Chapter 25

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"Where are we going, Tristan?"

"You will see."

Tristan had come shortly after noon and had taken Sapphire with him. They were currently riding on Asher, heading to a place Sapphire had no knowledge of, something she intended to change.

"Why can you not simply tell me?"

"Patience, love."

Tristan tightened his hold on her waist. Trusting in Asher's ability to lead them to their destination, Tristan put both hands around her waist, letting the reigns go. He buried his face in on the side of her neck, placing a tender kiss where shoulder met neck before nibbling along her jaw.

"What are you doing?" Sapphire whispered as she felt the muscles in her lower stomach begin to tighten, subconsciously pressing her bottom into Tristan's growing erection. He pressed her legs together with his thighs.

"Is it a crime to kiss ones wife?"
Tristan answered in between kisses.

"Certainly not, my lord husband. However, you are doing more than merely kissing." Sapphire said referring to the hand crawling up her bare leg under her skirts.
His hand inched higher along her leg, reaching her thigh and massaging gently.

Tristan tilted her head to the side, kissing her to stop further protest. Tristan nibbled on her bottom lip before capturing her mouth with his own and deepened the kiss. Much to Tristan's vexation, Asher neighed to let him know they had arrived.

"You have terrible timing, old friend." Tristan said breaking away from the kiss.

Asher snorted in response.

They stood in a field covered with tall, long, uncut grass. Long enough that a person can be standing behind someone and they would be none the wiser. A little way over, a small clearing fit for two, was occupied by a small blanket and basket.

"A picnic!" Sapphire said in joy, a beautiful, innocent smile adorning her lips. Tristan laughed softly.

"Yes, a picnic."

Sapphire quickly dismounted the horse, Tristan was quick to follow.

"And cheese!" The excitement was clear in her voice.
This time Tristan didn't hold his laughter back. Head tilted back facing towards the sky, while his hands rested on his stomach, Tristan gave a carefree, genuine laugh. The sort of laughter that are from the soul itself, free of burden. The shadows that would always haunt him were absent.
Sapphire watched him laugh. He was truly very beautiful. His laughter only enhanced his beauty. Once his laughter subsided, Tristan answered.
"Yes, cheese. You seem to be very fond of it."
Sapphire reached for a piece of cheese, only to have Tristan stop her.
"Allow me."

Tristan brought the cheese to her mouth, urging her lips apart. Sapphire took the cheese in her mouth but didn't let his fingers go.
Tristan's groin twitched in anticipation. Sapphire kept her gaze locked on Tristan's as she bit down on his finger, hard.

"What in the devils name made you do that!" Tristan hissed as he examined his slightly stinging finger, his erection completely gone.

"It was an urge, my lord." Sapphire shrugged innocently, her eyes glowing with mischief.

"Are you not going to eat?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the assortment of apples, cheeses, and different variety of creamy sauces as well as meat cut into cubes. And potatoes. Sapphire reached for the potatoes.

" I am waiting for you to return the favor."

"I never told you to feed me, my lord husband." Sapphire sent a cheeky grin Tristan's way before dipping potato in one of the sauces and bringing it towards his mouth.

"Open up." Sapphire smiled as she waited for Tristan to take the potato in his mouth. She tried to pull her hand away only for Tristan to grab her wrist. Ever so slowly he brought her fingers back to his mouth, sucking her index finger softly. Tristan watched Sapphires pupils dilate, his male pride stirring in satisfaction.

"We should not waste food."

"We shouldn't." Sapphire croaked, still lost in a lustful haze.

Sapphire attempted to pull her hand back once again, but Tristan wouldn't have it. He pulled her closer until her body leaned towards him. Sapphires minded whirled with mischief. Letting Tristan think he had the upper hand, she moved leaned closer to him. Tristan bent to steal a kiss, the grip around her wrist growing lax. Sapphire smiled in satisfaction before quickly moving out of reach.

"You have to catch me first." Her words were followed by laughter as she ran towards the jungle of grass.

"You're going to regret this, love! I love a chase!" Tristan called out from his position on the blanket. His response was met by more laughter. Tristan chuckled in amusement. His wife found joy in the simplest of forms.

Sapphire tried looking through the grass, only to be met with more grass. she couldn't see Tristan anywhere. Someone could be standing behind a person and they would be none the wiser. She was lost. Sapphire toyed with the idea of calling out to Tristan, but thought better of it. She couldn't let him best her, his teasing would never end. Or maybe she should, his eyes glowed a certain way when he was amused, the corner of his mouth tilting upward. Sapphire was lost in thought, not noticing the figure crouched a few feet away from her.

