17: Katie

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KATIE'S POVMarch 10th

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March 10th

I'd had enough with Jacob's silence.

I was pissed. Actually, I was enraged.

Jacob said I was his best friend. He didn't have the right to treat me this shittily. I still can't get Jake to pick up the phone when I call, but he's more than healthy enough to go see his other friends? I'm glad they made up. I really am. But that doesn't give him an excuse to blow me off.

He had told me that he'd call when I can come over again. Well, if he can't act like a good friend, then I won't, either. I'm going over to their house whether Billy or Jacob want me there or not.

Charlie didn't say anything when I angrily grabbed my keys from the hook by the front door. "I'm going to La Push," I called over my shoulder, just in case he cared.

He didn't say anything, and I think it's because he understood. He understood that his wasn't going to be a friendly visit unless Jacob had a damn good explanation for ignoring me.

Bella came down the stairs then, a quizzical expression playing on her face. "Want a ride?"

I wanted to say, 'No, this will be easier when I can yell at him in private,' but a small part of me wanted her there. Jacob was her friend, too, and he'd been ignoring the both of us. Plus, my hands were trembling, and if I got any angrier I'd probably not be able to drive myself back home. "Sure," I eventually relented, tossing her the keys.

We were both silent on the car ride. My mind had been eating away at me for the last few days after what had happened in the clearing. At first, going to La Push seemed reckless and selfish. But I decided that, with the high likelihood that I'm dying soon, I'd better at least speak to Jacob again. Face to face.

Bella and I hadn't talked much about it, but I knew she thought the same thing as me. I could tell by the way we both flinched every time we heard a loud noise. Charlie, it seemed, had connected my behavior with Jacob's sudden disappearance, and had slowly become furious with Billy.

While stupid to admit, it touched me that he cared about my well-being. It was fatherly in a way that made my chest tighten.

When we got to the house, I made Bella kill the engine. Finally, I killed the silence. "I was planning on waiting here until he got home. Billy told me he was out with Embry. I think..." I cleared my throat. "I think he's part of Sam Uley's gang..." I trailed off, looking her in the eyes. "Remember him telling us about it a while ago?"

Bella nodded. The dots seemed to be connecting for her, too. "Yeah." She frowned, the v between her eyes deepening. "That would explain a lot, actually. Maybe he hasn't been avoiding you on purpose. Maybe he just hasn't been able to call you."

𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | jacob blackWhere stories live. Discover now