Ch12: Radiance, P12

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Chapter 12: Radiance, P12

Loading System Operator controls... complete."

The screen changed significantly. Kye quickly navigated the panel and found the settings for the spell and skill archives. Spell Archive was listed as enabled, but Skill Archive was disabled.

"The skill archive is disabled? I thought it was enabled."

Alfia stood up and looked over Kye's shoulder. Her eyes widened when she read the screen. "What? It is supposed to be on. How did it get turned off?"

"Hmm... I'll use this with system assistance..." Kye formed a katana out of her aethersteel bracelet. "<<Seiken>>." Her blade glowed with light aether. "No change to the blade itself."

"But when you've used that before, the blade glowed and had runes all over it."

"On that note," Adele said. "Eli, do you even use the system?"

Without a hint of hesitation, she answered, "No. I don't. I do everything manually, which is why the blade glowed and had runes every other time you've seen me use Seiken. I used it manually."

"But just now was with the system?"

She flipped the switch for the Skill Archive and the system voice spoke, "Enable Skill Archive? This requires three Operators to revert once completed. Yes or No." Kye confirmed it. "Command accepted. Enabling Skill Archive... complete. Examining Spell Archive entries for skill placeholders... complete. Moving skills from Spell Archive to Skill Archive... complete."

Kye used Seiken again. The blade itself began glowing a bright gold with runes across either side. "That's one problem fixed."

"I don't know what to say," Zen said. "...this is revolutionary."

"Indeed," Astarte said. "This will change the world."

"There are a few other things that we can change, but considering the general populace, I'll hold off. It is likely better to integrate one thing at a time."

"I agree. Skills alone will upend things quite a bit."

"Yes. You should be able to browse the Skill Archive properly now. Take a look sometime."

Astarte nodded.

"We'll discuss this in the next council meeting," Zen said.

Kye closed the system screen and began typing on her NeuraPhone. She sent a message to Layla, James, and Allison about what she'd done. "Speaking of the council, what of the instructor topic?"

"You will not become an instructor this year."

"The reason?"

"Your pregnancy. No other reason."

"I see. That would have no impact, however. I disagree."

"Then we'll discuss that in the next meeting."


A few weeks earlier, after Kye's battle on Atlas, Shiro met with his subordinates in the purple and black mansion overlooking the sea of purple.

"HOW DID SHE SURVIVE?!" Shiro was angry. Not only did the target survive, but an S+ Class beast was killed. He took a deep breath and let it out. "It seems I have to approach this another way. That she was able to survive is ridiculous enough, but she single-handedly killed it?! How was she able to wield that much power in an eighteen-year-old body? It's unthinkable! Elliot, have you reviewed the fight?"

"Yes, my lord."

"What did she do?"

"Before the fight began, she activated Aether Drive and uttered the word 'Awaken'. Her power increased dramatically with the Awaken spell. During the fight, she casted the ultimate-tier spells Detonation and Kami Ikazuchi, the epic-tier spell Seiken, as well as an unknown spell called Light Nova."

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