Chapter 26

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Sapphire stretched lazily across the empty bed. She felt calm, sated, refreshed. Her body ached deliciously. Memories of the previous night's activities had her blushing. She stayed like that for several moments before she registered she was in bed alone. A glance at the window told her the sun was high in the sky, almost declining from its highest point. She had slept in.

There was a soft knock on her door before it slowly opened and a pale head looked inside.

"Oh good! You're finally awake." Isabella beamed as she walked towards the bed, sitting across from Sapphire. Sapphire slowly sat up, clutching the sheets to her naked form.

"You should have woken me." Sapphire said while holding back a yawn.

Isabella snorted delicately. "Your brute of a husband wouldn't allow me. I'm surprised there were no guards placed by his chambers. "

Sapphire rolled her eyes.

"Where is lord Manning?" Sapphire had just noticed his absence.

"He went to London to deal with certain affairs, he wouldn't tell me what though." Isabella pouted.

"I miss him terribly."

"There , there." Sapphire said sarcastically.

Isabella cleared her throat, looking pointedly at Sapphire.
Sapphire stared at her dumbfounded before finally asking.


"That man never tires of giving you love bites, does her?" Isabella said with another snort.

"I like the love bites, they show his love." Sapphire said in indignation.

Isabella rolled her eyes but remained quiet on the subject, instead she asked the question burning her mind.


"Well what?"

Isabella huffed in frustration. "How did last night go."

"Wh...what makes you think anything happened last night." Sapphire stuttered, blood rushing to her cheeks in remembrance.

Isabella gave her friend a droll stare.

"Let us look at the facts, shall we?"

Isabella began to count her 'facts' on her fingers.

"For one, you are in the nude. Secondly, you are in his chambers. Thirdly-"

"These are my chambers." Sapphire cut it.

Isabella looked around the room, noticing for the first time the chests and armoire.

"You both sleep in one chamber?" Isabella asked perplexed.

Sapphire nodded her head. Isabella squealed lightly before hugging Sapphire in a very graceful manner.

"I'm so happy for you!"

Sapphire laughed softly before awkwardly returning Isabella's hug. Her friend was not only happy for her, but happy herself as well. Sapphire had found love in her aunt and uncles open arms, a friend and sister in Isabella's and a loving, caring husband in Tristan's. Even if the big oaf didn't think it himself, yet. She would be ten times a fool if she let him think otherwise. She had much to be grateful for.

"I want all the details." Isabella said excitedly, expectingly.

"Details?" Sapphire squeaked while blood rushed to her cheeks. Her friend wanted details? Of what they did? On their private, intimate matter? Had she gone daft? It appeared so.

"Don't be shy! I will tell you of Xavier and my escapades to make you more comfortable." Isabella said while she seated herself more comfortably on the bed. Sapphire was certain her friend had meant to reassure her, but her comment only made Sapphire more worried. She didn't want to know what went on between them.
Thankfully, before Isabella could begin her gory details, and ruin Sapphires ears, she was interrupted.

"I swear by all that's holy, why the
Devil are you always in here!" Tristan scowled as he saw Isabella perched on his bed, next to his deliciously naked wife.

"Not that it concerns you, but I came to tell Sapphire I had cut her chardewardon, and they are ready to be served. She needs not to worry about them for the picnic." Isabella smoothly lied, her eyes ablaze with fury, and a hint of jealousy. Yet if one were to look close enough, they would see Isabella goaded Tristan for her own amusement.
Tristan took a lungful of air. He had many choice words to say to her, but decided to put them to use at a later time. Instead he glowered.

"Get out." Tristan bit out.

Isabella glared at him before turning towards Sapphire.

"The women should be arriving soon, I will wait for you in the great hall."

Isabella left the room but not before sending another scowl in Tristan's direction.

"Food." Sapphire smiled as her stomach made itself known. She had barely ate anything yesterday with her worry for Tristan, not to mention the wonderful activities of the previous night. She was famished.

