~I can~

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I know its sometimes difficult wjen you are going through a hard time to try and think of a moment where you will be better, so I wanted to write this to show that its possible to get over it even though it will take a long time

I can do it
Im finally able to look in a mirror
able to maintain eye contact
with the person I have become
i remember all the times i cried
locked in that dark place
where there was no light
nor hope nor smiles
just numbness and pain
just a need to dissapear
but that feelings has been replaced
slowly fading in strenght
im still unable to say i love myself
but i can say im somehow proud
of the person i have grown to become
of the person i hope to be
even though i still have a long way to run
at least i cant stop to rest and say
i have reached a good place

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