Tristan slowly walked towards Sapphire, being very cautious not to make any noise. Her back was towards him, just a few more steps and she would be within reach. Tristan snaked one arm around her waist, pressing her back to his front, while the other covered her mouth.

"I believe I deserve a reward." Tristan murmured huskily in her hear.

Sapphire turned in his arms, her eyes wide, breathing slightly uneven.

"You frightened me." Sapphire

"No harm done." Tristan shrugged pulling her closer.

"Now, for my reward." He trailed his lips along her jaw, under her throat to where neck met shoulder where he took her rapid pulse between his teeth, biting softly. His love bite was beginning to fade, a situation he began to immediately rectify.

"What....what.... would" Sapphire stuttered as she tilted her head to the side; giving him better access. Her hands rested upon his biceps, feeling the contour of muscle.

"I'm fairly certain you have an idea." Tristan mumbled as he began to trail kisses lower along her collarbone, nibbling and licking along the way.
Sapphires mind was in a haze, leaving no room for words, let alone coherent thoughts. She clutched his arms tighter as his lips skimmed the edge of her low cut gown, arching more into him. Her head tilted back.

"I quite admire this dress."

Tristan lifted his head and captured her lips with his own. His hand holding the back of her head. His tongue explored her mouth, tasting, learning. Without breaking the kiss, Tristan lowered them to the ground.
Sapphire bit down on her lip to stifle a moan as his fingers moved up her calf to her thighs, even then a small portion escaped.

"I love that sound, why do you hold it back."

"What... what if ...someone .....comes." Sapphire struggled to say through her haze.

"I will kill them before they get anywhere near you." Tristan growled at the thought of anyone else seeing her.

"Arrogant .." Sapphires gasped as one finger was inserted into her followed by another. Tristan swallowed her moans with a kiss. Her nails dug into his shoulder making him grunt in approval. He returned his attention to her breasts.
The feel of his hot mouth on her aching breast, despite the clothing being a barrier, had a loud, carnal moan emanating from her.
Sapphire withered beneath him. His hands, his mouth, his very being was creating havoc inside of her. She could feel the familiar aches building.
And then he stopped.
His hands and mouth ended their glorious torture.
Tristan rolled them over until his back was on the ground and Sapphire atop him, straddling him. Sapphire stared at him wide eyed. Confusion clear on her flushed face.

"Ride me." His voice was a husky command.

Sapphires brows drew together, perplexed.

"It's another form of love making, instead of me taking you, you take me. We won't do it if you don't want to." Tristan said softly. One had gripped her hip, while the other ran along her side in soothing motions.He watched her atop him. Her hair tumbled down her back, a few rogue tresses rested beneath her left breast. Her desire induced flushed face, the curve of her lips. She looked beautiful. Exquisite. Glorious. A temptation.
Tristan regarded the different play of emotions across her face until they finally settled on one.
Something inside him moved.

"Teach me."

Wide, innocent eyes framed beneath thick lashes gazed into his own, imploring him.
His mouth went dry. His male organ proudly standing at attention. He had to fight his primitive instincts to take control.

"Anything you want, love. Do what is it you wish."

"I want you clothes off."

Did he hear correctly? Was his little wife playing coy?
Sapphire bent down until their noses were nearly brushing and whispered,

"I thought I was in charge."

"You are always in charge. Always." Tristan croaked, fascinated by the woman before him.

Sapphire smiled shyly before kissing him softly. Tristan held her head in place as she tried to pull back.

"Darling, if your going to kiss me, you must give me a proper kiss." Tristan smirked before crashing his lips to hers, branding her. He devoured her like a starved man, leaving no room for being abash. His deft fingers began to unlace her gown as his lips sought the tender spot beneath her ear. A voice had him stiffening, pulling Sapphire closer .

"Tristan! Quit your tussling."

"Take another step closer, Alex, and I will have your head." Tristan growled as he laced Sapphires gown.

"Why are you here? I thought I said no one is to disturb me." Tristan scowled. Sapphire buried her face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment.

"Aye, ye did. Lord Rivers has arrived at the castle." Alexander paused before grinning cheekily and calling out.

"My apologies for disturbing you, your ladyship."

"Alexander, you should pray to God I don't get my hand on you!" Tristan roared.

"Would you care to explain why I had to immediately come here under false pretense?"

"Did you have to bring the spawn of the devil with you?" Tristan scowled.

Lord Rivers and him were seated in his study. Tristan stood on the edge of his large wooden desk while lord Rivers was seated on a comfortable chair.