"Aye, food." Tristan grunted as he walked towards the bed.
Sapphire happily accepted the trencher of food. Tristan sat across from her, scowling. Sapphire rolled her eyes. He was either still sulking over last night or he was sulking over the picnic, either way, he had to learn to accept, to understand.
Ignorant oaf.

"Why are you scowling?"

"I am not scowling, as you so kindly put it."

"Aye, you're scowling. You have a dark brooding look about your face."

Tristan's scowl deepened.

"Why didn't you tell me about the picnic." Tristan sounded like a little kid, one who had not gotten his way. Sapphire resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"I was preoccupied last night, when I finally saw you." Sapphire said once she finished chewing some bread.
Tristan's thoughts instantly went to said night, her words, their love making.....
His body responded instantly. His groin tightening.

"You're not going." His voice came out gruff, harsh.

"Pray, tell me, why is it that I may not go?" Sapphire tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck and his love bite, his mark. The sheet she held to herself loosened slightly, exposing the top of her breasts.
Tristan swallowed a groan, his silver eyes darkening to a smoldering gray. The things this woman did to him! By God, she would be the death of him.

"Tis too dangerous, especially after the attack yesterday. Nay, you're not going."
Tristan didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to her.... She couldn't go, he wouldn't let her.

"Tristan, I. Am. Going." The words were said slowly, carefully.

"The women will be there, and we won't be leaving your lands. It's a chance for me to get to know the other women."

Tristan stared at the wall above her head. If he were to look into her eyes he would surely have given in to her request, the way her eyes would look towards him with such hope, nay, he wouldn't be able to refuse her. But he couldn't let anything happen to her, he wouldn't.

"Sapphire..." Tristan let out a long breath and looked towards her, a mistake. Her expression was exactly as he pictured it would be. Wide eyes beseeching him, while her chin was lifted stubbornly.

"Tristan, I'm going." Sapphire said stubbornly, forgetting the sheets wrapped around her, she raised her hands in frustration.
Tristan stared at her bare breasts, his mind far away from the argument. Sapphire stared at him puzzled. Why wasn't he arguing. He never gave in this easily. She followed his gaze and quickly lifted the sheet back up, glaring at Tristan.

"I am going."

Tristan stared at her before slowly nodding, it would be better if she wasn't in the castle when Liam was brought. However, that didn't mean he would let her go alone, not that she needed to know. He would let her think she was alone on her picnic.

"Good!" Sapphire said as she leaned in to give him a deep, sizzling kiss. Once again surprising Tristan.

"I love you, arrogant oaf." Sapphire said against his lips.

"These are delicious." Aunt Margaret complemented, taking another piece of the pear sweet dish Sapphire had made. It was wonderful, delicious for their good weather, despite the winter season.
A shy smile adorned Sapphires lips as she humbly thanked her. Sapphire called her aunt, much like the rest of the village. The woman was very sweet.
The picnic was going wonderful. Isabella and Sapphire talked to the women more comfortably, getting to know each one. All the women had brought something to eat or drink. Sapphire was glad she was able to be a part of this.

"Can ye play with me?"

Sapphire looked up towards little Duncan's hopeful large eyes. He looked so adorable! And he was pouting his lips! How could she say no? It would be a crime.

"Of course I can, my sweet."

"Me as well." Arthur ran towards Sapphire as fast as his tiny legs would carry him.
Sapphire laughed softly as she took both the young lads in her arms. Sapphire tickled them until breathing became difficult, their sounds of laughter, so beautiful and innocent, warmed her heart. Sapphire was so consumed with tickling Arthur and little Duncan, she didn't notice the women begin to whisper and straighten their clothing.

"Tis a fine day, aye? May I join you ladies?" Alexander offered a charming, lopsided grin. His tunic fit him snugly, emphasizing the contours of muscles which lay just out of reach. His blond hair hung above his eyes, glistening golden in the sunlight. He was a sight to see. There was not a women, noble or not, who could resist the charm of Alexander.

"Of course you may, sir Alexander," Aunt Margaret said warmly as she made space for him besides her. All the women stared bewitched, young and old alike. For it wasn't his angelic looks alone, his charming personality, and easy smile, made him easy to love and adore.

