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So this one is kinda lomg but just wanted to talk a bit about what this word means to me

I guess the word family brings a sense of comfort to most people, it doesnt have to be due to the fact that you are blood related; many people have had problems with their families but have found their home in the form of their friends. At least thats what people say right? Your home is where the heart wants to be.
Thats how its always been for me, my parents for me are the most supportive people you can find in the whole world. They have always been there, able to keep me from falling into deep despair or some sort of depression, always there to keep me on float. Whenever I would feel like the boat is taking away, not strong enough to be able to take face to face the tide, they would be there for me like an anchor, keeping me from sailing away.
They also give me a way of belonging, as if whatever happens I know that they've got my back. Its a feeling that actually freshens me, makes me able to face situations with ease and calmness, with a sort of focused mind knowing whatever happens they'll be there. I know many times they will not approve of my actions or of my decisions, but that doesn't mean they wont support me, that doesnt have to mean they will stop being my anchor and keeping me from going into the deep ocean. I feel like thanks to them, I am who I am today, I am a more or less woman who loves listening to music, whos passionate about many things including psychiatry and books, and who loves her family so much.
They made me who I am today. My mum always goes around listening to other mothers say how good their children are, and how proud they are; and then she comes to pick me up at school and tells me with some sort of pride that she thinks Im also really good, but she doesnt like to show off. I feel really happy when this happens. Many people tell me Im a really good mannered child, with good values and a great heart--too good sometimes according to my mother-- but they dont see that under all that its the hard work of my parents. Its like going to a painting and saying "oh its beautiful" and crediting the artist, but the artist had an inspiration, a sort of purpose, thats what my parents are for me. A painting cant be beautiful and an artist cant be talented without a purpose or an interest, something to keep them going and to make them create the work of art, to make them elaborate it. They made me and formed me, I am who I am thanks to their education, their values, their dedication and their undying love.

I have gone through a lot these past months, I have felt lonely a lot and I felt as if I had fallen into a hole and the walls were closing more and more, leaving me no escape. They were the saviours that came to help me, the ones that threw a rope and me and got me out of the hole, and helped me get over the trauma of ever falling again. Its thanks to them Im here now, being able to express my feelings.
I know Im still not better and I know I may never be, but at least I got them as my support.

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