"You said to make it seem as a normal interlude. What better way than to bring Isabella along." Lord Rivers shrugged, an annoying smirk lingering on his lips.
Tristan narrowed his eyes but remained silent. He knew lord Rivers had brought her along to spite him. Giving a shrug to say this particular argument wasn't worth his time, Tristan spoke of the matter at hand.

"I called you here to discuss Fredrick."

"Isabella!" Sapphire smiled at her friend. Isabella was wearing a lovely maroon red muslin gown. Her hands and neck adorned in jewels. She looked beautiful, radiant.

"I see lord Manning has been spoiling you."

"Nonsense!" Isabella waived off, "he is merely showing his love. Besides, I do repay him in kind." Isabella grinned mischievously.

Sapphire was not entirely sure what she meant, but decided not to ask. Instead, she directed the conversation elsewhere.

"Not that I don't appreciate your presence, but what has brought you here." Sapphire asked as she poured them both tea.

"I was missing you so terribly, and I mentioned it to papa and he said we will go for a visit. And here we are." Isabella said excitedly.

"Besides," Isabella continued, "your brute of a husband didn't even let me speak to you the last time we were together."

"My husband is not a brute, he is very kind and sweet..." Sapphire trailed off as her mind wandered to the man in question. He was awfully kind. He would wake her up with sweet kisses every morning. The tender way he always made love to her. The way he would look at her during meal time with his small secret smile, as if he found something amusing. The way he would laugh. The sound of his laughter was the most enchanting thing she had ever heard, he would sound so....Happy. The way his eyes light up when he watches Alexander and Duncan bicker with each other....
Sapphire was lost in her musing, not noticing Isabella until she snapped her fingers.

"Sapphire! Sapphire! Sapphire!"

Isabella called in amusement and mild irritation.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying,

"I see he has you smitten."

Sapphire didn't answer, instead opted to take a sip of her tea.

"Where were you?" Isabella asked.

"Tristan took me on a picnic." Sapphire smiled, her eyes twinkling at the memory.

"Did you have picnic sex." Isabella
asked, innocently looking at her rings, but the mischief in her eyes could not be hidden.

Sapphire wills herself not to blush. She would not fall victim to Isabella's jab. Thankfully, for once, her blush stayed at bay.

"Do you have picnic sex with Xavier."
Sapphire retorted, mentally congratulating herself for saying the crude word, she much preferred love making. Also thanking God there was no one present in the room.

"No, we have it fast and rough against a tree, you should try it. The feeling is delirious." Isabella's eyes twinkled in wicked pleasure.
Sapphire could only stare.

"Oh I'm so glad I can speak to you
about this, Sapphire! I have been wanting to talk to someone, and I find I can not speak about it to anyone but you."

" I am honored." The sarcasm clear in her voice.

Maybe she could ask Isabella about 'riding someone.' She wouldn't have a problem. It would give her some ounce of assurance. Besides, Tristan wouldn't know. She would learn just enough to understand, nothing more. Deciding to ask before she lost her new found courage, Sapphire quickly asked with reddened cheeks.


"Pardon me?" Isabelle's brows scrunched in confusion.

Sapphire took a much needed deep breath before slowly repeating her question.

"How is one supposed to ride someone?" Sapphires eyes were looking everywhere but Isabella.

Isabella's eyes sparkled with wicked glee.

"That's what you two were doing at the picnic?" Isabella whispered scandalously.

"No, we were interrupted by Alexander."

"He is rather annoying." Isabella said, remembering her annoyance towards him.

"It was not his fault. He came to tell us uncle John had arrived." Sapphire said, remembering she had to teach Alexander a lesson.

"Well, my friend, let me teach you the art of love making."

"Are you certain he's dead."

"No. I'm fairly certain he is very much alive." Lord Rivers said in frustration.

From what Tristan had gathered from lord Rivers, Fredrick has been quiet for the past five years. No one had seen him. Tristan had come across one of his men a couple of years back, a pity he didn't torture the sorry excuse of a man. His death had been too swift.
Lord Rivers had said Fredrick was a clever bastard. Very conniving and precise. He had planned the attack on castle Dracmore for two years before setting his plan into motion. Perfecting every last detail.

"I need to know when you last spotted him, and any additional information you may offer."
Tristan considered the different ways a person could be tortured before death. Slowly, painfully.

"Of course, but I want a part in causing the bastard pain before you kill him."

Tristan shrugged nonchalantly.

"As long as I have the pleasure of killing him, I don't give a damn about what you do."

