Chapter 51

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Dawn could not arrive fast enough, Tristan thought anxiously. He wasn't able to sleep. He had sent his men to rest, preferring to watch Jack himself. Tristan stared at the wall. Sitting and staring at the wall was not very productive, he should devise a plan. It would be better than sitting here like a lass awaiting her husband. Making up his mind, he opened the door to Jack's chamber.

"Aye, my lord?"

Tristan glared at the use of the tittle. The man made a mockery of it. He did not acknowledge Tristan as his lord, it was nothing more than a ploy.

"I want you to draw me the layout of your campsite. You have been there before, yes?" Tristan said slowly as he toyed with the dagger around his waist, silently delivering his message.

"Aye, my lord." Jack answered quickly. He sat up in bed, wincing when pain shot through his arm.

Tristan ignored him, not finding compassion within him for this man who had a hand in hurting his people and kidnapping his wife. If he was not in need of him, he would have surely been dead by now.

Tristan unrolled a piece of parchment, handing it to Jack along with a piece of graphite. Silently, he sat across from him, his dagger aimed dangerously towards Jack.

"Describe the campsite to me."
Tristan said coldly as he held his own parchment and graphite, making his own map.

"Tis a rocky area filled with many caves. Tis nay far from here. It is filled with mountains and valleys. And there is a clearing amongst the rocks."

Tristan's ears listened as Jack spoke, but his mind conjured the images of terra-cotta rocks and caves. Harsh terrains made up its valleys and caves. One cave would not end, and another would start. Yet, all the caves were connected to each other, all leading towards one destination. A cave larger than the rest, filled with smooth walls, a small stream running across it. It was a beauty in its own right. Not everything which was magnificent had to be pleasing to the naked eye. A fact many over looked. The cave led towards a small opening which held gnarled trees and various colored plants. Enchantingly mystifying, no matter how many times one came across it. The fact that had kept him captivated and had him returning day after day, was that no one took care of that small garden. It seemed to grow and prosper with the will of the creator alone.
The caves with it's many valleys and tunnels were a welcomed adobe. Making one forget their thoughts in favor of a new adventure, one more satisfying than reality.

"How long is the journey?" Tristan cut Jack off, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Tis a days journey."

Tristan's eyes narrowed. Jack hastily continued.

"But I know a path that is quicker. Tis half a days journey. Quicker if we walk fast."

Tristan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew a path which would take them no more than two hours. Jack, however, had no need to know such information.

"Where are the guards stationed?"
Tristan questioned as he placed his finished drawing of Fredrick's campsite in front of Jack.

Jack stared at the perfect drawing of the caves. Even the clearing which had been located in the middle of the caves, one which was not easily found, was drawn neatly on the parchment.

"Ye drew it verra clearly." Jack said in awe. He could have bet his life that Tristan knew the location of the caves, but he knew his mistress would not have chosen a place which people knew of.

"Ye were very descriptive." Tristan said dryly. It was becoming harder and harder not to just kill the man.

"Where are the guards located?" Tristan repeated his earlier question, clearly stating he was not to be vexed with.

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