Ch3 Reunion, P3

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Chapter 3: Reunion (3)

A short while later, Kye and Alethea were sitting at a table together, each drinking some freshly brewed tea. Liliana and Aliana stood behind Kye, and Layla and Astraia sat to the side talking to each other, trying to figure out why the two girls were insistent on having an impromptu tea party.

"My apologies for virtually demanding this," Kye said as she placed her cup on its saucer. "I.."

"I wanted the same, but I was not brave enough on my own to ask this of you."

Kye nodded and began channeling white aether, warping it into a cube shape around the two. "Mother, Astraia, please do not try to intervene. This conversation must be for our ears only." The barrier closed, but remained somewhat transluscent so that their guardians could still see them. Alethea shook her head at Astraia, silently telling her the same thing.

Alethea eyed Kye and started. "We both seek answers, but I wonder how similar our questions are."

"I suspect there may be some similarities."

The pink-haired girl nodded. "I confess, when I first saw you I felt a strange familiarity. Then, I saw that pendant with my name on it."

Kye smiled. She had her answer. "Your name, huh?"

"I expect it's no coincidence that you know of that name." The two had locked each other's eyes, neither daring to look away. "You are immortal. This is not your first life, likely far from it. You knew me in a past life, perhaps even my first life. So then, what other names have you known me by?"

Kye gave her a confident look. "Many. Your true name, the one etched into your very soul, is Maya. I confess, there are some things I don't remember. I know my name, my rank, my power, and my involvement in the system, but nothing more." A tear rolled down Kye's face. "It's been a while since our last life together. Have you figured out my name?"

"I dare not get my hopes up." Alethea finally looked down, breaking their eye contact. "I don't want to think you're her and be wrong."

Kye smiled warmly. "But you're not wrong."

Alethea looked up at her, but she didn't look happy. "Don't get my hopes up!"

Kye pulled up the system menu and navigated to her profile. Then, she opened a text prompt and put in a short command. The profile changed and revealed her true name for everyone in the room to see. It read, "Elysia Athas", and included her current name as an alias. Alethea's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "I've missed you, love."

In a flurry of flying fingers, Alethea quickly did the same and removed the censoring on her own profile. It read, "Maya Athas", and included her current name as an alias as well.

When they realized that everyone else in the room could see, they slowly craned their necked around and saw a very surprised pair of guardians. Astraia regained her composure quickly and gestured at the two to come out from the barrier. The two smiled hesitantly, but lowered the barrier.

"So, you two not only know each other, but you have the same surname. Would you mind explaining this?"

"Heh..." Alethea poked her index fingers together and pleaded with Kye with her eyes.

Kye smiled and just blurted it out. "Would you believe we're starcrossed lovers who have shared many past lives together over many billions of years?"

Alethea smiled with wide-eyes, shocked at how easily Kye spilled the secret. Astraia glanced at Alethea, seeking confirmation, and the pink-haired girl nodded.

"I... do not recognize the surname," Kye said with a curious glance. "I believe it's from my first life, but I don't remember it." She eyed Alethea. "You've said you don't either. I wish somebody did. Eve won't tell me."

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