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So this one I feel is my most personal up til' now, cause it depicts how I really see myself and yeah just wanted to share it....
Know that you guys can talk to me if anything is wrongg<3

Shes looking at me
her eyes seem as dull as ever
her smile finally going off her face
whats the point in fooling herself?
she manages to look at her face
her frown slowly returning
is there anything to love in there?
her hair falls in her shoulders
a dark colour that makes it depressing
ugly and bad shaped
her pale skin shines in the light
making her seem more dead than alive
but thats how she truly feels
her body screaming fat and uneven
her face screaming broken
her eyes have cried a whole shed of tears
that have been hidden down for years
her lips have faked the most smiles
that have fooled all around her
i can see her as she is
but will anyone ever love her?
the broken version of a happy girl
thats too scared to continue
and too weak to open up
i finally stop looking at the mirror
fake another smile
and answer the usual question with
'i am okay'
i remind myself
going painfully through the day
as my soul keeps bleeding
and my lips keep smiling

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