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There are a lot of people that we find in life that are made to be just passengers in our train, people that we see and help us in some moments, they cheer us up and they make us smile. There are also the kind that give the strongest emotion, you are happy while it lasts and it destroys you when they leave. There is always that down side that doesnt help, the one that suddenly makes you realise that they will eventually keave, no matter what and no matter why. Thats all they are, passengers that get on the train and after a while leave.
People say that this is due to them having done what they were fated to do, I dont believe in this. I believe that its the way of life to help us remember that everything is temporary, that nothing lasts forever and that nothing will stay.
The realization of this is the worst part, and you never get used to goodbyes, not really, you can fake it doesnt affect you, that it doesnt bother you emotionally, but you are only doing that, faking. Deep down you realize it does affect you, that it never stops hurting.
Then, there are also people that stay always. The ones that get on the train and stay there till the trip ends, until the driver reaches their destination safely. These are the ones that may give you less drama, less strong emotions, and a sense of calmness that makes you smile, and makes you happier in life. You dont need to talk to understand them,  you can just be together and let your thoughts run.  The people you can talk with about anything adn everything from the most useless things to deep emotions.
These passengers are the ones that make the trip worth, however the temporary passengers are the ones that make it interesting and give you the highs and the lows. Thats what life is all about, balance, so we need both.

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