Ch6 The Royal Council, P1

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Chapter 6: The Royal Council (1)

After the battle was over, I was out of commission for the rest of the day. If Allison had shown up before I used Aether Drive, I would not have gone so far. But since I did, I had to rest the rest of the day and night afterward. The next morning, I woke up very sore. Everything felt painful. Considering the extremes I went to in battle, I could hardly be surprised. We didn't have a single casualty, so it was worth it.

I did learn that Allison, despite being so powerful, would have struggled just as much against the same foe. Aether is beyond difficult to control, so even Allison sticks to mana as much as possible, only resorting to aether as a last resort. I'm impressed with how far ahead my guardians are in output and mana control, so learning how much trouble even the most skilled people in this world have with aether was a shock. Since I had to rest and was bored anyway, I gave it some thought the rest of the day to try to figure out how to improve them. The result I came up with is that there must be something fundamental missing.


"Aliana, I am going to the food court right now and getting something tasty." Kye stared Aliana down with the most determined of eyes.

Aliana nodded. "I understand, Princess."

"As such, I will not hear any nays! We are going right now and that's that!"

"I understand, Princess."

"You can save your arguments for an- Wait, you understand? No arguments?" She lost her poker face. Kye had practiced with Liliana for an hour to get her lines right, but Aliana was giving in without a fight, leaving Kye surprised.

"You have more than earned it, Princess. Your performance yesterday was incredible and you deserve a reward."

Kye was thrown off so much that she didn't know how to feel. With a blank expression, she walked over to the door separating her and Alethea's suites. As she reached to open it, she winced in pain. "Huh?" She reeled her hand back and looked at it as if trying to read a line of text on a document.

"Princess?" Aliana rushed over, but was confused. "Is something the matter?"

What was that?

Kye shook her head, "No, I'm fine," and went through the door. She waved at Eliana as she passed through and barged into Alethea's room. Alethea was in the middle of changing clothes and shrieked. Kye stood there and watched silently as her lover quickly dressed herself in embarrassment.


Kye smirked as Alethea walked over. "That was nice. Your boobs are bigger."

"What?" Alethea examined herself, forgetting the embarrassment. "Are they?"

"Heh. They're quite nice..."

"You're such a perv."

"HEY! I am not!" Kye said, but then she suddenly smirked.


Kye quickly spun around behind Alethea, reached around, and grabbed two handfuls.


"They're definitely bigger!"


Kye released her, spun her around, and kissed her.

Alethea blushed and stepped back. "Meanie."

Kye gave her a warm smile. "I love you."

Alethea smiled back. "So, what's up? You doing something fun?"

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