"Lady Knight! I had no idea you were attending the picnic." Alexander said as he grabbed Sapphires sweets.

"And the sky is a lovely shade of lavender." The sarcasm thick in her voice. Sapphire knew Tristan had sent Alexander. The arrogant man! Nothing would have happened at the picnic. Sapphire resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she would deal with him later. At least the women were more then glad for Alexander's company.

"Duncan will love these, " Alex said as he stuffed another pear in his mouth, smiling cheerfully at Sapphire.

"Dead?" Tristan questioned, his voice a deadly calm. Duncan resisted the urge to look away. Aye, he was afraid of Tristan. He looked murderous. A sword rested towards his right. Duncan knew Tristan would never harm him in a fit of rage, but he didn't like being the one at the receiving end of his wrath. His eyes were in thin slits, his mouth firmly shut. With his wayward hair, and a tunic which did nothing to hide the taunt muscles underneath, add to that his intimidating height, Tristan looked like an avenging God. He looked furious. Murderous. Intent on blood.

"I donna ken how it happened. We went inside his wee house and found him in his own blood." Duncan said as he ran a hand through his dark hair. Duncan had rode the men hard, day and night. When they had reached the place Arnold had spoke of, it was for naught. The man, Liam, had been killed. A clean kill as well, the person hadn't made the deed savage. A swift blade to the throat had done the job.
Tristan stood rigid. His eyes shining in anger. Dead! His only lead dead. How in Gods name was that even possible! Liam, dead. Arnold, dead. The other imbeciles had fled. Cowards the lot of them! Tristan inwardly seethed.

"And no one has anything to say about him being killed." Tristan spoke through gritted teeth. It wasn't Duncan's fault the git of a man was dead, he couldn't, and wouldn't hold Duncan responsible. No matter how badly he needed to give his arm room to stretch. Instead, he ran a hand through his beard, frustration and anger seeping from every pore.
"Nay. From what I ken, the people were verra happy he was killed. He was no' a good man. Would often torment the people. The elderly, women, men and children alike, they all were happy, as if they had escaped a great evil."
Duncan recalled the relief he had seen on the people's faces. Especially the women, they had seemed as if they were finally free. Duncan could not even imagine what they had went through at the hands of Liam. All he knew was that he was an awful person. May his soul rot in Hell!

"A pity, I would have given him the death he deserved."
Tristan's voice was barely above a whisper. He thanked Duncan for his help and sent him on his way. Tristan wanted to be alone right now. He couldn't think. His only lead, dead.

"God damn it!" Tristan punched his
desk, bruising his knuckles. The pain did nothing to diminish his anger. He needed..... He didn't know what he wanted or needed for that matter. He..... Tristan remembered Sapphires kisses, her warm, accepting smile. The love that shined from her eyes. How she made him feel. The way her nose would crinkle slightly when she laughed...
His feet began to move of their own accord in one direction, heading to the source of his peace. This not being the first time he sought her out for comfort, and most definitely not being the last.

"Are we having fun flirting with every skirt in the village."

"Nay, I would prefer to do more than flirt." Alexander said with a smirk, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

Blood rushed to Sapphires cheeks at Alexander's illy concealed intent. The arrogant cretin had done it on purpose! Sapphire would be damned if she let Alexander have the upper hand.
"Careful sir Alexander, Tristan will not be very happy when he discovers you were being rude to me." Sapphires eyes twinkled with mischief, a small smirk on her lips.
Alexander narrowed his eyes.

"Well played, my lady. But you have
not to worry, I shall be long gone." Alexander said, easily teasing her back.

"You think you will be able to escape?"

"Nay, I have higher hope for world peace."

Sapphire laughed, the sound light and musical, not the artificial laughter perfected for polite company. Alexander watched, transfixed. Joy filled his heart, Tristan was a lucky man, and Alexander was glad he had found happiness. Brotherly love shined from his eyes. Tristan had been alone for far too long. Even though he didn't speak of it, Alexander could see it in his friends eyes.
Sapphire ceased her laughter, a smile still in place as she looked towards Alexander.

"Mayhap you can tell me who you like and we can have you married."

