Chapter 15

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"Asinine BUFOON."

And the list went on as Tristan cussed himself every foul word known to mankind while walking towards the door. He should have not taken such liberties with lady Dracmore, then again, he wasn't the least bit remorseful. Just because he liked it, did not mean it was necessarily correct. What was the saying? There's a time to be good and a time to be wicked? Something of the sort. Tristan still had a scowl in place when he met with the rest of the clan.

"Are you alright?" Lord Rivers asked worriedly, he did not like the look of anger on Tristan's face.

" You look .... upset." Xavier said finally, after struggling for the right word, but failing.

"You!" Tristan pierced Xavier with a murderous glare, "are worst then the scum of earth, you're lucky there are ladies present." Tristan finished off with a glower.

Lord Rivers snickered at Xavier's obvious fear and discomfort. Xavier's face had turned a deathly pale once Tristan's dark gaze settled on him, for being best friends Xavier was far too intimidated of Tristan, something which displeased Tristan greatly. Or perhaps it was a clever move on his part, Lord knew he wouldn't fair well against Tristan.

"Won't you stay, dear." Lady Rivers asked gently, not knowing what had upset the brooding lord.

Loud, boisterous laughter had everyone turning to see lord Rivers laughing while clutching his stomach. Wiping away a false tear, lord Rivers straitened himself before speaking.

"Oh Tristan, such a delight you are."

Tristan glowered harder, if that was possible.

Everyone stared at lord Rivers. Had he a death wish? Little did they know lord Rivers took Tristan more dearer than one would take flesh and blood.

"My lord?" lady Rivers questioned, puzzled at her husbands behavior, and equally fearing for his life.

"What's so funny!" Tristan snapped, he had no patience for this, he had to get out. Now would be preferable.

Lord Rivers stepped closer, putting an arm around Tristan, he steered him in the opposite direction of everyone else. Leaning close so no one could hear, lord Rivers whispered.

"Your obvious discomfort," while looking pointedly at Tristan's excited member.

Tristan let a loud sign of frustration. His ever brooding expression becoming darker by the minute.

"You find my discomfort enjoyable." Tristan bit out, not caring how angry he sounded.

"Hilarious." Lord Rivers happily answered.

Shrugging out of the older lords embrace, Tristan attempted once more to leave.

"Dear Lord! Lord Knight! Your neck!" Lady Rivers exclaimed, ever the dramatic.

Rolling his eyes heavenward, Tristan answered,

"It's a small scratch, which has already been tended to, thank you for your concern, my lady." Tristan was known as many things but he knew his manners, ever the gentlemen, even if he was being a bit curt.

"But how...." lady Rivers trailed off.

"He was squaring, dear." Lord Rivers said dismissively.

"You men and your games. A sword is a dangerous device, someone can be hurt." Lady Rivers stressed, her words more so intended for her husband.

" A device created with the intent of danger." Tristan said with an edge of steel.

"Quit scaring my wife." Lord Rivers chided Tristan, the smile on his face, as well as the twinkle in his eye, took away the sting of his words.

"Although your company is rather pleasant, I must be on my way." Tristan made yet another attempt to leave, all in vain.

"Nonsense dear, you must eat." Lady Rivers insisted.

"Yes, you must, I believe your match has taken energy from you." Isabella said, nodding thoughtfully.

"You should really stay, Tristan, everyone's insisting." Xavier said, putting in his two cents.

'What the devil was wrong with these people!'

Tristan mused to himself, couldn't he be allowed to leave.

"Let the boy leave, he needs a nice cold get the sweat off." Lord Rivers said in amusement.

Tristan sent a scowl towards the older lord and hastily made his exit.

"You're quiet found of the boy, darling." Lady Rivers said as they all ate dinner. Everyone was tired. it had been a long,demanding day. Delicious, warm food would do their bellies good.

"Who, Tristan? Aye. He's a good lad, one of a kind." The love and respect shone brightly in his eyes as well as his words.

"How was your match?" Lord Rivers directed his question towards Sapphire.

"It was....invigorating. Everything still aches."

"You let her dual with someone other than you!" Lady Rivers was appalled.

Lord Rivers gave a careless shrug.

"She needed an opponent whom she did not know. She knows my attack and defense mechanisms. The opportunity presented itself, I merely seized it, darling. Besides, her opponent is a worthy, not to mention honorable person."

Lady Rivers lips thinned in disapproval, but she wisely kept her opinions to herself. Trying to avoid the sudden tense atmosphere, Sapphire asked about their day.

"Oh it was lovely! Xavier was such a gentlemen!" Isabella gushed.

"Aye, lord Manning is very charming. I had my doubts in the beginning, but he's proven how much he cares for Isabella."

