Chapter 8

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Marinette spoke too soon. Felix clearly didn't like her at all. She still has yet to get a proper reason out of him why he doesn't. if they do converse, they're having a quarrel of some sort. it's even worse in business class! It's only been a week and she feels exhausted. She still tried as much as she could to get along with the guy but she was losing her mind!

She had ranted to Kagami and Chloe almost every day about it. Both of their reactions were different. Chloe found it hilarious while kagami asked if she needed to come over and deal with him herself.

Marinette sighed as she got herself some pat milk from the fridge to use for her hot chocolate. When she closed the fridge door, she turned and let out a shriek.

"Could you not be so loud?" Said Felix with a screwed face.

"You scared me! Why are you just standing behind me like that?!" She didn't even hear any footsteps coming from behind! Her ladybug-senses decided not to be active at that point.

"I was obviously waiting for you to get whatever it is that you needed from the fridge. Can you move?"

Marinette bristled, "at least make me aware of you're presence then!"

"Not my problem if you didn't hear me now is it? Perhaps you should get your ears checked,"

"You little-"

"It's been a week and you're already arguing like some married couple,"

Marinette and Felix turned and glared at Claude.

Claude just laughed at their reaction, "alright, alright! could've fooled me,"

Marinette just grumbled, not bothering to respond and went towards the kettle which had just finished boiling.

"Whatcha making? " Claude asked, peering over the girl's shoulder.

"Hot chocolate. I deserve it after the long day I've had. I can make you some if you like," 

"I knew I liked you for a reason shortcake! Lots of whipped cream for me please,"

Marinette playfully rolled her eyes and grabbed another mug from the cupboard.

"I will never understand the appeal for such a childish drink," Felix muttered loud enough for the other two to hear.

"Aw, you're such a hater Felix,"

"Yeah, you're such a hater Felix," Marinette parroted but with more mock and spite in her tone which made the blonde's brow twitch.

"The only other hot drink you enjoy besides coffee is green tea. Sugarless even! Boring much?" Said Marinette with a smirk.

"So? It benefits me more than a sugar-filled drink like that,"

"It's better than what you like," Marinette shot back, "Hot chocolate, especially mine, is one of the best drinks to exist!"

"Tch. Liar."

Something flashed in Marinette's blue eyes and her smirk dropped so quickly in a way that shocked the two boys a little. It looked like she was...hurt? For a split moment before she had a bright smile on her face.

"Here you go Claude. Marinette's hot chocolate with extra whipped cream like you asked,"

Claude gave her a wary smile. The way her emotions changed so fast like that was so off to him.

"Thank you shortcake," He took the mug, took a sip of the beverage, and hummed in delight, "it's really good. Just as I expected,"

"Thanks Claude. Anyways, I've got some work to, yeah! Bye!"

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