Ch13: Year 5 Begins, P4

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Chapter 13: Year 5 Begins, P4

"Very well." Kye had just finished discussing with Allison the classes they set her to teach. "I approve. I would also request that you take up an instructor position in the Royal University as well, if you are not disinclined to instructing instructors."

"You want me to spread my experience to the veteran instructors so that they have more to rely on than the documents I've written up? Though I did run a seminar to catch them up, I agree it would be a good idea to teach them long-term to ensure both they and the students get optimal results."

"I'm glad you're on board." Allison smiled upon hearing Kye's acceptance. "I shall discuss this with the dean and will get back to you. I assume you have no issue with it being a night course?"

Outside the door, one Elliot Greyson was frozen in place while listening to the conversation with his hand ready to knock on the door. Layla and James rounded the corner and noticed Elliot standing there. From their perspective, he was about to knock, so it didn't seem like a suspicious scene.

"Instructor Elliot!" James hollered as they approached. Elliot quickly snapped out of it and turned to his colleagues. "Are you waiting to meet with Allison?"

"I am, yes, but it is not urgent. If you need to visit her, I don't mind waiting."

"It's fine, we can wait our turn." Layla gave him a fake smile.

Kye overheard them speaking outside and opened the door. "Sorry, for the wait! We've finished up."

"Ah, Miss... Instructor Kye. My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt your meeting." For a split second, Kye noticed the anger on his face. "I do not mind waiting my turn."

"Are you feeling okay, Instructor Elliot?" Now's as good a time as any to do this. "You seem flustered."

Layla approached. "Actually, now that she's mentioned it, you do look as though something's bothering you. If it's okay, we don't mind listening."


"Please speak your mind, Instructor Elliot," Kye said. "We'll do our best to assist!"

Elliot sighed and just said it. "I find it unacceptable that a student is serving as an instructor."

"Oh... I see..." Kye faked a half-sad, half-worried expression.

"I understand your concern, Instructor Elliot," James said, taking the lead. Having a student serve as an instructor was unheard of. "It is quite unusual and not an exception made lightly. She has considerable expertise that the royal council has deemed an invaluable asset. She is quite the prodigy. Her wives, too. They're teaching starting next year."

Layla, James, and Allison knew very well of Kye's abilities, but Elliot had limited information. He could only go by what was in the official reports. "It's... it would have done no harm to wait a few short years for her to graduate and receive proper training in the University. She does not have the training to properly instruct students!"

"That is a valid point, but we-"

"While she has undergone some private training, you are correct," Layla said. "She has not received formal training to be an instructor, but we have confirmed that it is unnecessary to-"

"That's bullshit! She's just a twenty-one-year-old child! She's teaching students older than herself!"

"But you know that's not true. Surely he's told you about me," Kye said. Elliot froze, not knowing how to respond. He knew what she meant.

"He who?" James asked.

"Shiro Shikigami, of course." Kye stared into Elliot's eyes. "Or as Elliot here would know him... Lord Phantom."

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