Chapter 31

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Marinette was pulled from her dreams by the shrill sound of the akuma alarm. In a heartbeat, she was wide awake. Her room was bathed in the eerie, pulsating red light of the emergency alert. Without hesitation, she sprang from her bed, dashed to her window, and flung it open. Her transformation was swift, and in an instant, Ladybug stood ready for action.

As she swung out of her window and into the cool Parisian night, she realized she wasn't the only one responding to the akuma alert. Just as she landed gracefully on the rooftop, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. It was Garra de Rey.

Ladybug couldn't help but smile with pride. His quick intuition and dedication to their duties were evident. He had transformed and arrived at the scene almost simultaneously with her.

"Looks like we had the same idea," Garra de Rey smirked.

Ladybug offers him a proud smile, her admiration evident, "Quick intuition. You're adapting to this hero gig pretty fast. Just what I like to see,"

"Thanks, Spots. I've been looking forward to this moment. Though I'd probably prefer if it wasn't in the middle of the night but hey-ho,"

Ladybug chuckled, "Welcome to the life of a hero where you can be called upon at the least expected moment. Let's go find that Akuma. Hopefully, Ryuko and Honey Bee are active right now too,"

Ladybug and Garra de Rey follow the eerie glow in the night sky, their search leading them to a scene of chaos. A massive bionic figure, nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, looms over the city, casting an ominous shadow. People passing by have been turned into robotic minions, their faces devoid of emotion, their movements mechanical.

Quite a lot of damage had already been done and people were having to evacuate buildings and homes to avoid being crushed. The fire department was also present, doing their best to get people out of buildings and try and help those that were stuck.

"This is bad. We need to stop that akuma before it does any more damage,"

"Agreed. I'll go in first and try to immobilize it. Or at least catch its attention," said Garra de Rey.

Garra de Rey takes a deep breath and unleashes his green fire magic, creating a concentrated beam of energy aimed at the akuma's arm, preventing it from ripping another building from the ground. The attack catches the colossal figure's attention.

The akuma turned around and looked down with it's glowing yellow eyes and his robotic voice boomed, "You dare challenge me, heroes?"

The akuma's eyes glow menacingly as it steps forward, towering over them. It's a daunting sight, but Ladybug and Garra de Rey stand their ground.

"Of course! We won't let you harm Paris any further!" said Ladybug.

"I am Techno, and I seek revenge. The damned tech company I worked for stole my inventions and fired me. Now, I'll show them and the world what I'm capable of! I will also be retrieving your miraculouses!"

Suddenly, one of Techno's robotic arms transformed into a rocket blaster, its ominous hum filling the air. It aimed menacingly at the city below. Ladybug and Garra de Rey exchange a glance, knowing that they must act quickly.

"We can't let him fire that thing, Claws," Ladybug said as she swung onto of a restaurant bulding. Techno roared in frustration as Ladybug's yoyo held firm, anchoring it in place.

Garra de Rey acted swiftly, utilizing his remarkable speed and agility. In a blur of green fire, he maneuvered himself into position, delivering a powerful kick to the akuma's robotic arm sending it upwards. The rocket blaster fired wildly into the sky, exploding harmlessly away from the city. The akuma's plans are foiled, but it's far from defeated.

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