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"In your dreams, Potter

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"In your dreams, Potter."

"I hate to see all of you go. I had a lot of fun. I didn't realize how lonely being an only child is around here until you all visited." I smiled at them and watched as the boys all mounted their broomsticks and got ready to take off. "I can agree to that." Hermione pitched in. Hermione was the only one staying behind for a couple hours, and I promised her that I would fly her back to the Weasley's later this afternoon so she could avoid her own fear of flying since her parents had dropped her off yesterday.

"Don't worry, sissy," Fred smiled widely while he adjusted his sweater, "you'll see us soon. There's no way I can stay away from those sandwiches from your mother for too long." He laughed and George nodded in agreement.

"We'll be back, Ruby Duby. You just better hope it's not as soon as this afternoon." George chuckled, and the two took off without another word to see who could get back to the Burrow the quickest.

"You sure you can't go to the quidditch match tomorrow?" Harry kicked his foot at one of my white trainers to get my attention, and I let out a scoff when I saw the slight scuff he had put on the front of them. "Oops." He chuckled when he noticed the mark as well.

"Harry!" I scolded, licking my thumb and trying to wipe the dirt away from the rubber.

"Yeah, sis. You're going to miss all the excitement." Ron frowned. "I'm sure dad can try to get you a ticket. Although, I think it was hard enough for him to get 7 as it is. This is the biggest event of the year— Britain hasn't hosted the Cup in at least 30 years. We just assumed Dan was going to take you." He said with guilt in his voice. I gave him a reassuring smile and brushed the whole thing off. The last thing I wanted was for any of them to pity me.

"Well, they've got dad on security the entire time— big Auror duties I suppose, and he didn't really want to dump me off on another family if he didn't have to." I explained and picked at a random string that was hanging on the short sleeve of my white t-shirt. "Mum and I are just gonna go shopping or something to keep busy. You know, get into some Muggle things." I laughed and scratched the back of my neck. Harry and Ron both gave me a sad smile and Hermione let out a sigh.

"Well, I'm just glad Ginny is going. If I was left with you Weasley boys plus Harry, I think I'd let the professional beaters mistake me for a bludger." Hermione muttered while she raised her brows once. Ron mocked her insults and Harry kept his disappointed attention on me.

"But it'll help us so much. Think of all the new skills you could learn for this season. You'd be watching the professional chasers." Harry argued, and I gave him as convincing of a shrug as I could manage.

"Not much I can do about it. I'd rather not sit here and sulk over it, either. It'll just make me feel bad." I tried to brush the conversation off once again. "You can tell me all about it the next time I see you. I'm sure you'll have lots of good stories and tricks to share." I smiled weakly and tried to convince them that I didn't care. Honestly, the entire thing was eating me alive deep down in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea that the lot of them were going until George had brought it up at breakfast this morning. Originally, I wasn't as upset to miss the biggest match of the year when I thought my friends were missing it as well— selfish, I know. Now, I could only feel jealousy towards them. Harry gave Ron a swift look out of the corner of his eyes before the redhead cleared his throat.

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