"You're a ruthless bastard." Lord Rivers said with a smirk.
Lord Rivers admired the swords that hung behind Tristan's desk, taking one and testing it's weight.
Tristan contemplated who he should send in search of Fredrick. He had to be very careful. As Tristan sorted through his options, he heard the bells before Alexander threw the study door open, sword in hand.

"There has been an attack on the village."

"How many?" Tristan walked out the door, lord Rivers and Alexander behind him.

"One hundred and fifty."

"How did they manage to get inside the village?" Tristan growled.

Alexander's cheeks turned scarlet with embarrassment.

"Only fifty entered, the rest are in the forest."

"Pray tell me, how did fifty men manage to get inside the village undetected." Tristan was livid, his calm façade not betraying his fury.
By now they had reached the great room. Gerald had the knights assembled in different sections, Duncan besides him.

"The woman and the children?"

Tristan calculated. Twenty of his men on the inside and thirty in the forest should easily be able to fend of the attackers.

"They're in the safe room." Alexander was quick to answer, he had done something right today. He was an arse! If only he had been on the gates as he should have been, the outlaws wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the village.

"It slips quite easily if done that way."

Isabella said, perfectly sure of herself.
Sapphire listened with reddened cheeks. With the amount of knowledge Isabella had on the subject, she could easily become a courtesan.

"Oh! I almost forgot. When-" Isabella was cut off by a furious Duncan.

"My lady, we must go." Duncan took hold of Sapphires elbow. Propriety be damned! He had to get his ladyship to safety.

"Is everything alright, Duncan?" Sapphire asked tentatively, worriedly, her elbow would have a bruise tomorrow.

"Nae, the village is being attacked."

Duncan came to stand by a painting, he lifted the lever, entering a tunnel. He led them through an underground tunnel towards a door a good distance from the manor. Nodding at the three guards, Duncan opened the door to reveal women and children, urging Sapphire and Isabella inside.

"My lady, under no circumstance are ye to leave this room." Duncan said, and without waiting for a reply, he shut and locked the door.

Under no circumstance are you to leave this room.

Under no circumstance are you to leave this room.

Under no circumstance are you to leave this room.

Unbeknown to Duncan, he had said the worst words, the worst sentence possible, to her.
It was getting difficult for Sapphire to have air go to her lungs. Her nails clawed where her heart was, an unbearable ache demanding attention. Her head was dizzy, she couldn't seem to see or hear Isabella frantically calling her name.

"Sapphire! Sapphire! Are you alright? You've grown pale." Worry laced Isabella's words.

The voice of a small, frightened child calling for his mother drew Sapphire from her inner turmoil. This was not the time to dwell on her past, or herself. These women, children, they needed her.

"Momma! Momma! Where are you!"

Large, doe like eyes looked around the room. Sapphire walked towards the small lad, crouching to his level.

"What is your name, sweetheart."

"Arthur." Was his shaky response.

"Tis a pretty name, Arthur. I am lady Sapphire Knight. May I help you find your mother?"

Arthur's fear vanished, a toothless grin adorning his face.

"You are lady Knight? Lord Knights lady?" Wide eyes awaited her answer.

Sapphire chuckled softly.

"Aye. The very one."

A frantic voice had Sapphire looking over her shoulder.

"Arthur ! Has anyone seen my Arthur?"

"He is over here with me, miss."

Sapphire called while standing straight. Arthur's small hand in her own.

"Oh, thank you so much!" The woman said before taking Arthur in her arms. The room had grown quiet, all eyes on Sapphire.

"Tis alright, I did not do anything." Sapphire shrugged while smiling at Arthur.

"Mamma, tis lady Knight. Lord Knights lady." Arthur said excitedly.

Sapphire still hadn't been able to visit the village and all the people residing in it. She was still trying to learn the castle.
Arthur's mothers eyes grew wide. She quickly offered a quick courtesy and apologized.

"There's nothing to apologize for, honestly. I should be the one apologizing, I still haven't come around to the village to see everyone. I am lady Sapphire Knight and this is lady Isabella Manning." Sapphire introduced, a warm smile covering her face.

"It's no problem at all, my lady. We all know lord Knight could be a bit reluctant to share. My name is Margaret." An elderly lady said as she smiled kindly at Sapphire.
Sapphire instantly warmed to the woman. She looked to be a loving grandmother, one who would always take the side of naughty children. The affection she had for Tristan was evident.
A woman stepped forward from the crowd, clearing her throat, she spoke.
"We would appreciate it if you could join us for a picnic on the morrow. Every once in a while the women get together, it would be nice if you could come." The woman finished off shyly.

"I would love to come, thank you. But, I must insist on bringing something along."