Alexander put a hand over his heart as if in pain. His eyes widened with fright. With a faux tormented look, he asked.
"Why would you torture me so? What have I done to earn such a terrible fate! Nay! May no one have to endure such a cruel fate!" Alexander signed dramatically, his hand finally leaving his heart.

"You berk!"

Alex gave Sapphire a wink before heading towards a pretty brunette a good distance away from Sapphire. Sapphire could only shake her head at his antics. Alexander was something else entirely. She continued to watch everyone, content to simply stare. Arthur and little Duncan were off to the side playing with wooden swords, while the younger women had gathered around Alexander once again, while the older, married women kept an eye on everyone.
Movement from the corner of her eye had Sapphire looking towards her left. A figure, Andrew, stood crouched behind a tree. It seemed as of he was doing something... Sapphire stared for a bit longer before getting up and walking towards him. The man had an injured arm, he shouldn't be crouched in that position.
Andrew heard the sound of approaching footsteps before he turned around, his lips curved in a sly smile of perverse anticipation. He hoped it was the lady he was expecting, hoping for to come his way.He wasn't disappointed.

"Sir Andrew, you shouldn't be bending over your arm in such a manner, tis needs to heal." Sapphire said gently as her brows furrowed in disapproval.
Andrew straightened, his eyes hiding his less than noble intent. A wide, fake smile of apology covered his mouth.
"I apologize your ladyship, but these small felines were in need of help. I could nae bare to let anything happen to them. I have a soft spot for the wee creatures."
Andrew watched with calculating eyes as Sapphires expression became one of admiration. She bent down and removed the kittens from underneath the log. A log Andrew had went through great trouble placing there. The tiny bastards were even more difficult to acquire. One of the damn things had even scratched him, he would make them pay in blood. The kittens made a mewling sound of pain as Sapphire lifted them in her hands.
Sapphire poked the three in turn, trying to find the source of their discomfort.

"They each have a broken rib, it's hurting them." Sapphire mumbled as she positioned them in her arms so as not to hurt them more.

"You are very kind, sir Andrew. These kittens would have been crushed to death if it had not been for you." Gratitude as well as admiration coated her words, just as he had hoped for.

"Nay, your ladyship. I heard them crying out in pain. With my arm being useless, it was you who has saved them." Andrew said, faux respect and humbleness seeping into his words. Andrew had surreptitiously placed Sapphire in a position where no one could see her. A wide tree was to her back, shielding her from prying eyes.
Sapphire knelt down and pulled out her hidden dagger. Andrews gaze followed her movements, his eyes narrowed into thin slits filled with malice as he looked at the hidden weapon. Knowledge he safely tucked away in the recess of his mind; the lady knew how to wield weapons, the question is, up to what extent?
Sapphire put the felines down and gently cut a slit into the first ones side. She poked around very briefly until the broken bone was found and removed. The kittens remained surprisingly calm as she worked on them. As the bones were removed, they each licked their wounds before scurrying off, but not before licking and gently biting Sapphires slightly bloody hand. Sapphire watched the kittens play amongst themselves with a small smile on her face. They were a marvelous grey color, so small and fragile, yet filled with much grace.

"Ye are fond of the creatures, my

Sapphire looked towards Andrew and smiled.

"Aye, next to horses. They're are like small, tame tigers. Very beautiful."

Andrew nodded in acknowledgement. Watching as her gaze returned towards the felines. Somehow he knew, if he were to bring the most vilest, ugliest creature to her, she would find a loving trait within it. Such kindness made him sick. A person should only care for themselves, no one else. Whether it be a human or an animal. Because no matter what happens, at the end of the day, why should one suffer for another? Nay, one should only care for oneself, caring for another only causes trouble. Everything comes for a price. Caring causes a person to be weak, a weakness she had revealed to him.

"If you will excuse me, I would like my wife back."

Andrews startled gaze found Tristan's cold gaze, a shiver of apprehension and fear ran down his spine. He hadn't heard his approach. He had to be careful around Tristan, it wouldn't bode well for him if he was discovered. Andrew subconsciously took a step backward, realizing too late what he did.He was greedy, not suicidal, but even he hated showing fear or weakness.

