~Venting Machine~

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Wow so I never thought I would be doing this... this poem is a request by Shreyylevine Thank you for always supporting me and I hope this is okayy<3!

look in the mirror and fix yourself
smile at your broken reflection
"you are okay" you repeat
like a mantra in your head
even if you know you are lying to yourself
you go out again
into the world that keeps hurting you
fix others problems
make them smile
help then somehow 
cause you know you cant do that to yourself
will anyone ever fix my problems?
care enough to stay?
to not wait in the end
but hold my hand during the way?
once again i give my advice
listen to someone crying
asking me what to do
so i help them
give them another piece of my heart
even when there are none left
cause no one ever bothers to give it back

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