mischief. He was up to something, shrugging it off,  Sapphire walked towards a bench. Alexander was most probably going to have a go with Duncan. It would be interesting to watch. Sapphire walked towards the bench, unaware of Alexander running towards her until it was too late. 

"Alexander! You berk! Imbecile! Git! Put me down!"

Sapphire pounded her fists against his lower back while screaming profanities that would do a sailor proud, but would make her aunt swoon. Alexander laughed as he walked with his ladyship on over his shoulder. She was a small one compared to him. Easy enough to carry.

"You are not so tough now, are you ,my lady?"

"Tristan will kill you." Sapphire threatened.

Alexander laughed harder. He was finding this amusing. His blond  hair matted to his forehead, his eyes twinkling in wicked glee. Not only did he love bothering Sapphire, but he loved irking Tristan.

"Put the lass down. Ye donae want Tristan to kill ye. I ken he will nae spare ye." Duncan called out, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Tristan will have your head." Gerald added his two cents while chuckling. The sight was comical. Sapphire was pounding her fists against Alexander's back while he swung her around. But no one made the move to step forward and help, all enjoying themselves on her expense. 

"I've always wanted to do this to someone."
Alexander called as he jumped up, making Sapphire feel the impact. She could already feel her muscles began to sore. His shoulder against her sensitive torso had her biting her tongue.

"Tristan will do the same to you, the only difference is you will be in pain." 

Alexander laughed at Sapphires threat. He was having too much fun. The men also found good humor in the situation. They never had a female in the castle before. Now that one finally arrived, they all played tricks on her. The castle was  always filled with laughter. Not only was there laughter but a women's touch. Tapestries, rugs, and  flowers adorned the castle. It was a more lively place to live in. Where once it was cold and disheartening, now it was warm and welcoming. Who knew a women's touch could do such wonders. Out of all the men, Duncan and Alexander played the most tricks, Gerald joining in occasionally. 

"What are you doing to lady Knight? Lord Knight will nay be pleased." 

"Robbie! Go get Tristan." Sapphire called out, her voice coming out a tad bit breathless. 

"Sit ye arse down before I gut ye." Duncan hollered. 

Robert raised his head in indignation, he was not going to be bullied. He was a man, not a lad! And they were holding lady Knight! Robert knew first hand the types of games the other men liked to play. 

"Aye? I will get lord Tristan. You can not stop me." Robert turned around, only managing to lift one foot before he was tumbled to the ground by Gerald.  

"You were saying, lad?"

Gerald held Robert by the arms, his legs dangling in the air.

"Let me go!" Robert yelled while he flung his legs back and forth trying to injure Gerald in vain. Gerald smirked, aggravating Robert further.Robert continued to kick and yell profanities unti Gerald had him gagged. 

Duncan snorted. "We are nae stupid. We let ye go, and your arse will be sailing towards Tristan." 

Sapphire couldn't contain her laughter as Alexander began tickling her sides. She squirmed and begged for mercy in between laughs, but Alexander was not having it. He continued his torturous assault until her sides ached with pain. Alexander's eyes glittered with happiness, Sapphire was a bright red, her cheeks flushed with laughter. 

"Alex, my turn." Duncan walked over with a wide grin. Alex nodded his head before handing over Sapphire as if she was a bag of grain being traded. Sapphire tried to jump out of reach, but the men were too strong, Duncan even made sure to hold her legs down, leaving her immobile. 

"You all are evil!" 

The men laughed boisterously at her claim. None the wiser about Tristan's angry yet amused person coming towards them with a laughing lord Rivers in tow. 

"Unhand  my wife."  

One sentence, three small words, yet it caused all the men in the bailey to freeze. The men slowly backed away . Alexander tried to surreptitiously step away, lord Rivers knowing his intentions, blocked his path, his smile one of devilish intent. Without turning around, Duncan put a tired Sapphire down, who in turn gave him a sly smirk before walking towards Tristan. Gerald quickly dropped Robert, causing the poor lad  to land on his arse while earning himself a scowl. 

"I was trying to stop Duncan, he wouldn't listen."  Alexander said quickly, trying to save his hide. 

Tristan stood straight, his feet shoulder length apart, while his hands were folded against his chest. His hair was disheveled from  him running his fingers across it several times. One perfect brow arched in disbelief. 

"Really? I saw you lift her after you loss the dual, the window provides a magnificent view." 

Alexander grinned impishly, not at all ashamed at being caught. Given the chance, he would surely do it again. Duncan glared at Alex before giving him a smirk at Tristan's words, the bastard tried to save his own hide and had been caught, serves him right. 
  Robert rubbed his arse, a smile upon his lips. The three would get what they deserved, and he eagerly awaited. 

"We were jesting. No harm done."

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