"Nonsense!" Margret waived off.
"We just want your presence, dear."

"Her baked goods are very delicious,
and Sapphire can be quite persistent." Isabella supplied in aid of Sapphire. She knew how much Sapphire loved to bake.

"Alright, but nothing extravagant."

Sapphire smiled her appreciation.
Sapphire walked around the room talking and getting to know everyone. She laughed and smiled at the appropriate times, but her heart was in unease, her emotions a tangled mess. If anything were to happen to Tristan.....
She could only pray he came back in one piece. The women were not worried. From what Sapphire had learned, this was the first time an attack had happened, but no one seemed worried, having full faith Tristan would overcome any obstacle. But at what cost? No! She couldn't let t negative thoughts cloud her mind.
Sapphire walked towards Isabella, little Duncan held one hand while Arthur occupied the other. The two children had take an instant like to Sapphire. Claiming they had to protect her, else-wise Tristan would be very angry.

"Are you alright?"

"It's terribly dusty down here." Isabella said while wrinkling her nose.

"At a time like this you think of dust?" Sapphire said with an amused shake if her head.

"I'm not worried, your brute of a husband will take care of it."

"Laird Knight is nae a brute!" Little Duncan claimed in anger as he stomped on Isabella's slipper clad foot with ample strength.
Isabella hissed in pain.

"I see he has the children smitten as well."

"Nothing! Not a single trace, my lord." Gerald said in frustration.
Tristan cussed low and harsh. None of the men that were supposed to be in the forest were there. Those that had managed to enter the village hadn't attacked, nor had they stolen anything. They had retreated before Tristan had his men attack. Why would they enter the village to attack, then flee without doing so? Something didn't add up. Asher paced restlessly beneath Tristan, feeling as agitated as its master.

"Duncan, scout the area, they could not have gone far." Tristan said.

"Aye." Duncan took five men with him, heading towards the forest.

"They did not steal anything? Nothing?" Tristan asked is exasperation.

"It does not make sense." Lord Rivers said equally as frustrated as Tristan.
Tristan stiffened.

"Alex, the safe room, was it attacked?"

"No,my lord. The guards, children and women are all safe." Alexander answered, his voice sober. He was a git.
Tristan took a relieved breath. Their aim was not to distract them while the children or women were harmed.Either way, It would not have come to that. He had placed twenty men in hiding around the safe room. From what the enemy would see, it was only two men standing guard. One should never underestimate the opponent, it could prove to be very fatal.
He needed bloody answer and he needed them soon! His men had attacked the fleeing men, instantly killing who ever they could. Tristan had Asher pace in agitation. He still had to deal with Alexander. He was another matter entirely.
Before Tristan's thoughts took a turn for the worst, the sound of hooves had him looking ahead. Duncan had brought a prisoner.
Alexander stepped forward, grabbing the man and pushing him towards Tristan. Tristan noted his split lip and swollen eye, Duncan had a good hand.

"I'm going to ask you questions, you're going to provide me with the correct answers. For every incorrect answer, I take a piece out of your flesh. I might make your death easy, that is, if you provide to be useful." Tristan said quietly, his blade toying with a strand of the mans hair.

"Am I clear?"
The man nervously nodded his head. Alexander held both his hands captive, making it impossible to escape. He knew this was a bad idea, and now he would have to pay for it with his life.


"Ar...Arnold." He stammered. The coldness in Tristan's eyes making him press into Alex with fear. He had heard of Knights ruthlessness, and now he would experience it first hand.

"Arnold, how many men did you have with you?" Arnold hesitated. The blade moved from his cheek, down to his jaw, all the while drawing blood.

"How many." Tristan repeated as he
dug the steel deeper.

"One hundred and fifty."

Arnold eyed the blade which rested above his heart.

"How many attacked the village with you?" The blade making lazy circles over his sternum. But one wrong move was all it would take for the blade to end his life.


Tristan nodded his head in approval.

"Where are the remainder of the
men?" The blade returned to his jugular, stopping briefly before making its way upward.

"I don't know."
Wrong answer.
The blade plunged into his cheek, if Arnold were to open his mouth, the glint of metal could easily be seen.Tristan left the weapon in place. His cry of pain echoed throughout the land, the men stared passively.

"You must believe me, I truly do not know. We were paid to attack. Different outlaws were brought together. The money was brought to our honcho." Arnold tried to speak quickly, the movement causing the blade to go deeper in his skin.
Tristan removed the blade, leaving a grotesque picture.

"How did all the men manage to escape?" Tristan remained impassive as he wiped the blade clean of blood with the Arnold's tunic.
Arnold shivered in horror.

