Ch15: The Sword Saint, P1

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Chapter 15: The Sword Saint, P1

A full-size hologram of Kye stood before the class. "Hey, it's working!"

"Instructor Kye? What's going on? Why are you doing... that?" asked Colton.

Kye scratched the back of her head. "Uh... well... TLDR I'm somewhere doing something classified, but this seems to work, so I can make time for my duties as an instructor."

"May we still contact you outside of school hours?" Louise asked. She was one of the few who could create an aethersteel weapon and enjoyed talking shop with Kye.

"Oh, of course. Don't forget that I'm your classmate too! You guys can talk to me anytime, I just may be busy sometimes and not respond right away."

Louise nodded. "I understand."

Kye smiled and turned to Alethea. "Would you mind using a smaller amount of mana to start with?" Alethea nodded, and Kye turned back to the class. "I want to see how well you guys do here. Alethea will use an amount of mana and all of you will attempt to measure it. You'll step up one at a time and enter your estimate via NeuraPhone." Kye gestured to Alethea and began calling names, going alphabetically. "Skipping myself and Alethea, Colton is first!"

Colton stood up and made his way to the front of the classroom. Alethea began channeling mana, and Colton measured it as best he could. He entered 3500. That was below the 4500 she was channeling.

"Accuracy: 77%," Kye announced. "Next is Jesse Bell."

Colton returned to his seat, and Jesse took his place. They repeated the process, and Jesse answered 2700. Alethea was channeling 2950.

"Accuracy: 91.5%. Next is Jordan Bell."

Jordan traded places with her brother and took the test. She submitted 6950, and Alethea channeled 6450.

"Accuracy: 92.8%. Next is Louise Chevalier."

Louise nodded and nervously stepped forward. The bar is high now, but I can beat it! Alethea began channeling at 13775, and Louise submitted her answer at 13750.

"Accuracy: 99.8%. That's gonna be really hard to beat. Marcel Linderoth." He stepped forward and took the test. "Accuracy: 83.2%." After everyone finished the test, Kye displayed the results at the front of the class on a hologram.

Kye Akari - Exempt

Alethea Atlantis - Exempt

Colton Becker - 77%

Jesse Bell - 91.5%

Jordan Bell - 92.8%

Louise Chevalier - 99.8%

Marcel Linderoth - 83.2%

Dominik Lundin - 86.5%

Alaira Marshall - 96.4%

Danielle Maya - 99.9%

Adele Maya - 100%

Elizabeth Maya - 100%

Michael Maya - 98.2%

Michelle Maya - 100%

Luka Romanov - 94.6%

Isabel Strauss - 98.9%

Rika Tachibana - 99.1%

Julia Valza - 83.3%

Aliana Venturi - 100%

Liliana Venturi - 100%

Valterri Iilvari Virtanen - 89.4%

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