Chapter 27

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Lila stood in a dimly lit room, her phone illuminated her face as she communicated with Hawkmoth. Her patience was wearing thin, and she still couldn't understand why Hawkmoth was so fixated on akumatizing Marinette.

"Hawkmoth, can we talk about this obsession with Marinette again? Why do you want her so badly?" the irritation was evident in her tone.

On the other end of the line, Hawkmoth's deep voice responded, annoyance clear in his tone.

"I've explained this to you before, Lila. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the key to ultimate power. Her constant rejections make her the perfect candidate for my strongest akuma. Once I convince her to embrace negativity, there will be no stopping us."

Lila sighed in frustration, her eyes narrowing.

"But can't you just let me defeat the heroes with more power? Why go after Marinette repeatedly?"

Hawkmoth's voice turned cold and stern.

"Lila, you've had multiple opportunities to take out Ladybug and Chat Noir, and you've failed every time. Know your place. You said you could get the task done and assist in getting Marinette akumatized, but it's been two years, and I'm losing patience. Remember what's at stake here. If you continue to disappoint me, you won't get your wish once I possess the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous,"

Lila felt a wave of panic wash over her. She needed that wish more than anything, but Hawkmoth's threat hung heavily in the air.

"No, Hawkmoth, I'll get it done. I just need more time. Marinette doesn't even attend DuPont anymore, so it's become more challenging." Lila responded hastily.

"Fine, Lila, but time is running out. I expect results soon."

With that, the call ended, leaving Lila with a daunting task and a growing sense of urgency to fulfil her promise to Hawkmoth, no matter what it took.

In hawmoth's lair...

Hawkmoth paced restlessly around his lair, his frustration evident in the deep frown etched on his face. Mayura watched silently, her blue eyes fixed on her mentor as he muttered to himself.

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