Ch3 Reunion, P2

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Chapter 3: Reunion (2)~3.2~*****

After their trip to town the group went to the palace to see the weapons that had been prepared. As expected, many possibilities were prepared.

"Edward, Astraia, thank you very much for meeting us today," Layla said.

"I would never pass up on a chance to dote on my great granddaughter and her friends!" Edward said. He glanced at Astraia, who nodded at him to continue. He turned his attention to a nearby table that had many swords laid out upon it.

"We have had many mana steel weapons prepared," Edward said as he showcased one of them in front of Layla and the girls. "We have regular manasteel weapons like those that Layla, James, Allison, and many others use, but considering that white mana is so potent that it breaks lesser weapons we have gone through the additional effort of fabricating a weapon uniquely adapted to each affinity in hopes that each one will be able to withstand prolonged usage in the event the regular manasteel weapons aren't sufficient. Would either of our resident white mana users like to volunteer to test the first weapon?"

Kye stepped forward, but Alethea beat her to the punch. "I volunteer." Kye stepped back without a word, more curious about Alethea's power than the weapons. Edward selected a weapon and presented it to Alethea.

"This one is a regular manasteel weapon. Please test it however you like," Edward said.

Alethea nodded and drew the blade from its sheath. Astraia waved a hand coated in gold mana and generated a barrier around the room to allow Alethea to test the weapon without damaging the palace. She released her white mana, and the manasteel blade held up, so Alethea began to cast a spell. Before the spell could be completed, however, the blade shattered. "Oh..."

"Well, I can't say I didn't expect that," Astraia said.

"Indeed. Moving on," Edward said as he chose another. "This one is adapted specifically to fire. To properly test it, channel your white mana and cast a simple fire spell from the blade."

Alethea drew the weapon, channeled white mana into it, and gave it a few swings that launched waves of fire across the room. Astraia, Edward, and Layla then examined the weapon and confirmed that it was not damaged.

"So, this is sufficient for a short burst," Edward said. "Kye, would you mind testing the longevity?"

Kye nodded and Alethea handed the sword to her. She began channeling mana into the sword. As she did, white fire burst forth from it. She channeled mana for a full minute, but she wasn't satisfied. "It's doing fine as it is now, but if these weapons are meant to serve us long term, then they must be capable of withstanding greater levels of mana. Is it fine if I push as much mana through it as possible?"

"Please do," Edward said. "We must know the limits of these weapons."

Kye nodded and began channeling mana. A white cloak of fiery mana engulfed both her and the weapon as the intensity rose dramatically. Everyone was surprised by the rapid increase of mana Kye was channeling. It was powerful enough that everyone cloaked themselves in mana to protect themselves from the pressure.

"A seven-year-old is capable of this much?" Edward struggled to speak. "Extraordinary."

"Indeed," Astraia said. "Her power is incredible, and it will only expand as she grows. We are truly blessed to have such amazing children born in our time."

Seeing Kye's display, Alethea also unleashed a powerful burst of mana and began channeling into the sword in tandem. Even under the pressure of both white mana users, the sword did not falter. The two grinned at each other as they dispersed their mana.

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