~Took it away~

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they took it away from me
my only way out
the only thing that helped me
im suffocating
but they dont care
as long as they see my smiles
even though they are all fake
even though i havent got an ounce of energy left
im drowning
before i could at least come to the surface
breathe momentarily
to go back again
but now there isnt any light
no way to the surface
no way out of this pain
they took it away from me
i cant shut my thought anymore
it gets better they say
because they havent been there
havent suffered
havent gone through all the pain
i cant take it anymore
i need to cut again
but they took it away from me
its supposed to help me back to my old self again
but shes gone
she left long ago
when i was first broken
when i first cried
when i had my first panic attack
take me away please
as i cant heal myself anymore

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