"Tristan! The poor kittens were in so much pain! Thank God sir Andrew found them." Sapphire said, she was a bit surprised she hadn't noticed his approach, but happy nevertheless.
Tristan gave Andrew a slight nod, his hand reaching out to grab Sapphires.

"I need to speak to you, Sapphire." Tristan said as he pulled her along with him, not sparing Andrew a second glance.
Andrew watched their retreating forms thoughtfully. Tristan lay a protective arm around Sapphires waist as he quickly led her to his horse. The damn horse was magnificent. When all of this was over, he would keep the beast for himself.
Tristan had also used her given name, a fact Andrew noticed. His feelings went far deeper than he realized, a fact his mistress would be glad to know of.

Tristan led Sapphire up the stairs towards his study. He had sent Alexander to look after her! And what did he discover? She had been alone with Andrew of all people! But right now, none of that mattered. What mattered to him was pushing her against a wall and claiming her in every way possible. He wanted to feel her lithe body beneath his as his shaft entered her, fast and hard. He needed to feel her bare breasts against him, her lips against his own. He wanted to hear her moans of ecstasy as she reached her peak, only to make her come a second time. He needed to hear his name from her lips as he brought them both to a piece of salvation amongst a world filled with hatred and greed, loneliness and anger.
The feelings she evoked in him were too much to handle, he needed her like the oxygen he breathed. But he wouldn't have it any other way. This craving, this need, he would gladly take it. She drew him in, captivated him..
Sapphire was barely aware of the study door closing before Tristan's lips descended on hers. Hot and demanding, dominating. He entered her mouth without seeking permission, greedily taking what he could, but then again, love makes one hunger for more. His hands rested beside her head against the wall, caging her in. Surrounding her with his essence. Tristan devoured her lips with his own, devoting himself to her. His hands, unable to stand by idly, began caressing her body possessively. They briefly caressed her breasts before grasping her hips and pressing her against his prominent arousal. The mere thought of her had him achingly hard.
Tristan groaned low in his throat, emanating a moan from Sapphire. Her signs of pleasure only had him moaning his approval. Sapphires fingers were in his hair, pulling him against her. Equally returning his hunger, but she knew she had to stop, to end his frenzied passion. Not that she wanted to, she loved him and everything that came with, but she needed him to be able to talk to her.
Sapphire forced her lips to slow, kissing him slowly, sensually, before she sucked his tongue into her mouth and ended the kiss. Tristan continued to place kisses down her jaw. His intent clear.
Sapphire regrettably lifted her hands and put them against his chest, pushing him away.
Tristan looked at her with hooded eyes, questions and concern swirling within their sliver depths.



Sapphire shook her head and pushed Tristan towards a chair.

"You're upset. I don't want you to sort through your troubles by certain means. I want you to look them in the eye." Sapphire said softly as she stood behind him, running a hand through his tussled hair.

"I am not running from my troubles." Tristan said, his voice husky with lust.

"I know, but you're troubled. Not that I mind continuing, but I want to share your troubles."

A light blush stained her cheeks, she may love him, and had bared herself to him, but speaking about intimates had Sapphire flushing in embarrassment. She leisurely ran her hands through his thick locks. She loved his hair long.
Sapphire ended her exploring as she began to message the knots out of his shoulders.
Tristan relaxed into her touch.

"What do you want to know?"

"What ever you want to tell me."

Tristan closed his eyes as her fingers worked their magic, recalling a time long ago.

"I love macadamia nut cookies. I remember when I was younger the cook would always make them for me, and Christian used to give me his share. He would always tell me he didn't like them, but I knew it for the lie it was. He knew how much I liked them and would rather watch me eat them.
"When Christian passed away, I felt so lost. Christian would always play with me, make me laugh. I would always cry myself to sleep, but then I found Asher. When ever I would miss Christian in the middle of the night, I'd go to the stables and sleep with Asher. My mother would think me asinine to be spending my time speaking to a lame horse. But I stopped caring after a while."
As Tristan spoke the words, he noticed none of his previous feelings of betrayal and anger lingered in his heart. He was strangely content, not angry or hurt.
Sapphire quietly massaged Tristan as he spoke. If she ever met his mother, so help her God. Sapphire bent forward and gave him a light kiss between his brows. Oh how she loved this man, it was painful. But he was worth it.
Tristan smiled slightly as he felt Sapphires warm lips against his forehead, a delicious warmth cocooned Tristan in its embrace.

