Ch2 White Mana, P3

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Chapter 2: White Mana (3)

Seven years have passed and we still don't know who the cloaked man was or why I was kidnapped. I'm old enough now to defend myself against most people so I could probably fight off another kidnapper. I can even hold my own against my family for a short time, though I tend to break any weapons that I use due to my white mana being too potent for them. They've ordered a weapon of the same caliber as their own, but it takes a while to forge such weapons.

And apparently, I'm not the only person with white mana, but it's extraordinarily rare. The system is less involved in this world, but spells and passives are active, including a system of affinities. Everyone has an affinity for something. Some people have an affinity for multiple things. There are six elemental affinities and three alignment affinities. The elemental affinities are fire, water, lightning, earth, wind, and ice. The alignment affinities are light, darkness, and neutral. At least, those are the affinities that are known here. Space is the seventh elemental affinity, but the system won't show that until somebody figures it out. None of those are white and it's so rare that it can't really be studied, so they don't know what it is.

But I know.

There's only one other person, at least that I've been told about, that has white mana and that person is the same age as me. I haven't met her yet and I only know her name, Alethea. She was adopted by the imperial family of Atlantis. I was born into the royal family of Nippon Sekai, which, creatively enough, is basically "Planet Japan". I'm still only seven, so I haven't been taught much of history yet. My near mute, but lovely aunt here seems pretty dead set on training me. Between training and my status as a royal, I haven't had a lot of extracurricular activity time either. What bit of such extra time I have had has been spent learning how this world works.

Anyway, given that my white mana breaks things, I am primarily training with alignment mana. Most people only have an affinity for one alignment and one or two elements, but royals tend to have affinities for all three alignments and four or more elements. I have an affinity for everything, and coincidentally enough the other person with white mana does, too. There is such a thing as a "divine affinity", but that is also rare. That's a simple way to say the person can use aether. My training addicted aunt here has an affinity for everything, so she's taken it upon herself to train me in... everything.

I've tried telling her what I need to focus on, but she just does what she wants. She even knows what I am! She won't tell me how she knows about Eve and transmigrating, but she figured it out when I channeled aether into her hand as a baby... and then immediately interrogated me.

Kye was sparring with Allison in the castle courtyard. The two moved at high speeds, almost too fast for their onlookers to follow.

"Go, Kye!" a younger white-haired girl cheered.

"You can do it!" another white-haired girl closer to Kye's age cheered. A quiet black-haired girl next to the second white-haired girl was focusing intently on the sparring match.

"No way. Aunt Allison is way too strong!" a black-haired boy said.

"Shut up, Zen, you should be cheering for our sister!"

"No, you shush, Yami!"

"No, you!"

The older white-haired girl appeared in front of the arguing siblings and lightly smacked them both. "No arguing! If Prince Zen doesn't want to cheer on Princess Kye, that's fine. If Princess Yami does, that's fine. Now focus or you won't even be able to see them!" Hearing that, Kye and Allison started moving even faster than before. The only thing the onlookers could see at that speed was an occasional flash of blue light and sparks from the clash of their blades. Both wielded basic looking longswords clearly intended for training.

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