"I don't know."

Another mistake.
One would think he had learned the first time. Tristan tilted his head to Alexander. Alex, taking the hint, released on arm. Tristan took ahold of his wrist, twisting it until the sickening crunch of a bone being broken could be heard. Arnold howled in pain. The wound in his cheek paled in comparison to the agony in his hand.

"Wrong answer." Tristan menaced softly, dropping Arnold's broken wrist. His eyes alight with silver fire. Arnold trembled. He should have been more forthcoming!

"I... My men and the other outlaws did not get along. We didn't want to work with them, but we had to. Our numbers were less. More people were needed to attack. My men and I make up forty. We entered the village to attack, but once we realized it was Knight land, we retreated. Your men killed all of my men. The others fled when they saw us retreat." Arnold said quickly. Cold sweat formed on his brow.

"If you were given more coin you would have attacked my lands." Tristan said with a snort, showing the first ounce of real emotion.
The blade returned to his jugular and remained.
"Nay! If I had known it was your land, I would not have attacked, no amount of coin is worth attacking you." Arnold said gravely. Tristan Knight was a feared name throughout the lands. Only a fool would dare go against the devil.

"Who is this person you work for."

Arnold answered with out hesitation.
"His name is Liam. Short, pale hair, he has a scar above his right brow. He is a days journey north from here. You will find him in the village pub before the sun goes down."

Tristan nodded his head.

"You have provided your worth." Tristan said softly as he severed Arnold's head from his body. His head rolled a few steps away, his body quickly following.

"Duncan, take five men with you. I want this man named Liam alive and soon." Tristan said, his eyes on Alexander.
Duncan murmured a quick 'aye' before gathering the necessary supplies and heading out.

"Gerald, have the women and children escorted to their respective homes."

" I shall assist Gerald." Lord Rivers said as he quickly followed Gerald. He wanted to tell Tristan to not be so hard on Alex, but knew Tristan had to do what he thought necessary.

"Leave us." Tristan said to the remaining men.

Alexander shifted uncomfortably. All the men had gone and Tristan had yet to say a word. His patience was rewarded mere seconds later.

"If I find out you were tussling, so help you God!" Tristan growled.

"I ... She was bonny..." Alexander trailed off helplessly, his gaze locked on Tristan's. He now understood why most men preferred death over facing Tristan. Alex, himself, felt anything would be better than the cold fire which met his gaze. His eyes were flat, emotionless.

"Consider yourself fortunate. If anyone were to be harmed...." Tristan let the threat hang, which was worst than if he'd made an official threat. No, not threat, promise.

Alexander gave a jerky nod, not believing his good fortune.

"If this incident were to repeat itself, I will have you castrated." Tristan promised.
Alexander gave another jerky nod, his hands cupping his most prized possession. God forbid, if that were to happen, Alex would die. His angelic beauty gone to waste.
"Go." Tristan dismissed.

As Tristan watched Alexander's retreating form, unease coiled in his stomach. Nothing made sense! Tristan had a bad feeling. He knew something was missing, a vital piece of information. The question was what? Tristan ran a hand over his face in frustration, he wanted to harm something, anything. Asher pressed against him, lending him strength.

"I don't like this Asher." Tristan said softly as he leaned against his companion.
He had questions, but not answers. He would have to wait until Duncan returned. Could it be Fredrick? Another question added to his list. Malaise gripped his heart, if anything were to happen to Sapphire......

Sapphire paced her chambers. Nothing! The place where her heart was ached. Where was Tristan? She hadn't seen him since they had returned from the picnic. She had asked uncle John, he said Tristan was alright, just settling matters. It was night time, everyone had gone to bed, where the devil was he!
The pacing wasn't helping. She decided to sit. The soft bed might provide comfort. Sapphire played with her hands, running a finger along the faint, healing scar from her nightmare. She hadn't had a single nightmare in Tristan's arms. He was ...... he was Tristan. The door quietly opened.

Tristan quietly opened the door, shutting and locking it immediately. He turned around only to collide into a smaller, more feminine body.

"Sapphire, you-." He was cut off as Sapphire crushed her lips to his. This was the first time she had initiated a kiss, it left him stunned for no more than a second before he was kissing her back with equal vigor.
Sapphire stood on her toes clutching his face in her slender hands, holding him prisoner. Her thumbs grazed the skin above his beard, under his cheekbone. In that moment, the student had out did the teacher. Sapphire, sucked, licked and kissed him until their breathing grew ragged. Not letting go until they both couldn't breath. She drew back and buried her face in his chest.