"Asher's leg had just healed when I left to become a knight. I was probably eleven or ten summers. Asher and I trained day in and day out. We would keep to ourselves. Asher wouldn't mingle with the other horses, and I wouldn't speak to the other lads. I had lost a good amount of weight after Christian, the boys would try to pick on me and Asher would come running out of his stall and attack them. Many a time he had broken someone's arm or leg. After the first time, I began to hold my own, I was the best swordsman and archer, but even then, if someone would taunt me, Asher would come storming through the fields, God knew how the horse would know when I was threatened, attacking anyone who dared to say a word.
"After the fifth or sixth time, I was questioned. They told me they would kill Asher if he did it again. I had never felt such anger and fear before. I was livid."
The memory of that day still fresh in his minds eye. He would have killed anyone who dare lay a hand on Asher. Asher was more than a horse to him, he was his friend as well as his parent, his companion.
"That's when I met Alexander. He stood up for me and said it was the other boys fault Asher would attack. After that day Alexander and I became very good friends. He followed me back when I was told to return home and take up my position as lord of the manor."
Sapphire listened, transfixed. Tristan and Asher had a very special bond. Her brave, proud, handsome husband must have felt so forlorn. She really hated his mother. Tristan stopped Sapphires hands, pulling one towards him and placing a chaste kiss on her palm. He tugged her until she stood in front of him. One last tug had her seated in his lap. Tristan kissed her forehead before tucking her head under his chin. He wanted to hold her, and strangely, to continue to talk to her. He loved the feeling of her in his arms, she fit perfectly against him, molded, created for him alone.

"Who called you back?"

"Sarah. She wrote to me. A fire had started in the castle, almost burning the village down. My parents didn't care about the village or its people, as long as they had their money, they were happy. The fire killed them both."

Sapphire placed a kiss on his chest, not knowing what to say, but also knowing there was nothing to say. How is one to mourn over someone they did not know or care for?
They sat that way for sometime. Content with each others company and embrace. Tristan took a deep breath and whispered.
"Liam was found dead, I have no lead as to who caused the attack or what they plan next."

Fredrick stared as she mercilessly whipped one man after another. She was filled with anger. Her black heart thrived off of her anger. Her beautiful features were stained with ugliness due to her malice. She was a heartless woman.

"Corriane, why must you hit them so?"
"Because they are weak and they have failed me." The woman, Corriane, hissed.

Fredrick said nothing more as he continued to drink his ale, his arousal beginning to stir.

"Why don't we go and have time for ourselves."

"Find a willing wench." Corriane spat as she made way towards her chambers with angry strides. Once their, she locked her door and went towards her chests. She opened the one at the far corner of the room. Siting on the cold, hard ground, she peered inside at a small tunic and breeches, made for a young boy, as well as a lock of auburn tresses. She caressed the locks lovingly, a small wistful smile covered her lips, before a sneer took its place. Corriane lifted the sleeve of her plain gown to reveal her bandaged forearm. She missed her expensive gowns, these simple ones hurt her pride.She never removed the bandage, not even when Fredrick had sex with her.
With graceful fingers, she removed the bandages to reveal burned, scarred skin. Her forearm looked grotesque. Although it could be overlooked, Corriane didn't like being known as anything other than beautiful. In her eyes she was the most beautiful, why should she be marred. She stared at her burned arm, one hand stroking the tunic and hair.
"I will make him pay, my child. First for taking you away from me, and then for marring me with such ugliness, and I will begin with his precious lady."
A cold, malicious smile covered her lips, a crazed glint entering her eyes...

Alright, I get the memo, I changed the cover, hold your horses ;)

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