Ch13: Year 5 Begins, P6

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Chapter 13: Year 5 Begins, P6

"You saved me," Shiori said. Sayaka had teleported them away from the palace into an empty building. "And with such a grandiose display of power.

Sayaka was looking out of the window. "After all you've done for the people, I couldn't just let you die. That monster is not the Shiro we knew as children."

Bells started ringing, and the guards started running about. The two could hear them shouting about traitors.

"We need to leave Yamato for now," Sayaka said. She prepared to cast a teleportation spell, but Shiori grabbed her hand.

"Sayaka," she said with tears in her eyes, "does the name 'Maya' mean anything to you?"

The brown-haired woman's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

Shiori smiled. "You have your memories. You awakened Kaede back there."

"You know her name, too?"

Shiori nodded. "We need to go get my sister. She's Azalea."

Sayaka's eyes widened again. "Eli?"

"I missed you, love."


"Those people..." Tears streamed from Elliot's eyes.

"Do you understand now?"

"That was undeniably my lord. But... how could he? He has only ever preached justice... that he did nothing but care for the masses! That you are a danger to everyone!"

"Now you know what he was like then, and what he's done in this life," Alethea said. "You saw how he tried to kill the very woman who sought to save the people. I had hoped even at the very end that he would prove himself, yet instead of commending her... he condemned her. After that, we fought a long war that ultimately ended in Shiori killing Shiro. The world healed after that. The starving people were given relief and a proper civilization was born. We worked tirelessly to ensure the people wanted for nothing, but even we were not without faults."

"Yes," Kye continued. "I..." She sighed. "Suffice it to say that we created a monster of our own, lost our lives to stop it, and now have the opportunity to make good on that mistake."

"Do you see the difference between him and us? He has created monsters in this world while we are seeking the opposite."

Elliot looked away. "I... need time to think. This is a lot to take in. My lord... he's..."

"Take all the time you need, Elliot. However, you shall be confined to the academy and monitored at all times. Is that acceptable?

"I accept."

Kye nodded. "Very well. Continue your duties here as normal. You had business with Allison?"

"I did, yes."

Kye stood up and left with Alethea and their attendants. Outside, she asked, "What do you think?"

"I feel like we just destroyed a man's world view."


"Hopefully he makes the right choice. Mother will execute him for treason if he chooses wrong. I don't want anyone to die because of Shiro."

"Yeah." Kye sighed. "I don't either."

"Princess, you have an invitation for lunch," Liliana said. "From Adele. She is eating at the food court soon with Michelle and their siblings."

Kye smiled and exchanged glances with Alethea. They nodded and the group of four headed to the food court.


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