14: Jacob

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JACOB'S POVFebruary 2nd

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February 2nd

As soon as I finished dinner with my Dad, I excused myself from the table as quickly as possible. Harry Clearwater had come over to talk about developments with... some situation or another, and I was glad Billy wouldn't miss me. Katie seemed desperate, after all, and I wouldn't want to let her down. Besides— it would be nice to hang out somewhere other than my garage, which I could tell practically bored her to tears given how often she dozed off.

As soon as I left, Harry called after me. "Jake!"

I turned, a nervous grin emerging on my face. "Hey, Harry."

"I just wanted to talk with you a moment, if that's okay." His voice, which I had been familiar with since childhood, seemed gruffer than normal. Despite my rush to the bonfire, it was impossible to say no to him. He has the appearance of a grizzly bear but the heart of a teddy bear, Katie whispered to me once, and it was absolutely true.

I held in my sigh, hoping this wouldn't take too long. "Sure, Harry. What's up?"


Of course.

Another long and serious talk about duty and how my time is coming soon. Whatever that means... so dramatically ominous. Honestly, I'm starting to believe everyone on the Rez is cracked out. Seriously. Sam's gang has been staring me down, too. As if it's just a matter of time before I join them.

I check my watch as soon as I hop in the car. Late. I'm going to be over 30 minutes late. Hopefully Katie doesn't murder me.

As soon as I pull up to the beach, I start searching for Katie. Everyone stares at me, which is expected. At over 6 feet tall, I'm not exactly great at blending in. Katie isn't either, which is why I start looking away from the center of the action, towards the ocean.

I spot her talking with some guy. Squinting, I think I recognize him. Bella's friend Mike. He used to make me so jealous. Now... standing with Katie, my blood feels hot.

As I get closer, I realize they're arguing. Katie's yelling at him, although I can't tell what she's saying. I weave through the crowd as best as I can, eyes still on Katie, when I can finally hear what they're saying.

"Jesus Christ, Mike!" Katie shouts, and from here I can see her eyes burning with rage. "What, because I took a drink from you I'm all over you? I thought you wanted to be my friend. You're drunk, so I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened. Go back to your 'bros' and leave. me. alone." Her fists are clenched so hard that I think she might punch him. The tightness in my chest is replaced with a surge of protectiveness. He's larger than her, and while I know she can take care of herself, it's stupid to pick a fight.

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | jacob blackWhere stories live. Discover now