Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


"Yes, love."

Sapphire blew a breath in exasperation. Her dear husband seemed to be in very high spirits. A fact she was most pleased with, if it were not have been the dead of the night! He seemed to be highly amused.

Unfortunately, her sleep was being exchanged for said amusement. Something she found highly unfortunate.

"Is something amiss?"

"Not at all, my love. Why would you think something is amiss?"

Sapphire rolled her eyes before turning over to face the arrogant brute.

"You are acting very peculiar this eve." Sapphire said while narrowing her eyes. The man had the gall to smile at her! Although the smile was quiet disarming, Sapphire thought absently. For it was not only his sinful lips curved in a boyish smile of youth, but also his silver eyes which glowed with warmth. Indeed, he was very handsome.

"How so?" Tristan question while draping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer, she was much too far away for his taste. Sapphire came easily, not that she could have resisted.

"You, my dear lord husband, have been tickling my side, relentlessly, for the better part of the last two hours." Sapphire ground out. Not to mention every time she would turn around he would pretend it wasn't him. Snoring as if he was fast asleep. For heavens sake the man did not even snore! He of all people should know that.

"I believe you are under some sort of misunderstanding, my dear. I only just awoke." Tristan said with a straight face, his eyes twinkling with mirth. His wife looked so very adorable when she was frustrated. He should irk her more often. It was most enjoyable.

"Then pray tell me, who's hand was on my side? Is there someone else in the bed I do not know of?" Sapphire snapped. Damnation! She wanted to sleep.

Tristan smiled at her as if she were a small kitten thinking itself a tiger. She was very adorable.

"My sweet, I have no idea. Last I was aware of, 'twas only the two of us. Mayhap a ghost has joined us." Tristan said with a nonchalant shrug. He was amusing himself far too much on her expense.

Sapphire narrowed her eyes before reaching out to pinch Tristan's bare nipples.

"What in the devils name compelled you to do such an act!" Tristan hissed as he pulled away from her. Who knew something so small could be so painful. In all his years of living, he didn't think something so trivial could cause such destruction. And to top it off, it had come from his wee wife. Mayhap he should see it as a blessing.

He glared accusingly at Sapphire.

Sapphire shrugged her shoulders.

"A handy trick I learned, would you not say, my lord. Now, kindly allow me to sleep." Sapphire said with false sweetness as she turned her back towards Tristan, attempting to sleep. Mayhap now the brute would leave her alone.

Sapphire was just beginning to succumb to the pleasures of sleep when she felt a poke on her side.

She ignored it.

The poking persisted.

She ignored it once more.

It persisted.

Rolling her eyes, she moved to swat the object of her annoyance only to hit her own side. Sapphire suppressed the urge to scream. She had a very good idea who's hands were on her side just moments ago. The best thing for her to do was bid her time wisely.

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