Introduction hehe

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I just wanted to introduce myself even though poetry is my way of communication I wanted to say somethings abt myself first.

So my name is Lucía and I started writing poems when I was quite young. It helped me let out some feelings I wasnt able to express in normal words, or I was just simply afraid to voice out.

I stopped writing for a while but then I started again when I entered a difficult part of my life, I was feeling quite depressed and I had strong panic attacks, so I started writing the things that I didn't wanna tell anyone.

I want my account or book to be a place where people can feel better and feel identified, and to try and let people know how it feels to be staring at the bottom of the cliff and see no bridge to the other side. If you ever need anything you can always write to me or express your feelings in the comments.

Thats all and I hope you like it,
Have a great day,
Love you all

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