~There was a time~

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There was a time
when there was a little girl
she was always smiling
spent her day drraming
she saw the good in everyone
she could even see stars
in the darkest of eyes
she was always smiling
shouting and euphoric
she was far too happy
for a world like the one we are in
people liked her smile
so much that they even took it
they liked so much her dreams
that they destroyed them
she kept hoping
still smiling and dreaming
but even her friends failed her
she was left alone
to suffer silently
an angel with broken wings
she felt useless
how could she ever help anybody
when she couldnt even heal herself?
she cried and begged
asking why she had to suffer
the once happy image was broken
into small pieces that she used
to tear her skin open
trying to silence her pain
but with no use
why did she even care?
i remember that girl
i can still feel her
when im crying and gasping for air
i see her image
smiling and waiting for me
to let god finally take me

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