Chapter 1

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Hello brethren! this is a requested story where instead of Felix moving to the Akuma class, Marinette will be moving instead.

Now in this story, it will be more diverse as in race and culture and whatnot will be mentioned more especially with the school that Marinette will be going to as its gonna be international. There will be a few jokes here and there (nothing major) so if you're not comfortable with such things then...yeah! (I am a POC btw)

The way that I will be writing the school system is will be like how schools are in the UK (because i'm not too sure how it works in France and quite frankly, i can't be bothered to study too much into it), so in this timeline, Marinette is in year 13 (sixth form). 

For anyone unfamiliar with what sixth form is, its the final two years of secondary education, ages 16 to 18, though some chose to go to a sixth form college rather than a school (in this case, Marinette will be moving to a sixth form school. You'll eventually see why for the sake of the plot).

Also, Marinette will have more asian features like her mother but you can still kinda tell that she's half white.

any other warning or things i may think you need to know will be mentioned at the beginning of each chapter.

Anywhoodles, Enjoy!


Marinette had just taken off the last of her bandages, wincing slightly as the cool air in her bedroom hit the nasty cut on her wrist.

"Damn it," she hissed, blinking back the tears and grabbing a fresh bandage to wrap around her wrist.

She'd gotten a pretty rough beating today. Worse than usual. Lila and her herd of sheep decided to take advantage of the fact that Chloe wasn't in today and cornered her after school and let her have it because she 'Stole Lila's designs that she was going to give to MDC and he was depending on her'

She's got quite a few scars and bruises from them since Lila came back actually. The worst people were Alya and Kim. Lila would take her shots when no one was looking or when no one was around. Other than that, others would just shove her or trip her. She's had food and beverages thrown at her, assignments destroyed and so much more.

She can very much heal herself with the new powers she has. However, if she went to classes without at least some kind of mark people would ask questions.

"Marinette," a small voice said, "you cannot allow this to keep on happening"

Marinette let out a sigh and turned to her kwami, "I know Tikki..."

"So why not do something about it?"

"You know I've tried Tikki, but no one but Chloe cares. The teachers do nothing. Neither does Adrien. Always rambling about 'take the high road' or 'she'll change just give it time'. Honestly Plagg, I have no clue how you out up with him for nearly four years!"

"Neither do I Bug. But Sugar cube is right. You gotta stop taking the crap that your class s giving you"

"And what do you suggest I do?" Marinette asked and she put the bandages back in her draw.

"You tell your parents about what's going on" Plagg started

"And move schools. Just like we discussed three months ago."

Marinette stiffened slightly. Telling her parents was going to be one heck of a rollercoaster. That she knows. Especially with her mother who would defiantly go on some sort of killing spree if she finds out what she's been going through for the past three years and 4 months. Then, her father would scold her endlessly for keeping this a secret. And maybe even join with the killing spree.

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