"I should come to bed late more
often." Tristan said, still trying to get his breathing under control.

"Don't you dare." Sapphire snapped as she moved away to slap him on his chest. Tristan chuckled in humor. He tilted her chin upward and went in for another, softer kiss. Without breaking the kiss he lead them over to the bed, gently placing Sapphire atop before pulling away, breaking the kiss.
Sapphire grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going."

Tristan chuckled once more. He had been doing a lot of that lately.

"I need to remove my clothes, love. I will only be a moment."

Sapphire got on her knees, reaching for the hem of his tunic."Allow me."

Sapphire kept her hands occupied
with his clothing, while her mind was eased with answers.

"What happened today."

Tristan lifted his arms to get the tunic off before speaking.

"It was a raid. They didn't know who's land they had attacked until afterwards. When they realized, most of them fled, whoever didn't was killed. We don't know why they attacked, only they were paid to do so. I sent Duncan with a few men to bring the man here. Perhaps then we will get some answers. No one was hurt." Tristan finished softly.
Sapphires eyes stung with tears. She stared at the scar above his heart, willing them back. She was so worried the entire day. And now seeing him in one piece, she was angry. Arrogant brute!

"Why hadn't you come earlier. I was so worried something had happened to you..." Sapphire remembered the fear, worry and pain she had felt.

"I apologize, I didn't know you would worry, I'm fine." Tristan said gently as he wiped away a rogue tear.

"I made you cry." Tristan said, frowning at the tear on his index finger.

"Of course I'm crying.When will you learn I care, Tristan! You're not made out of steel! Something could have happened to you. I was so scared, so worried. I hadn't seen you the entire day...." Sapphire trailed off.

"I'm sorry I made you worry." Tristan repeated.

"Tristan I care for you, I .... I... I love you." Sapphire said looking him directly in the eye. Tristan stiffened, denial clouding his vision.

"You can't love me." He said the words as if they were a fact. Always there, no way to change them.

"No, Tristan." Sapphire angrily stabbed a finger in his chest.

"You can not tell me how I feel. I don't expect you to say it back, yet. But I want you to know how I feel, about you, about us." Sapphire said before she kissed him hard. Her kiss which started out full of lust, simmered down to the combination of passion, lust, and love. But mostly love. She kissed him softly, tenderly, trying to pour her heart into that one kiss and willing him to accept.

"You don't know what you're saying." Tristan whispered, his breathing ragged. She couldn't know what she was saying. His thoughts were puzzled, his mind in turmoil.

"I know exactly what I'm saying. Suffice to say, when your heart aches at the thought of something happening to that one person, when their simple smile can bring utmost happiness into your life, when their most innocent of touches sends heat coursing through your body, when the mere thought of loosing them tears at your soul, when your emotional pain turns physical, when their happiness, their comfort means more to you then your own necessities, I think that is love. Don't you dare tell me how I should and should not feel!" Sapphire snapped.
A fire of indigo burning into his gaze. Tristan watched her chest heave up and down from her breathing.
She looked sexy when she was angry. Tristan didn't know how to respond, so he responded the only way he knew how.
He pulled her flush against him, kissing her with hunger. He tasted her, devoured her, like a child who was given something sweet for the first time. He learned every nook and corner of her mouth, swallowing her moans with his own. He urged her closer to him, causing her to arch her back. He kissed the corner of her mouth, her jaw, down her throat to where neck met shoulder, biting gently. He was intoxicated. He pulled her closer yet, her head tilted back, and he still couldn't be close enough. Tristan's lips skimmed the edge of her gown.
"You're wearing to much clothes." Tristan husked.

"Then take them off."
Sapphire didn't know where the brazen words came from. Maybe it was the days incidents and her emotions which had been in turmoil. Or maybe she wanted to not only bare her heart to him, but her very essence. Either way, it had the desired effect. Tristan's fingers deftly removed her clothes.
His cool lips touched her heated skin. Kissing every inch of skin available.
Tristan urged Sapphire backward until her back lay on the bed, Tristan's body pressing intimately against hers. He kissed her lips, her eyes, her cheeks, and her jaw before going lower, stopping at the valley of her breast. Once there, he trailed light, open mouthed kisses to her navel, the feeling of his whiskers against her skin doing wonders to her body. Sapphire squirmed beneath him, her muscles clenching. Her hands blindly sought his touch, until they reached their desired destination.

Tristan took one aching bud into his mouth, while his hand kneaded its twin orb. Sapphires hands pulled at his hair, making him hiss in pleasure pain, but he continued his assault.
Sapphire tried to collect her hazy thoughts. She was supposed to be doing something, but what? Oh yes, pleasuring him, showing him. She tugged harder on his hair until his lustful silver flames met her own.

