Chapter 15

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Plagg. The black cat kwami of Destruction who hasn't had a holder for about two years now. As much as he's happy to be with marinette and around Tikki more often, he still misses having his own holder, or better, a chosen one. It's been centuries since he's had a Chosen. In fact, it's been a long time since any of the kwamii have had a chosen. Tikki, Pollen and Longg have their chosen ones which shocked them a little. Chosens are quite rare no matter how great a person is as a miraculous holder. It's even rarer to have more than two chosens within the same generation.

He really did think that Adrien Agreste was his chosen. That was until a few years ago. The bond they had just fell and even if their relationship was still good, Adrien wasn't a chosen one anyway. Now that he thinks about it, he was only put with Adrien by chance. Master Fu could've met anyone on the street who showed him some kind of kindness. It is only that with Nooroo being in the wrong hands at the moment, master fu had to choose someone and fast. He really lucked out with Marinette. Who would've thought that she'd be a Chosen along with being the guardian at the same time?

It's a shame that it wasn't the case for Adrien. But he doesn't miss the kid. he's in better hands with the Guardian now.


"I had a feeling when I met her. I wasn't too sure but there was just something about marinette that felt... right? Then one day when I was healing her, I felt it. She glowed brightly as I touched her forehead. I let go after a few seconds when I noticed. I didn't want to get too excited. Then on her 16th, she got her chosen mark on her thigh and her extra powers. I explained this to her beforehand of course. But I went off of feeling at the beginning before seeing the signs,"

Tikki flew towards the plate of cookies on took one before she continued, "She'd feel very tired in freezing environments, her hearing was enhanced, and her strength and speed in and out of the suit was too. When I saw those, my suspicions were confirmed. Now we're bonded,"

"Since you have a Chosen, that means I should get one pretty soon then,"

"Of course. If you feel like you come across someone who is fit for the role, go with it. Just make sure you're completely sure. We don't want another Adrien incident. And you must let Mari know too,"


Plagg looked down at the sleeping person he was hovering over before flying back to Marinette's room. He smiled to himself.

'Go with your feeling,'


It is the weekend and Marinette has finally finished the dress for Felix's mother. She took a step back and admired her masterpiece.

"What do you guys think?" Marinette asked.

"It's perfect! As always," said Tikki, "She'll love it,"

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"It's perfect! As always," said Tikki, "She'll love it,"

"I can't wait to see her wear it. Now all I need to do is take it to Felix's house,"

"Today?" Plagg asked.

"Yep," Marinette replied as she began to carefully take the dress off the adjustoform so she could fold it and pack it, "Felix said the sooner I get it to him, the better. I told him that I'd probably be done this weekend and he said that if I am I can drop it off at his place since he'll be free and at home,"

"Well that explains why you didn't just go home yesterday," said Plagg

"Yeah. It'll be cheaper to get an Uber from here rather than from the bakery. And quicker. I'll order one now while I prepare,"

It didn't take marinette long to pack to dress away neatly in a bag. She would have packed it in a gift box but she wanted to show Felix the dress first and she's pack it properly afterwards. Once she's done that, she decided to freshen herself up before making her way.

She put on a pair of bubble gum pink military cargo pants and a short sleeve turtleneck crop top. She put her hair up in a messy bun, leaving a few strands of hair loose. She got her purse and Tikki and plagg had already flown in.

"The Uber is here. Just on time too,"

Marinette made sure she had what she needed and exited the building. She greeted the Uber driver and made sure that she was being taken to the right address. As the driver took off, she messaged Felix to let him know that she was on the way to his house.

14 minutes later

"Is this the place?" The driver asked.

"Huh?" Marinette had been playing on her phone so she wasn't really paying attention.

She looked ahead and her eyes widened. She couldn't see the whole place but from what she could see from behind the large fence, this place was much bigger than Adrien's. There were even two guards on each end of the fence. One of them made their way over to the car.

"May I help you?" He asked. Marinette noticed his name tag. 'Jace'

"I'm just dropping off this you lady," the Uber driver replied.

Jace looked at marinette, "And you are here for?"

"Uh, I'm here to see Felix. I'm one of his... friends,"

Jace quirked a brow, "as far as I am aware the master Felix has only three,"

"Oh, I haven't been friends with him as long as the others. I joined the school almost three months ago. I'm mainly here to drop something off. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,"

"Hm. Alright then. Daniel, open the gate," Jace told the other guard as he went back to his post.

Marinette stared at the place around her as they drove through. The garden was beautiful with all kinds of flowers. She noticed there were mainly tulips. The grass was very green and was clearly being looked after as well as the flowers. There were a few garden ornaments dotted around the place along with animal-shaped bushes.

The estate building was huge. Bigger than she expected.

'Well, he is a billionaire's son after all,' Marinette mused. She forgets how rich Felix is sometimes.

Marinette had to look into Amelie Graham De Vanily so she could get a picture of her in order to visualise how her dress would look on her. Being the nosy person she is she looked into the family a bit. She is a popular Aristocrat who acts and she was married to a billionaire, Colt Fathom who died 5 years ago. Seeing Amelie also made sense why Felix and Adrien looked alike. Because Amelie was Emelie Agreste's identical twin sister. There wasn't as much information on Felix that you could find the way you could on Adrien though. 

They finally arrived at the front of the estate and marinette thanked the driver once she got out. She walked up the steps and rang the doorbell on the large oak double doors.

She waited for the door to open. She hoped he was actually home. But she's sure that Jace would have said something if he wasn't. She was about to knock again when she heard a loud cry.

"Was that a baby?" Marinette wondered to herself

Another minute went by and the door finally opened. There stood Felix. The first thing Marinette noticed was the crying baby in Felix's arms.

The next thing she noticed was the state he was in. He was wearing a shirt with two undone buttons and rolled-up sleeves. He was wearing jeans, which was a slight shock to her, and his hair was not as neat as it usually is. He looked... really good.

'What the heck is wrong with you Mari!' She berated herself internally.

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