"He has met your approval, aunt Kat! Why I thought I'd never see the day!"

"Sapphire quit your jest, surely I'm not a monster."

"No aunt Kat, you're just how a proper lady aught to be."

"One day..." Lady Rivers shook her head with a smile. Sapphire sent a smile her aunts way. Lady Rivers thought on how to get Sapphire for her harmless mischief while she chewed her food. Smiling with deviously, which was clearly out of place, lady Rivers looked at Isabella.

"Isabella, does Manning have a brother?" Lady Rivers asked her daughter.

"No mamma, why?"

"Well, for Sapphire, dear." Lady Rivers answered, trying to contain her grin.

"What! You will do no such thing! Do not play match maker aunt Kat." Sapphire was mortified.

Lord Rivers chuckled at the women.

"In my humble opinion, one loony son is enough."


"You know it's true, sweetheart."

Sapphire laughed along with lord Rivers at Isabella's pouting expression.

Sapphire winced as she reached her room, every part of her ached. Today's session had been rather grueling. Yet, if lord Knight were to kiss her at the completion of each session, she would gladly participate in such jousts. Seeing Landa, the maid, Sapphire called out.

"Landa, would you happen to know where Sarah is? I need assistance for bed."

"I'll check, miss."

Landa was an older maid, she'd been with the Rivers for as far as Sapphire could remember. Very sweet lady. Sapphire tried removing her dress, but her muscles protested. Never again would she go a day without her sessions. There was a soft knock on the door behind Sapphire.


"I apologize, miss. Sarah is asleep, I can assist you if you like."

Sapphire smiled at Landa's kind face.

"Thank you, Landa. I just need help getting undressed, my body isn't willing to cooperate."

"That's alright, miss."

Landa undid the ties of Sapphires dress, helping her get out of it. Leaving Sapphire in her shift. Letting out a small gasp, Landa stared at the young lady.

"What is it Landa?" Sapphire asked with concern. The maid had gasped so suddenly.....

"Miss, your back and arms.... they're covered in bruises."

"That would explain the aches, splendid." Sapphire said warily. After assuring Landa she was fine and the bruises were in fact nothing to worry about, Sapphire peacefully drifted off to sleep, dreaming about a certain set of lips.

Lord Rivers was enjoying a cigar when he found Landa worrying her bottom lip. The maid was wringing her hands anxiously, a troubled expression on her face.

"Landa." Lord Rivers called, gaining her attention.

"Yes, my lord." Landa said as she reached him. she very much feared her lord, he was a kind man, but Landa still felt uncomfortable around him, intimidated.

"What has you distraught, at this hour?"

"Well.. I. ....uh..."

Lord Rivers raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for the maid to stop stuttering. After a moment of indecision, the maid gave in.

" Well, my lord, I was helping miss Sapphire get ready for bed, and there were bruises on her arms and back, I am worried, tis all."

"Thank you Landa, I will get to it."

As the maid left, lord Rivers wondered where the bruises had appeared from, he had to ask Sapphire. She was capable of taking care of herself, but what if Stark had another brawl with her? Lord knew, the man was adamant, even after the rejection.

What pride and greed do to a person...

Lord Rivers shook his head, no point in crying over spilled milk, he'd get to the bottom of it in the morrow.

Tristan woke with the light of dawn. He had much to attend do. A house needed repair in the village, he had to look over the training of his men, as well as tend to the disputes of the people. Therefore, when Xavier peacefully walked inside Tristan's home, he was more than a bit wary.

" What ever it is, the answer is no."

"Someone is grumpy. I didn't come to ask for anything, I came to know why you were so angry yesterday."

At the mention of the yesterday, events of the day replayed in Tristan's mind, refueling his arousal as well. He turned sharply towards his friend.

"Nothing." Tristan said gruffly, his arousal more demanding than ever.

"If you say so..." Xavier let it drop, for now.

Both friends enjoyed a couple of minutes of silence before Xavier told Tristan what troubled him.

"Isabella is really worried." Distress coated Xavier's words.


"She thinks Sapphire had another brawl, bruises covered her arm and back."

Tristan exhaled sharply.


"This morning, Isabella said she must have gotten them yesterday, when no one was around, she hadn't had them when they left, and she didn't go anywhere after we returned yesterday."

Tristan stiffened, unknown feelings colliding within him.

"I need to go." Tristan said sharply, leaving his meal untouched.

"Tristan, where are you going?"

Tristan walked out without answering, an uneasy feeling coated his stomach.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and votes. And thank you for those who have fanned. I love hearing what you guys think, honestly.

Tell me what you think ;)



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