"Get up."

"I beg your pardon?" The words came out in a slurred growl.

"Get up." Sapphire repeated.

Tristan lay on his back, staring, waiting. Sapphire gave him a shy smile before straddling him.

"I believe you were in the middle of teaching me a new lesson."

Tristan grinned wolfishly.

And then she said the two words which made him impossibly harder, yearning to be buried deep inside her, loosing himself in her.

"Teach me."

"Do what feels right, love. What you want to do." Tristan husked as he tried to trail his hands up Sapphires thighs. Sapphire smacked his hand away.

"No touching, my lord."

"Your wish is my command, my little goddess."

Sapphire blushed but didn't comment. Tristan gripped her hips with both hands, he needed to touch her. Sapphire stared at his gloriously formed chest. She traced the scar above his heart before slowly touching one taunt male nipple.
Tristan hissed, sweat gathering at his brow.

"Did I do something wrong?" Wide eyes filled with uncertainty stared at him. His heart swelled at her innocence. No one had seen her in this state, and no one would. She was his in every sense of the word.

"No, love. The opposite."


Sapphire continued her exploring. Her fingers softly brushed overs his nipples before trailing down to his well formed abdomen, going lower still.
"If you go any lower, it will end before it even begins." Tristan growled. His jaw clenched shut. He prided himself in his self control, but even a randy lad who just reached puberty had better restrain then him.
Sapphire stopped her wandering hands, instead she bent down and kissed the scar above his heart, then trailed her tongue over his nipple, slightly scraping her teeth.
"Where did you learn that from." His voice was strained, his fingers dug into her hips.


And she would only learn from him.
The feeling of her lips against his sensitive nipple had different sensations assaulting him. He struggled not to combust.
His little siren kissed lower, kisses trailed down his abdomen, to the "v" of his hip, where she paused to lavish more attention. Biting and licking.
Sapphire shifted against him, trying to move lower, the friction against her core had her struggling to contain her moan of pleasure.

Tristan's hips bucked upward.
Sapphire trailed one finger down his engorged member, fascinated.

"You need to stop." Tristan rasped. This was torture. He would happily lay in a bed of nails made of fire, they would be easier to endure than this.

"I've never seen it before." Sapphire mumbled, her eyes on his member which seem to be growing larger.

"It's getting bigger." Her innocence made him ever more hard.

"Because of you." Tristan gritted. He was going to die.

"How?" She wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft, Tristan nearly lost it.

"Sapphire," his voice was barely above a growl.

"I need to be in you, now!"

Sapphire smiled a smile filled with female pride before putting him out of his torture.

"Like this?"

"Yes, love." Tristan grunted, he was in heaven. If he would die now, he would die a happy man. He let Sapphire take the reigns, letting her set her own pace.
"Yes, love. ........ just like that .... do what feels right." He watched her move along him, his desire for her growing, she looked stunning, beautiful. He had never seen anything more gorgeous.
Tristan trailed one hand up to her breast, fondling softly. Sapphire groaned. She increased her pace, her release just out of reach. Tristan pulled her in for a kiss, moving faster, harder.
As she came apart in his arms she screamed her love for him until darkness claimed her.

In the darkness of the night, when the world lay asleep, and the righteous cried to their creator in prayer, Tristan kissed the top of Sapphires head. She lay atop him, their bodies still joined as one. He ran one hand along her bare spine from beneath the blanket, and then uttered the words in a horse voice, words that would make the hardest of rocks shed enough tears to form an ocean.
"I care for you to. More than I have ever cared for another, more than Asher. You make me...... feel. As if my heart is not an organ that beats because it must, but because it desires to. Your smiles lighten up my day. The love and tenderness that shine from your eyes makes me feel strange things. Sensations I have never felt before. I can't bare the thought of loosing you, it frightens me.
"I can't keep my hands off of you. Even when I'm training with the men, all I can think of is you and your laughter. The way your nose slightly gathers together, the smallest things make you so happy. You make the other person feel so wonderful, you make them feel.... wanted.
"Aunt Margaret spoke very highly of you. She seems very fond of you, as does everyone you meet. I....I can't loose you. If you had seen the way I brutally killed Arnold today, would you still love me then? You can't love someone like me... You make me feel... ..loved, and when your not near me, I get restless. My heart aches when your not near as well. I can't loose you. I won't loose you... I..would you still love me if you saw me today.... to see what a heartless bastard I am?"



And I do apologize for the wait, I hope this was worth it;D

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